Stitching in another BSP into V5

Mr. Andrei Chichak groups at
Wed Sep 5 05:52:08 UTC 2018


I’ve been using a BSP for the STM32F767 that was derived from the STM32F4 BSP. 

I had it stitched into the source tree, but the way that BSPs are handled has changed and I can’t get ./bootstrap to recognize my BSP’s existence.

What I did was to take my BSP and copy it into rtems/bsps/arm.

Is there some file that I have to munge to let bootstrap know that it should pick up my BSP?

For reference, my build script is:

cd development/rtems
git clone git:// rtems
cd rtems
cp -R ~/RTEMSInstall/stm32f767 bsps/arm
cd ..
mkdir b-stm32f767
cd b-stm32f767
$HOME/development/rtems/kernel/rtems/configure --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/5 \
  --target=arm-rtems5 --enable-rtemsbsp=stm32f767 --enable-posix
make -j 8
make install

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