EPICS and tftp file system

Miroslaw Dach miroslaw.dach at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 18:22:52 UTC 2024


I have two types of the EPICS and RTEMS 4.10 and RTEMS5 bases systems.
They all use the nfs v2 mount points on the Linus remote host. We current
mirage in our lab to the newer version of the LINUX os (Rocky Linux 8)
which seems to not support NFS V2. Since I can not migrate to the RTEMS6
and EPICS 7 with some legacy systems due to the drivers incompatibilities
I explored the TFTPFS instead of the NFSFS. All works fine when reading
files through tftp. I can't however write files using the tftp.

The tftpfs is set as following:


*initialize_remote_filesystem(char **argv, int hasLocalFilesystem){*

*  if (mount_and_make_target_path(devname,
 "/TFTP/",                               RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_TYPE_TFTPFS,
         NULL))       perror("mount_and_make_target_path");*

When I try to write a file I get a following error:

*dbl > S0817PVs.txtst.cmd line 60: Can't open "S0817PVs.txt": I/O error.*

I do not see anything in the tftp log file that the EPICS iocs server even
tries to send a request to save a file. It looks like it is
something internal in EPICS/RTEMS .

Does anybody have any advice?

Best Regards
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