RTEMS 4.11.2-rc3 Release

Needell, Jerry Jerry.Needell at unh.edu
Thu Apr 6 13:54:42 UTC 2017

FYI - I was able to build it successfully after manually downloading rtems-*4.11.2-rc3.tar.xz”  to development/rtems/rtems-source-builder-4.11.2-rc3/rtems/sources.

Jerry Needell -- jerry.needell at unh.edu 
University of New Hampshire
Space Science Center  
office phone +1 603 862 2732
cell phone    +1 603 969 6723

> On Apr 6, 2017, at 7:57 AM, Needell, Jerry <Jerry.Needell at unh.edu> wrote:
> looks like there is still an issue  with the use of  “rc”  ;-(  : attempted build of sprac-rtems via RSB on Centos7
> download: ftp://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/releases/4.11/4.11.2-rc3/rtems-tools-4.11.2-rc3.tar.xz -> sources/rtems-tools-4.11.2-rc3.tar.xz
> download: ftp://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/releases/4.11/4.11.2-rc3/rtems-tools-4.11.2-rc3.tar.xz: error: <urlopen error ftp error: 550 Failed to change directory.>
> error: downloading ftp://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/releases/4.11/4.11.2-rc3/rtems-tools-4.11.2-rc3.tar.xz: all paths have failed, giving up
> Build FAILED
>   See error report: rsb-report-rtems-tools-4.11.2-rc3-1.txt
> error: downloading ftp://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/releases/4.11/4.11.2-rc3/rtems-tools-4.11.2-rc3.tar.xz: all paths have failed, giving up
> Build Set: Time 0:12:42.486734
> Build FAILED
> --
> Jerry Needell -- jerry.needell at unh.edu 
> University of New Hampshire
> Space Science Center  
> office phone +1 603 862 2732
> cell phone    +1 603 969 6723
>> On Apr 5, 2017, at 9:44 PM, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> RTEMS 4.11.2-rc3 is available for testing. If you are using RTEMS 4.11.1 we encourage you to test and report any issues before the release date of 12th April 2017. I have moved the release date to give more time to see if the sync.rtems.org upgrade issues can be resolved.
>> The release is available here:
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ftp.rtems.org_pub_rtems_releases_4.11_rc_4.11.2-2Drc3_&d=DwICAg&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=WPT82bAHlIno0YYjFrFTmdTbUkDri435RAhnn916ixU&m=HMmDaxdMkhumU8Nw0ifZhjYvvM6S5PCgPbcueTHHKh0&s=2APuhPXIETCxmq9uQy27ZRaWMXQ9b9CdtVdnGjBpGv8&e= 
>> The release notes contain the issues fixed. Important issues are:
>> - DOSFS fixes
>> - Libdl C++ exceptions fixes on 4.12 have been ported back
>>   to the 4.11 branch.
>> If you find an issue please raise a ticket and set the milestone to 4.11.2.
>> If you have a question please email this list.
>> Notes:
>> 1. This release contains release notes for all 4.11 dot releases. The PDF has links in red to RTEMS's Trac so you can click though to Trac to review details.
>> 2. Doxygen documentation will become available after it uploads from my personal servers. The progress on ticket #2950 has stalled so I am working around the issue by building the tar file locally and uploading rather than using the RTEMS servers.
>> 3. I have fixed the issue where the RC is in the `rc` directory now works.
>> Thanks
>> Chris
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