4.12 on MVME6100 (beatnik)

Heinz Junkes junkes at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Fri Mar 11 11:21:05 UTC 2016


does anyone got the RTEMS 4.12 running on the beatnik (MVME6100)?

We can’t get one of the examples booting on that target. It stucks in the startup routine. 
It does not reach the bsp_start routine.

Examples are running with 4.12 on an older VMEbus-Board (MVME2100) with just some litte issues.

With this version:

commit 9827d51e7405aad26d3eda2d3fb82504b7fa68c3
Author: Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrill at oarcorp.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 8 09:24:02 2014 -0500

  gen5200/startup/cpuinit.c: Warning for function which should have been void

On the MVME6100

ticker.ralf works with RTEMS 4.10 compiler
ticker.ralf fails with RTEMS 4.12 compiler

any ideas?

We tried the following to find the problem:

- study the changes/diffs of the relevant startup files (including assembly)
- try to find the point where it gets stuck by inserting a few instructions
   which light LEDs or throw exceptions.

(We couldn’t  get the LED (BDFAIL) on. Assuming cache/memory-corruption/???)


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