RSB 4.11.2-rc4 rtems-arm build fails on Windows
Linda Huxley
lhuxley at
Sat Apr 22 21:42:02 UTC 2017
Hi Chris,
I dug around in the the ARM build log file, and first I'm seeing this:
make[6]: Entering directory
then a little later:
arm-rtems4.11-gcc.exe: error:
No such file or directory
When I combine the directory with the path to "alt_16550_uart.c" I get a
string with a length of 264 bytes. I did some testing, and it seems
that at some point Windows does just blindly concatenate the two strings
together. So the resulting string is about 8 bytes too long.
I'm not sure what the best fix might be, but I'll see if removing
"/c/opt/rtems" from the build path will help.
On 2017-04-22 04:08, Linda Huxley wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I haven't been able to figure out what is causing the altera-cyclone-v
> BSP to fail to build, so I thought that I would attempt to bypass that
> particular BSP build. My command RSB command line is:
> /c/opt/rtems/r4.11.2/rtems $ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder \
> --prefix=/c/opt/rtems/4.11 \
> 4.11/rtems-arm \
> --jobs=none \
> --with-rtems-bsp=raspberrypi
> However, that command apparently builds all of the ARM BSP's, (and fails
> building the altera-cyclone-v) while my intention is to build the
> Raspberry Pi BSP only. Can you tell me what the appropriate switch is
> that would build a single BSP only?
> Also, each time that I run RSB, it rebuilds the ARM tool set. Is there
> an RSB switch which would bypass that lengthy step? I haven't been able
> to find anything in the manuals.
> Thanks,
> Linda
> On 2017-04-21 00:11, Chris Johns wrote:
>> On 21/04/2017 15:43, Linda Huxley wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> It appears that the ARM GCC build sequence uses the following
>>> configuration file:
>>> rtems-arm-gcc-4.9.3-newlib-2.2.0-20150423-1.cfg
>>> instead of:
>>> rtems-gcc-4.9.3-newlib-2.2.0-20150423-1.cfg
>>> I don't see any other processor specific GCC configuration files in the
>>> 4.11.2-rc4 rtems/config/tools directory. (I am not very familiar with
>>> this code, so perhaps I have missed something.) But it would appear
>>> that ARM was the only processor that was missed by your original MSYS2
>>> fix to rtems-gcc-4.9.3-newlib-2.2.0-20150423-1.cfg
>>> I added your code to the above mentioned ARM specific config file and
>>> ran RSB on rtems-arm:
>>> #
>>> # Fix for MSYS2 on Windows. See ticket #2990 for details.
>>> #
>>> %patch add gcc -p1
>>> %hash sha512 gcc-4.9.3-20170404-1.patch
>>> c6402e578793e39869d0f3ba021922794e8ea30595286f63cbc9d32c5cb9ef1d9bb3be28f2a9127077d62a44f425f9c0685e3c22596aed67837fe2fcf8a09e71
>>> The build ran for 5.5 h (instead of 0.6 h) before failing. The gcc
>>> build completed without complaint, so I believe that the above fix or
>>> something like it will solve that problem.
>> That is awesome.
>> Are you able to make a patch and send it to the devel at list?
>>> The build trace ended with:
>>> package: arm-rtems4.11-kernel-4.11.2-rc4-1
>>> building: arm-rtems4.11-kernel-4.11.2-rc4-1
>>> error: building ark4r1
>>> Build FAILED
>>> See error report: rsb-report-arm-rtems4.11-kernel-4.11.2-rc4-1.txt
>>> error: building ark4r1
>>> Build Set: Time 5:26:01.132583
>>> Build FAILED
>>> The build report is attached. The build appears to have failed
>>> because of:
>>> arm-rtems4.11-gcc.exe: error:
>>> ../../../../../../../../rtems-4.11.2-rc4/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/altera-cyclone-v/hwlib/src/hwmgr/alt_16550_uart.c:
>>> No such file or directory
>>> arm-rtems4.11-gcc.exe: fatal error: no input files
>>> The only copy of alt_16550_uart.c that I can find was here:
>>> /c/opt/rtems/r4.11.2/rtems/build/ark4r1/arm-rtems4.11-kernel-4.11.2-rc4-1-4.11.2-rc4/rtems-4.11.2-rc4/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/altera-cyclone-v/hwlib/src/hwmgr/alt_16550_uart.c
>>> It seems that there may be a cross up in the path to that source file.
>> This is unusual. If you can make a patch for the compiler fix I can take
>> a look in the coming days.
>> Again thank you. This is really good and valuable work.
>> Chris
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