Serial port issues
Michel Macena
mmacena.eng at
Wed Aug 7 21:13:02 UTC 2019
just to update, I've tried different ways to get something from the serial
when i use open (from unistd.h) to open the serial port it returns "-1".I
also tried the getchark() function from
repository but it also returns "-1". I forgot to say before but I'am using
a board that was that
has two UART channels, Channel A for console e and Channel B for debugging.
I load the programs and send the command to execute through GDB connect to
the port B.
I get the board responses in the channel A. I can make the board print
properly in console (ch A) but when
I ask to getc(), getchark(),fgets() or scanf() it does not get the
character or string.
Em seg, 5 de ago de 2019 às 17:55, Michel Macena <mmacena.eng at>
> Hi, I'm working with an ERC 32 target board and would like
> to read strings or any characters in the serial input (UART).
> regular C printf() function works well but when I try
> fgets(), scanf() or fgetc() the board just does not get the string
> or any character, is there any RTEMS specific ways to get
> characters or strings through the standard serial port ?
> a sample code:
> #include <bsp.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> char line[6];
> rtems_task Init(
> rtems_task_argument ignored
> )
> {
> fgets(line,6,stdin);
> printf( "string: %s\n",line );
> }
> /* configuration information */
> #include <rtems/confdefs.h>
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