qemu issue with tests reading key input

Heinz Junkes junkes at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Mon Jun 21 11:03:08 UTC 2021

Some RTEMS tests (capture, fileio, ...) respond to an input from the keyboard.

Thereby the function rtems_shell_wait_for_explicit_input is called.
(file: cpukit/libmisc/shell-wait-for-input.c)

In it change_serial_settings is called. There then
rv = tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &new_term);

If you now use qemu this leads to an error. (rv == -1, fd == 0)

qemu-system-arm -no-reboot -serial null -serial mon:stdio -net none -nographic -M xilinx-zynq-a9 -m 256M 
-kernel ./b-xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu/arm-rtems5/c/xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu/testsuites/samples/capture.exe

I tried to start qemu with sudo, changed the access rights at /dev/console. Unfortunately no success.

How do you get that to work? What do I have to do?

Danke Heinz

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