RTEMS Accepted in GSoC 2023

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Fri Feb 24 02:51:10 UTC 2023

I am pleased to be able to announce that the RTEMS Project has been
accepted into the 2023 Edition of the Google Summer of Code (
https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ ).

We use our ticketing system to track potential projects. There are keywords
like SoC, small, large, kernel, ecosystem, BSPs, etc. These are used to
generate our Open Projects page (
https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/OpenProjects ). If you have a project
idea, feel free to put it in Trac.

Mentors are always needed and appreciated. You don't have to be an RTEMS
expert to be helpful to a student. Often just being a regular RTEMS user
who has already done some work is enough to be able to help someone newer.
Also you may have experience in some domain or with some hardware that does
make you the right person to mentor. Please let myself or Joel know if
you want to mentor or just have questions.

But, of course, this would not work without students and new contributors.
Please recruit those who might enjoy a GSoC project, especially if you
can help co-mentor them!


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