Raspberry Pi Rtems-Graphical-Toolkit

Kirspel, Kevin Kevin-Kirspel at idexx.com
Wed May 9 16:49:42 UTC 2018

I am interested in your work as well.  I ported Qt 5.9 to a NXP LPC3250 last year.  I updated RTEMS LIBBSD to support EVDEV and added to the RTEMS MMAP interface to support MMAP handlers in frame buffer drivers.  I was successful in getting the QT Quick clock demo application to run on RTEMS using the LinuxFB plugin.  I would be interested to see how you created your RTEMS plugin.

Kevin Kirspel
Electrical Engineer - Sr. Staff
Idexx Roswell
235 Hembree Park Drive
Roswell GA 30076
Tel: (770)-510-4444 ext. 81642
Direct: (770)-688-1642
Fax: (770)-510-4445

From: users [mailto:users-bounces at rtems.org] On Behalf Of Joel Sherrill
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2018 12:07 PM
To: Mikhail Svetkin <mikhail.svetkin at gmail.com>
Cc: users at rtems.org; Emre Cetin <hsnemrecetin at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Raspberry Pi Rtems-Graphical-Toolkit

Very nice blog Mikhail! And it looks to be great work!

Thank you for the complimentary things you said about RTEMS features.

I have a few questions.

+ Is this going to show up in the Qt free edition?

+ Any ideas on what RTEMS could do to improve our side of the
hosting Qt equation? Graphics has always been a challenge.

FWIW I took a stab at estimating porting Qt a few years ago. It is a large
body of software and a lot is just not appropriate for most embedded devices.
I got a reasonable subset to build but never got funding to do the actual work.
I am quite thrilled your effort was more successful.



On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 1:23 PM, Mikhail Svetkin <mikhail.svetkin at gmail.com<mailto:mikhail.svetkin at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

We started some researches (including Qt on RTEMS), take a look if you are interested.


Mikhail Svetkin
Software Engineer

The Qt Company
Sandakerveien 116
0484, Oslo, Norway
mikhail.svetkin at qt.io<mailto:mikhail.svetkin at qt.io>
+47 488 62 204

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Best regards,

On 1 May 2018 at 19:01, Kirspel, Kevin <Kevin-Kirspel at idexx.com<mailto:Kevin-Kirspel at idexx.com>> wrote:
Another option is to not use X11 and draw directly to the frame buffer device (i.e. /dev/fb0).  Qt supports this.

Kevin Kirspel
Electrical Engineer - Sr. Staff
Idexx Roswell
235 Hembree Park Drive
Roswell GA 30076
Tel: (770)-510-4444 ext. 81642
Direct: (770)-688-1642
Fax: (770)-510-4445

From: users [mailto:users-bounces at rtems.org<mailto:users-bounces at rtems.org>] On Behalf Of Emre Cetin
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2018 12:15 PM
To: users at rtems.org<mailto:users at rtems.org>
Subject: Fwd: Raspberry Pi Rtems-Graphical-Toolkit

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Emre Cetin <hsnemrecetin at gmail.com<mailto:hsnemrecetin at gmail.com>>
Date: 2018-05-01 19:13 GMT+03:00
Subject: Re: Raspberry Pi Rtems-Graphical-Toolkit
To: Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org<mailto:chrisj at rtems.org>>
Thank you for your help Chris, I did what you said and it worked. However, I learned that Qt Applications works with X11 libraries in systems like Rtems. And I have to compile the nxlib library for raspberrypi BSP in the rtems-graphical-toolkit for X11. 'graphics\nxlib.bset' in rsb can not be build as mentioned in "https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2015-August/012358.html<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__lists.rtems.org_pipermail_devel_2015-2DAugust_012358.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=2do6VJGs3LvEOe4OFFM1bA&r=dbavT-WIJ4nBfQFKYnKdAD52Vyq3ZXSzrL9TAm21lZI&m=2qOzfS7qOLo1pWDBn2daTfb11BT4SII6DAGj7Nybgz0&s=FP3leA0B8WdfvIUwiGG0f2VRmehMyQCINAcYMEOWL8k&e=>". I understand that the nxlib is included in microwindows library anymore, but when I build 'graphics/microwindows.bset', will I also build nxlib?. BSP 's X11 header files and so on. How do I add X11 header files to BSP and other necessary files? What should I do at this point?

Best wishes,

2018-05-01 3:22 GMT+03:00 Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org<mailto:chrisj at rtems.org>>:
On 01/05/2018 02:49, Emre Cetin wrote:
> Hello everyone,

Hi and welcome.

> I have a Rtems project with Raspberry pi, I need to compile a simple QT program.
> I tried to run this project on Beaglebone Black, but it may not be as fast as it
> should be, it seems easier on Rpi. And I work on the Rpi 1 model B. In the last
> few days I am trying to establish the necessary libraries for QT, but I have not
> been successful.

This sounds like an interesting project.

> I've been working on Rtems-Graphical-Toolbase, but I have not
> been successful in compilation. I tried a lot of ways but I do not know how to
> load libraries manually yet, I am new to embedded systems.

Welcome to embedded and embedded real-time software.

> I finally used these instructions, it seemed the easiest way to me;
> (in right directory)
> ../source-builder/sb-set-builder \
>     --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/compiler/5 \
>     --rtems-bsp=arm/raspberrypi \
>     --log=graphic-build-log.txt \
>     --with-rtems-bsp=raspberrypi \
>     --pkg-tar-files \
>     graphics/freetype2.bset \
>     graphics/libjpeg.bset \
>     graphics/libpng.bset \
>     graphics/libtiff.bset \
>     graphics/t1lib.bset \
>     graphics/microwindows.bset
> RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, 5 (f3b1700dfd4d)
> Build Set: graphics/microwindows.bset
> Build Set: graphics/freetype2.bset
> config: graphics/freetype-2.4.10-1.cfg
> package: freetype-v2.4.10-arm-rtems5-1
> error: hash: freetype-2.4.10.tar.gz: insecure: md5
> Build FAILED
> It seems that new packages are causing problems, and I do not know how to update
> the codes. Can you give me some advice?

A change went into the RSB in October last year to stop using the MD5 and SHA1
checksums as they are insecure. The ticket that covered this issue is:


It would seem some packages were missed and they need a better checksum. Could
you please reopen the ticket and indicate the issue you have by pasting in the
above output?

FYI the fix is easy, run a sha512 command on your host on the file or patch
which should be in the `sources` or `patches` directory and then update the line
in the related file. The freetype config file is:


On the line starting with `%hash` change `md5` to `sha512` and paste in the
SHA512 checksum.

I see ...


... are still using MD5 and will need updating.

We welcome patches, it is often the fastest way to get something like this fixed. :)


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