libbsd - rtems_bsd_initialize() startup failure.

Thomas Kim at
Tue Jun 14 10:25:09 UTC 2016

Dear Sir,

I have used RTEMS only for one year. Thank you very much.
But, I started to integrate libbsd right now. I am beginner about libbsd.

After I test libbsd library in my code, console output is below;
*** BSD PANIC *** rtems_bsd_threads_init_early: cannot create extension.

my code is below;

void *POSIX_Init(void *argument)
 rtems_status_code         sc;

 sc = rtems_bsd_initialize();
 assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL);

I think that there is missing point for using libbsd library.

Please could you help me ?

Best Regards,
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