Can printf() be made SMP safe?

Dave DeGroote Dave.DeGroote at
Fri Apr 30 22:42:13 UTC 2021

Thanks Joel!

I said it was crashing, it's actually currently hanging, but it changes.  The common thread is it always seems to be in semaphore access functions w/at least one task in printf(). I don't think it's floating point, it looks like RTEMS_FLOATING_POINT is passed to rtems_task_create(), but I'll have to do some testing to be sure.

The current backtrace I get when I ^c after it hangs is below.


 CPU 0: Interrupted!
0x6005bad4: 80a08003 cmp %g2, %g3 <_Mutex_Acquire+52>
CPU 1: Interrupted!
0x6005ff98: 80a04002 cmp %g1, %g2 <_SMP_lock_Acquire+40>

grmon3> bt cpu0

%pc %sp
#0 0x6005bad4 0x6047af58 <_Mutex_Acquire+0x34>
#1 0x60047558 0x6047b068 <rtems_termios_imfs_write+0xc>
#2 0x600495a4 0x6047b0e8 <write+0x84>
#3 0x600d558c 0x6047b148 <__sflush_r+0x1bc>
#4 0x600d56f0 0x6047b1a8 <_fflush_r+0x9c>
#5 0x600f086c 0x6047b208 <__sbprintf+0xb4>
#6 0x600db280 0x6047b6e8 <printf+0x2c>
#7 0x60030f30 0x6047b750 <SCH_ProcessNextEntry+0x1e8>
#8 0x60030fd0 0x6047b7f0 <SCH_ProcessNextSlot+0x94>
#9 0x6003111c 0x6047b850 <SCH_ProcessScheduleTable+0xb4>
#10 0x600314b4 0x6047b8b0 <SCH_AppMain+0x23c>
#11 0x60023d28 0x6047b928 <OS_TaskEntryPoint+0xb0>
#12 0x60056d28 0x6047b990 <_Thread_Entry_adaptor_numeric+0x8>
#13 0x60055878 0x6047b9f0 <_Thread_Handler+0xf4>
#14 0x60055784 0x6047ba58 <_Thread_Handler+0>

grmon3> bt cpu1

%pc %sp
#0 0x6005ff98 0x60466ba8 <_SMP_lock_Acquire+0x28>
#1 0x60058164 0x60466ba8 <_Thread_queue_Surrender+0x54>
#2 0x6005bd4c 0x60466c10 <_Mutex_Release+0x7c>
#3 0x600475fc 0x60466d20 <rtems_termios_imfs_write+0xb0>
#4 0x600495a4 0x60466da0 <write+0x84>
#5 0x600d558c 0x60466e00 <__sflush_r+0x1bc>
#6 0x600d56f0 0x60466e60 <_fflush_r+0x9c>
#7 0x600f086c 0x60466ec0 <__sbprintf+0xb4>
#8 0x600db280 0x604673a0 <printf+0x2c>
#9 0x60029074 0x60467408 <SENSORS_dumpBytes+0xe8>
#10 0x60029324 0x604674c0 <SENSORS_ProcessSensorPacketSTUP+0xc4>
#11 0x60029764 0x60467528 <SENSORS_ProcessSPWRxPackets+0x210>
#12 0x600287bc 0x604675a0 <SENSORS_AppMain+0x6c>
#13 0x60023d28 0x60467608 <OS_TaskEntryPoint+0xb0>
#14 0x60056d28 0x60467670 <_Thread_Entry_adaptor_numeric+0x8>
#15 0x60055878 0x604676d0 <_Thread_Handler+0xf4>
#16 0x60055784 0x60467738 <_Thread_Handler+0>

From: Joel Sherrill <joel at>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 4:21 PM
To: Dave DeGroote
Cc: users at
Subject: Re: Can printf() be made SMP safe?

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 2:07 PM Dave DeGroote <Dave.DeGroote at<mailto:Dave.DeGroote at>> wrote:


I'm trying to get RTEMS running using SMP on a Leon3/gr712rc (2 cores). I have it partially running, but it crashes intermittently on printf's.  Can anyone tell me if there's a way to make printf() SMP safe?  printf appears to use termios which uses rtems_mutex_init() and rtems_binary_semaphore_init() which I don't think are SMP safe (but I'm also new to this so I'm not sure).

Those are SMP safe. I suspect you are using the Classic API (e.g. rtems_task_) and by default they do not have floating point enabled. You probably just need to enable the floating point attribute on the task create calls (or for the init task).<>

See configuring a system chapter for the init task setting.

If you provide the exception, we would know for sure.



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