tms570 status was: Re: [GSoC] Ethernet support for beaglebone.

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Sat Mar 18 00:41:34 UTC 2017

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 5:59 PM, Nikolay Komashinskiy
<nikolay.komashinskiy at> wrote:
> Hello, could you tell me, where are the ethernet files are
> located in the beaglebone bsp?
> And what is the status of the beaglebone ethernet?
> Also, it is interesting - what is the status of the TMS570?
> I found that it has a very basic support, though it was developed
> for real-time systems.
Some of the tms570 boards work quite well, at least from a
compatibility point. You can search through the users or
devel at mailing list archives for many emails about what is
available there. I don't think there is a consolidated document
anywhere, at least not know that I know of (and that is in
English--there may be a Czech one floating around). Pavel Pisa and his
students have done an extensive amount of work to get RTEMS working
well on it. Also there was a company (taller technologies) that put
some time/effort into it, but I haven't heard from them in awhile, so
I'm not sure if they still have interest.

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