waf in gitlab rtems-net-legacy still linked to git.rtems.org

Heinz Junkes junkes at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Thu Jun 13 13:09:55 UTC 2024


Thank you very much for this,
unfortunately there is still a problem with the 'tar’:

+ cd rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977
+ /bin/chmod -R a+rX,g-w,o-w .
+ cd /Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rsb/rtems/build/rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977-powerp-rtems6-1
+ /bin/rm -rf rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977/rtems_waf
+ /bin/mkdir -p rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977/rtems_waf
+ cd rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977/rtems_waf
+ /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rsb/rtems/sources/rtems_waf-68654b4f995382765605dc16917baad4bdbf7f7c.tar.bz2
+ %/usr/bin/tar -x --strip-components 1 -f -
/Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rsb/rtems/build/rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977-powerp-rtems6-1/do-build: line 99: %/usr/bin/tar: No such file or directory
shell cmd failed: /bin/sh -ex  /Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rsb/rtems/build/rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977-powerp-rtems6-1/do-build
error: building rtems-net-legacy-74a7abc2d41209c9f667fb6cbffbd05cedf88977-powerp-rtems6-1


> On 13. Jun 2024, at 04:16, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
> On 13/6/2024 12:01 am, Heinz Junkes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to install the network stacks manually as rsb is having a problem and I've encountered the following problem:
>> git clone https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/pkg/rtems-net-legacy.git
>> cd rtems-net-legacy
>> junkes at Zarquon rtems-net-legacy % git submodule init
>> git submodule update
>> Submodule 'rtems_waf' (git://git.rtems.org/rtems_waf.git) registered for path 'rtems_waf'
>> Cloning into '/Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rtems-net-legacy/rtems_waf'...
>> fatal: unable to connect to git.rtems.org:
>> git.rtems.org[0:]: errno=Connection refused
>> fatal: clone of 'git://git.rtems.org/rtems_waf.git' into submodule path '/Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rtems-net-legacy/rtems_waf' failed
>> Failed to clone 'rtems_waf'. Retry scheduled
>> Cloning into '/Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rtems-net-legacy/rtems_waf'...
>> fatal: unable to connect to git.rtems.org:
>> git.rtems.org[0:]: errno=Connection refused
>> fatal: clone of 'git://git.rtems.org/rtems_waf.git' into submodule path '/Volumes/Epics/LONG_ISLAND/RTEMS_FOR_EPICS/rtems-net-legacy/rtems_waf' failed
>> Failed to clone 'rtems_waf' a second time, aborting
> We are in the process of getting the repos sorted after the move to Gitlab. The
> fix is up as a merge request:
> https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/pkg/rtems-net-legacy/-/merge_requests/1
> It should be merge once I have finished this email.
> Chris

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