Waf error building rtems-libbsd on macOS 10.14

Adam Lindberg adam.lindberg at stritzinger.com
Tue Jan 29 13:49:37 UTC 2019

Hi Chris,

> On 28. Jan 2019, at 23:35, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
> On 24/1/19 8:40 pm, Adam Lindberg wrote:
>> Hi Joel,
>> My python version are:
>>    $ python --version
>>    Python 2.7.15
>>    $ python3 --version
>>    Python 3.7.0
> Do you have the latest XCode installed?

Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61) and Command Line Tools (macOS 10.14) for Xcode 10.1.

> Any 3rd party packages from homebrew or macports installed?

Quite a few Homebrew packages, that could get in the way:

    ansible                         libusb
    antibody                        libusb-compat
    aria2                           libuv
    arping                          libvterm
    atool                           libyaml
    autoconf                        libzip
    autoconf-archive                lua
    automake                        lua at 5.1
    bat                             luajit
    boost                           luarocks
    cairo                           make
    cmake                           mas
    colordiff                       mercurial
    coreutils                       mpfr
    diff-so-fancy                   msgpack
    docker                          multitail
    docker-compose                  namebench
    docker-machine                  ncdu
    encfs                           neovim
    exa                             netcat
    fabric                          nnn
    fd                              oniguruma
    ffmpeg                          open-ocd
    fontconfig                      openssl
    freetype                        openssl at 1.1
    fribidi                         optipng
    gcc                             otfcc-mac64
    gd                              pandoc
    gdbm                            pango
    gdk-pixbuf                      parallel
    gettext                         pcre
    gifsicle                        pcre2
    gist                            peco
    git                             pixman
    git-extras                      pkg-config
    git-lfs                         pngout
    gitless                         prettyping
    glib                            proselint
    gmp                             pstree
    gnuplot                         pv
    go                              python
    graphicsmagick                  python3
    graphite2                       python at 2
    graphviz                        qt
    harfbuzz                        r
    hexyl                           readline
    hidapi                          reattach-to-user-namespace
    htop                            rename
    httpie                          ripgrep
    httping                         rrdtool
    hugo                            ruby
    icu4c                           s3cmd
    imagemagick                     shellcheck
    isl                             socat
    jasper                          sqlite
    jemalloc                        ssh-copy-id
    jpeg                            tesseract
    jq                              tig
    kerl                            tldr
    lame                            tmux
    leptonica                       tree
    libcroco                        ttfautohint
    libevent                        unibilium
    libffi                          unixodbc
    libftdi                         vale
    libgit2                         vimpager
    libidn2                         visidata
    libmpc                          watch
    libnet                          webp
    libpcap                         wget
    libpng                          wine
    librsvg                         wxmac
    libsodium                       x264
    libssh2                         xvid
    libtermkey                      xz
    libtiff                         zsh
    libtool                         zsh-completions

> I will see what I can find on a mac here.
>> Waf is just invoked with ./waf -vvv (the -vvv was added by me to debug this issue). The full output, including the run of ./waf configure before is here:
>> https://gist.github.com/eproxus/0957406e563948a1329604048bc4370b
>> As you can see, we always run the script with -x:
>>> https://github.com/grisp/grisp-software/blob/eproxus/wifi-opti-and-libbsd-to-freebsd-12-update/build/build-libbsd.sh
> The error 'Could not create the directory ///o' is strange. It is almost like a
> string is bring treated as a list and waf is iterating up the path a character
> at a time.

That, or that some environment variables or configuration settings are empty resulting in an empty path. Is the “o” a .o extension possibly?

>> We use Waf 2.0.13 but trying with the latest 2.0.14 yields the same result.
> OK and thanks.
> Chris

I really appreciate the help.


Adam Lindberg
Senior Developer
+49 8135 69492 90

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