__undef_stack and _stack_end from __GNUC__ not supported in RTEMS

Fernando Domínguez fdpousa at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 14:28:34 UTC 2018


I'm trying to move a SD card driver for Xilinx Zynq (Zedboard) to RTEMS.
During linking phase, the following errors arise:

/home/fdpo/xilinx_hal/xilinx_aux/src/xil_cache.c:790: undefined reference
to `__undef_stack'
/home/fdpo/xilinx_hal/xilinx_aux/src/xil_cache.c:790: undefined reference
to `_stack_end'
/home/fdpo/xilinx_hal/xilinx_aux/src/xil_cache.c:790: undefined reference
to `_stack_end'
/home/fdpo/xilinx_hal/xilinx_aux/src/xil_cache.c:790: undefined reference
to `__undef_stack'

On file xil_cache.c, this declaration is inside a __GNUC__ guard:

#ifdef __GNUC__
    extern s32  _stack_end;
    extern s32  __undef_stack;

And then used in some functions only in this way:

#ifdef __GNUC__
    stack_end = (u32)&_stack_end;
    stack_start = (u32)&__undef_stack;

    /*Flush stack memory to save return address*/
    Xil_DCacheFlushRange(stack_end, stack_size);

How can I assign a stack_end, a stack_start and stack_size from RTEMS? I
suppse stack_size is the same one as configured a initialization but others

I attach you the xil_cache.h/c files.

Thanks in advance,

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