rtems_message_queue_receive / rtems_event_receive issues

Catalin Demergian demergian at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 12:20:33 UTC 2018

I am using RTEMS 4.11.2 and I tried first to use RTEMS message queues in my
USB FS driver.
I'm populating the queue from the ISR and then use
rtems_message_queue_receive from a kernel task to
read the messages. After some debugging sessions I came to the conlusion
that rtems_message_queue_receive function
hangs even if there are messages in the queue. (manpage says it should
return immediately if there is at least one message
in the queue; in my case the queue gets full, but still the function hangs)

I tried then rtems_event_receive. I used my own queues and from ISR I only
called rtems_event_send; the same issue
happened again, this time rtems_event_receive hangs even if I see the event
was raised (with task command in the shell)

My question is: are there any known issues/bugs with these functions ?

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