Pleiades Neo and RTEMS?

Joel Sherrill joel at
Mon Sep 27 13:37:08 UTC 2021

On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 12:35 AM Pierre FICHEUX <pierre.ficheux at> wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> I work with Airbus (including Defence and Space) so I can ask them about the OS.

Thanks. At one point, there was a PDF of a presentation with Airbus'
history with RTEMS.
I think it came from a presentation in France and you may have been a
part of that. Do
you happen to have a copy of it? Or a link?

> I'm quite sure they use RTEMS.



> regards
> Le lun. 16 août 2021 à 18:13, Joel Sherrill <joel at> a écrit :
>> Hi
>> I noticed that another Pleiades Neo satellite was launching later today.
>> My quick search didn't find any indication of the software or hardware
>> internals of the satellites. Given the parties involved, I expect there is
>> a reasonable chance RTEMS is hiding in these somewhere.
>> Does anyone have any insight? I'm happy for an offlist answer.
>> Thanks.
>> --joel
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> Pierre FICHEUX -/- CTO Smile ECS, France -\- pierre.ficheux at
> I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code

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