BeagleBone Black Networking (wifi and/or wired)

Chris Johns chrisj at
Mon Jun 17 23:05:05 UTC 2019

On 18/6/19 2:56 am, Gedare Bloom wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 8:25 PM Chris Johns <chrisj at> wrote:
>> On 8/6/19 1:45 am, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>>> Note that basically all device tree files that I have found yet are forked from the Linux ones.
>> Yes, I understand this is the case.
>>> They are all GPL.
>> We need to work with these files and respect the license they are under. I think
>> GPL DTS is OK if these files are not linked into an executable. I am not sure
>> where you stand in relation to the GPL license if you link a GPL dtb into an
>> executable. An overlay we create under a suitable license should be fine.
> If you apply the overlay using host tools, then the license
> implications are problematic since you will be distributing a binary
> program that is combining GPL code, the entire image comes under GPL.
> Building the overlay online is more defensible, since you can
> distribute the dtb separately.

I agree.


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