Using LwIP on the STM32H7
Robin Müller
robin.mueller.m at
Fri Jan 29 16:57:04 UTC 2021
The whole code base I'm using might go public soon so I will also send the
link here
as soon as it is. I think this might also be useful for people who would
like to evaluate how to set up Eclipse and the CMake build system for
their application
Kind Regards
On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47, Robin Müller <robin.mueller.m at>
> Alright, I figured out the issue, that was an application level problem,
> the UDP frames are received and sent without issues as far as I can see.
> I think I might submit a patch soon with some of initial improvements. But
> I will summarize the changes I had to do here for now in case other people
> want to
> use lwIP, based on the example application provided by STM.
> *BSP Changes:*
> *Inside bsps/arm/stm32h7/start/bspstart.c:*
> I changed the HAL_GetTick() function, which returned 0 previously to
> return the tick count by default:
> uint32_t HAL_GetTick(void)
> {
> return rtems_clock_get_ticks_since_boot();
> }
> I'm not sure whether there was a specific reason to have it return 0 by
> default, but that led to some issues because this function is generally
> called by the
> HAL or by example applications and it's a lot of hassle to replace every
> call with rtems_clock_get_ticks_since_boot()
> *bsps/arm/shared/start/linkcmds.base:*
> I added following section to the linker file.
> This is a really ugly solution because this file is used by all ARM bsps.
> I might look into how to make it stm32h7 specific, but it worked for me now
> because
> I only have the STM32H7
> /* Ugly solution for now */
> .lwip_sec (NOLOAD) : ALIGN_WITH_INPUT {
> . = ABSOLUTE(0x30040000);
> *(.RxDecripSection)
> . = ABSOLUTE(0x30040060);
> *(.TxDecripSection)
> . = ABSOLUTE(0x30040200);
> *(.RxArraySection)
> *bsps/arm/stm32h7/hal/stm32h7xx_hal_eth.c:*
> On line 364 in *HAL_ETH_Init*, comment out the preprocessor guards to set
> the DSL to 64bit. I don't know what this line exactly does yet, but it was
> necessary
> to get lwIP to work properly.
> #ifndef __rtems__
> /* SET DSL to 64 bit */
> #endif /* __rtems__ */
> On line 2648 in *ETH_DMATxDescListInit *comment the preprocessor guard so
> that the function is executed. This is necessary
> so the DMA descriptors are set up properly.
> Do the same for *ETH_DMARxDescListInit* starting at line 2687.
> I think that was all. Hope it helps some people
> Kind Regards
> Robin Müller
> On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 15:45, Robin Müller <robin.mueller.m at>
> wrote:
>> I think I might have found one issue. In the
>> HAL_ETH_Init(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth) function
>> The following piece of code was excluded:
>> #ifndef __rtems__
>> /* SET DSL to 64 bit */
>> #endif /* __rtems__ */
>> I reintroduced the line and now I have been able to receive UDP frames
>> and send some back. I am still missing some frames, but at least it's
>> working now.
>> I might look into how to put the lwIP section in a separate linkcmd file
>> once I have figured out why some frames are missing, but the way I see it,
>> it is driver specific (STM used SDRAM3 for the required lwIP memory. One
>> way would be to add an option in the config.ini like STM32H7_USE_LWIP and
>> then
>> load those additional sections for lwIP.
>> Kind Regards
>> Robin
>> On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 14:18, Joel Sherrill <joel at> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jan 29, 2021, 5:52 AM Robin Müller <robin.mueller.m at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am actually configuring the MPU with the following function, which
>>>> was taken over from the STM32 example project:
>>>> /*Configure the MPU attributes */
>>>> void MPU_Config(void)
>>>> {
>>>> MPU_Region_InitTypeDef MPU_InitStruct;
>>>> /* Disable the MPU */
>>>> HAL_MPU_Disable();
>>>> /* Configure the MPU attributes as Device not cacheable
>>>> for ETH DMA descriptors */
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.Enable = MPU_REGION_ENABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.BaseAddress = 0x30040000;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.Size = MPU_REGION_SIZE_256B;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.AccessPermission = MPU_REGION_FULL_ACCESS;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.IsBufferable = MPU_ACCESS_BUFFERABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.IsCacheable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_CACHEABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.IsShareable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_SHAREABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.Number = MPU_REGION_NUMBER0;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.TypeExtField = MPU_TEX_LEVEL0;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.SubRegionDisable = 0x00;
>>>> HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(&MPU_InitStruct);
>>>> /* Configure the MPU attributes as Cacheable write through
>>>> for LwIP RAM heap which contains the Tx buffers */
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.Enable = MPU_REGION_ENABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.BaseAddress = 0x30044000;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.Size = MPU_REGION_SIZE_16KB;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.AccessPermission = MPU_REGION_FULL_ACCESS;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.IsBufferable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_BUFFERABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.IsCacheable = MPU_ACCESS_CACHEABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.IsShareable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_SHAREABLE;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.Number = MPU_REGION_NUMBER1;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.TypeExtField = MPU_TEX_LEVEL0;
>>>> MPU_InitStruct.SubRegionDisable = 0x00;
>>>> HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(&MPU_InitStruct);
>>>> /* Enable the MPU */
>>>> }
>>>> If I read the function correctly, it configures the descriptor areas as
>>>> non-cacheable and the LwIP heap region
>>>> as non bufferable. I call this in hardware_init, which is the first
>>>> function called in my Init funnction
>>>> void hardware_init() {
>>>> BSP_LED_Init(LED1);
>>>> BSP_LED_Init(LED2);
>>>> BSP_LED_Init(LED3);
>>>> MPU_Config();
>>>> /* Initialize the LwIP stack */
>>>> lwip_init();
>>>> /* Configure the Network interface */
>>>> Netif_Config();
>>>> }
>>>> I checked everything again and basically the setup appears to be
>>>> identical to the example now.. I'm confused that it's not working.
>>>> I also supplied the following interrupt function in my C code:
>>>> /**
>>>> * @brief This function handles Ethernet interrupt request.
>>>> * @param None
>>>> * @retval None
>>>> */
>>>> void ETH_IRQHandler(void)
>>>> {
>>>> HAL_ETH_IRQHandler(&EthHandle);
>>>> }
>>>> But it appears not to be called..
>>> Is the irq being registered via the RTEMS interrupt APIs? If not and you
>>> are getting an interrupt, I'd wonder why you aren't seeing a spurious
>>> interrupt flagged.
>>> It shouldn't be installed directly at the hardware level.
>>> --joel
>>>> Kind Regards
>>>> Robin
>>>> On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 12:03, Sebastian Huber <
>>>> sebastian.huber at> wrote:
>>>>> On 29/01/2021 12:01, Robin Müller wrote:
>>>>> > The HAL_ETH_Transmit call just times out. If I set the timeout to 20
>>>>> > to HAL_MAX_DELAY, the function will just block indefinitely.
>>>>> > Does anyone have an idea why this might happen?
>>>>> I would check the memory settings in the MPU for this area. You
>>>>> probably
>>>>> need some sort of device memory (uncached).
>>>>> --
>>>>> embedded brains GmbH
>>>>> Herr Sebastian HUBER
>>>>> Dornierstr. 4
>>>>> 82178 Puchheim
>>>>> Germany
>>>>> email: sebastian.huber at
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