Fwd: FSW-2023 Registration is now open! Secure your ticket

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Mon Sep 19 13:16:55 UTC 2022


This is the first in-person FSW since before COVID. This is a workshop
focused on space going applications. The presentations tend to be very
interesting and top notch. Plus the opportunity to speak with others in the
field is really incredible.

OAR is planning to be there including myself and a few others. Gaisler
usually is represented as well. Hopefully others will be able to attend as


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        FSW-2023 Registration is now open! Secure your ticket
Date:   Fri, 16 Sep 2022 18:00:18 -0400 (EDT)
From:   Flight Software Workshop <info at flightsoftware.org>
Reply-To:       info at flightsoftware.org
To:     joel.sherrill at oarcorp.com

Flight software workshop: March 20 to 23, 2023 at Caltech/JPL
Dear Joel,

Registration is open for 2023 Flight Software Workshop, which will be in
person at Caltech in Pasadena, CA on March 20, 2023 to March 23, 2023.
  We hope you will join us for a week of flight software discussion and

Register for FSW-2023 here!

Sign up for our mailing list

keep up to date on FSW-2023.

FSW-2023 Workshop Cycle

Registration Opens: September 16, 2022-- TODAY!

First Call for Abstracts: October 1, 2022

Abstract Submission Deadline: December 12, 2022

Abstract Acceptance Notification: January 15, 2023

Presentation Submission Deadline: February 20, 2023

Workshop: March 20-23, 2023

The Flight Software Workshop is continuing its 16-year tradition of
emphasizing the latest technical content in an informal setting. The
workshop provides an opportunity to present current flight software
architectures, novel approaches to mission solutions, and techniques for
flight software development, integration, test, and verification.

FSW-2023 Topics

General themes for Flight Software Workshop:

   * Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and onboard data processing
   * Space networking
   * Onboard data storage and representation
   * Flight software architectures, frameworks, and software buses
   * Software enabled mission concepts
   * Digital twin, config management, and software enabled emulation
   * DevOps, continuous integration, and automated testing
   * FSW, embedded processor, and FPGA interactions
   * Flight Operating Systems
   * New languages (bring your non-C work)
   * Your hot FSW topic we haven't listed!

Please note: Themes are suggested topics, meant to guide and inspire
Workshop participants. Other flight software subjects are welcome for

Demos and Workshop Sessions

We would like to encourage the community to get hands-onat FSW Workshop
2023! While we will continue our presentation tracks, we recommend
considering submitting your hardware and software demonstration, as well
as your workshop ideas.

Check your inbox on October 1(FSW-2023 Call for Abstracts) for
instructions on how to submit your abstract for a presentation, demo, or
workshop this year!

The Aerospace Corporation, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Southwest
Research Institute, and The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory are the Founding Sponsors of the Flight Software Workshop.
Additional sponsorship opportunities exist for the 2023 Workshop. Please
email inquiries to Violet Torossian (Sponsor Relations) at
sponsor at flightsoftware.org <mailto:sponsor at flightsoftware.org>.

More information about this year's Workshop can be found at the 2023
Workshop Home Page

All prior years' recorded and pre-recorded presentations can be found on
our FSW Workshop YouTube playlist page

If you have any questions about the Workshop, please contact
<mailto:info at flightsoftware.org>the Workshop Organizing Committee.

We look forward to seeing you at the Flight Software Workshop!

The FSW-2023 Organizing Committee


Twitter: @FSWWorkshop

YouTube:Flight Software Workshop

Support: info at flightsoftware.org <mailto:info at flightsoftware.org>

Workshop Website

Contact Us <mailto:info at flightsoftware.org>

Join This Mailing List

Flight Software Workshop| 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, CA 91109
Unsubscribe joel.sherrill at oarcorp.com

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