RTEMS 4.12 on RPi Zero

William Kirstaedter kirstaedter at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Thu Sep 28 07:45:10 UTC 2017

does it run on other raspberrys?

last time I tried making RTEMS run on a raspberry was with a Pi2.

Instructions here: https://gezieltesprengung.de/rtems

William Kirstaedter (PP&B)
Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG
Faradayweg 4-6
14195 Berlin
Tel: 030 8413 3154
Mail: kirstaedter at fhi-berlin.mpg.de

Am 28.09.2017 um 04:30 schrieb William Busacker:
> I've been having a lot of trouble attempting to get RTEMS running on a
> Raspberry Pi Zero, hoping someone can help.
> I've been following the steps outlined by
> http://alanstechnotes.blogspot.com/2013/03/rtems-on-raspberry-pi.html?m=1
> but changing all references of 4.11 to 4.12 and omiting /chrisj/ from
> the git path for rtems builder. My primary environment is Bash for
> Windows running Windows 10 Pro, however I have an Ubuntu 17.04 install
> that can target the exact same directory.
> At first, I made a brand new Raspbian boot SD and then replaced the
> kernel.img on the SD card with the img file created in Alan's last step,
> however that never does anything. One of the comments from that post had
> said to use the ticker.exe from
> /build-rtems-rpi/arm-rtems4.12/c/raspberrypi/testsuites/samples/ticker/ticker.exe
> instead of under /bsps however that too does not work. At this point I
> also noticed that the Makefile in /build-rtems-rpi/...../ticker hadn't
> fully run. When I ran that makefile, it failed saying that leaf.cfg:1
> *** missing separator. Stop.
> I have copied the 4.11.2 tarball from
> https://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/ and build up the source
> builder from that, however when I get to the make install step, it
> errors out as several make files that it tries to run during the
> recursive step don't have install steps (or any steps, they're blank) so
> the make process stops.
> Any pointers or tips on how to get this working would be greatly
> appreciated!
> -Will Busacker
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