rtems-net-legacy.bset failure

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Tue Jun 11 21:59:40 UTC 2024

On 12/6/2024 5:26 am, Heinz Junkes wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a small error in rtems-net-legacy.bset.
> in the do-build script in line 99 is a '%' too much ...
> /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_ARM_libBsd_stack/rsb/rtems/sources/rtems_waf-68654b4f995382765605dc16917baad4bdbf7f7c.tar.bz2 | %/usr/bin/tar -x --strip-components 1 -f -
> it should look like this?
> /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_ARM_libBsd_stack/rsb/rtems/sources/rtems_waf-68654b4f995382765605dc16917baad4bdbf7f7c.tar.bz2 | /usr/bin/tar -x --strip-components 1 -f -

I made a change lower the amount of tar output and it may have uncovered a bug.
I have reviewed the change and it looks right but there is something new here. I
will take a closer look.


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