Bug in getcwd again?

erlking ruizx at qq.com
Tue Nov 27 09:18:29 UTC 2018

Hi all,
I'm using RTEMS in our new develop now, the CPU is Cortex-A7.
I find the dosfs has a bug, which is already listed in https://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2190.
It said the bug is fixed, but I test on both my board and beaglebone platform, this bug appeared again:(
Phenomenons are the same, if change the path to dosfs path, the shell prompt is [?], and the output is error when execute command pwd.
This bug is caused by getcwd, but I don't know how to fix it. This is a POSIX API...

Can anyone give some help? 

ps: If change the filesystem to rfs, it's OK.

Thanks & Best regards,
Rui Zhengxin
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