The periodicity of scheduling

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Mon Aug 1 13:58:38 UTC 2016

Hello Kuan-Hsun,

it would be interesting to know the behaviour of the Linux EDF scheduler 
in this case.

On 01/08/16 15:49, Kuan Hsun Chen wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have used rate_monotonic function series to do some cycle-accuracy 
> emulation quite a long time. I believe that some missing features of 
> scheduling are essentially required. As I'm not aware of any 
> discussion about this before, please correct me if I misunderstand.
> If I understand correctly, the current implementation of 
> rtems_rate_monotonic_period() is explicitly assumed the implicit 
> deadline or constraint deadline model that the task deadline is always 
> less than or equal to the period deadline. If 
> rtems_rate_monotonic_period() is called, it is the moment that either 
> the task is finished on time or earlier than its period (or inactivate 
> as the first call). If a task misses its period, the watchdog will 
> mark the period as RATE_MONOTONIC_EXPIRED and update the deadline of 
> watchdog.
> However, the behavior is not correct currently. From my point of view, 
> the periodic task should always release its workload on time, even it 
> misses its deadline. If there are already two expired periods, the 
> task should have two more remaining instances workload to execute.
> Especially if the task has arbitrary deadline or even the task is a 
> soft real time task, this feature should behave correctly.
> (Soft Real Time task: If a task misses its deadline, it is still 
> valuable to gather its result no matter when. If the utilization of 
> uniprocessor is not 100%, the tardiness is proved to be bounded.)
> Here I aim at a case that the task misses its deadline with the 
> current implementation.
> If a task period is time out (marked as RATE_MONOTONIC_EXPIRED), by 
> referring to _Rate_monotonic_Block_while_expired(), the next call of 
> rtems_rate_monotonic_period() will only release *one* following 
> instance and manipulate the task period with *the calling moment + the 
> next length of period*. However, this way of scheduling is in fact 
> changing the behaviour of a periodic task:
>  1. There may be more than one instances which are postponed due to
>     the preemption of higher priority tasks. Trivially release only
>     one instance is not correct in the sense of scheduling.
>  2. The period of expired task is shifted and unpredictable. This
>     should be calculated correctly and rapidly by taking the time
>     point of first period released. The deadline of watchdog in this
>     case should be assigned with an absolute tick.
> I have enhanced this feature in the system by adding three additional 
> counters in Rate_monotonic_Control structure and one more function to 
> do the correct assignment of deadline and job release. I also prepare 
> a heuristic example to demonstrate the results. I'm going to fix the 
> case for arbitrary deadline later on.
> Please let me know if this feature is sound and essential. I can patch it.
> Best Regards,
> Kuan-Hsun
> -- 
> M.Sc. Kuan-Hsun Chen
> TU Dortmund
> Department of Computer Science 12
> Design Automation of Embedded Systems
> Otto-Hahn-Strasse 16, Room 102
> 44227 Dortmund
> Germany
> Phone: _+49 231 755 6124_
> Mail: kuan-hsun.chen at <mailto:kuan-hsun.chen at>
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Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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