RTEMS Presentation at ISORC 2020 next week (online, free)

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Sat May 16 21:40:26 UTC 2020


Gedare and I have a presentation at IEEE ISORC 2020 (
https://isorc.github.io/2020/) next week and the program is online. The
conference was supposed to be in Nashville but it is now virtual and
FREE!!!  This is a nice conference and hopefully the free and virtual part
make it more appealing to register and listen in. Of course, there is the
added benefit of listening to Gedare present. :)

Details at https://www.rtems.org/node/133 including a link to the
conference and YouTube version of the presentation.

This is a great conference which has had multiple RTEMS papers over the

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