Waf error building rtems-libbsd on macOS 10.14

Adam Lindberg adam.lindberg at stritzinger.com
Wed Mar 20 11:34:37 UTC 2019

I tried building our project in a completely clean macOS VM and that seems to work. In my current environment I reduced the Homebrew packages to:

    bat                             pcre
    bison                           pcre2
    exa                             python at 2
    flex                            readline
    gdbm                            reattach-to-user-namespace
    gettext                         sqlite
    git                             texinfo
    libevent                        tmux
    mercurial                       xz
    ncurses                         zlib
    openssl                         zsh

I also reduced $PATH to the default macOS settings and removed any envs I could think of that looked non-standard but I still get the error.

Is there _any_ way to actually make Was output some verbose info about what it is doing and why it thinks its appropriate to create the directory "///o"?


Adam Lindberg
Senior Developer
+49 8135 69492 90

Peer Stritzinger GmbH    Geschäftsführer: Peer Stritzinger
Aumüllerstr. 14          Handelsregister München HRB 133238
82216 Maisach            www.stritzinger.com

> On 6. Feb 2019, at 10:49, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
> On 30/1/19 12:49 am, Adam Lindberg wrote:
>>> On 28. Jan 2019, at 23:35, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
>>> On 24/1/19 8:40 pm, Adam Lindberg wrote:
>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>> My python version are:
>>>>   $ python --version
>>>>   Python 2.7.15
>>>>   $ python3 --version
>>>>   Python 3.7.0
>>> Do you have the latest XCode installed?
>> Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61) and Command Line Tools (macOS 10.14) for Xcode 10.1.
>>> Any 3rd party packages from homebrew or macports installed?
>> Quite a few Homebrew packages, that could get in the way:
> Yeap that is a few.
>>> I will see what I can find on a mac here.
> I have just built the latest tool suite, kernel and libbsd for the
> beagleboneblack on MacOS without an error.
> Chris

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