change log for rtems-testing (2010-10-14)

rtems-vc at rtems-vc at
Thu Oct 14 15:10:06 UTC 2010

2010-10-14	Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrilL at>

	* generate_coverage_html: Add progress tracking time/series plots.

M  1.292  rtems-coverage/ChangeLog
M   1.24  rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html

diff -u rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog:1.291 rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog:1.292
--- rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog:1.291	Thu Aug 26 15:03:49 2010
+++ rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog	Thu Oct 14 09:27:49 2010
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2010-10-14	Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrilL at>
+	* generate_coverage_html: Add progress tracking time/series plots.
 2010-08-26	Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrill at>
 	* Explanations.txt: Remove cases which are now RTEMS_DEBUG.

diff -u rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html:1.23 rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html:1.24
--- rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html:1.23	Wed Jun 16 13:39:31 2010
+++ rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html	Thu Oct 14 09:27:49 2010
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
   echo "<th>"${*}"</th>"
   cpu=`grep "^Target" ${bsp}-*/configuration.txt | \
@@ -169,16 +169,55 @@
   print_doc_top ${cpu}/${BSP}
   cat <<EOF
+<table align="center">
+<tr class="heading-title">
+<td width="40%">Result Tables</td>
+<td width="40%">Time Series Graphs</td>
-<li><a href="#O2pd">Results for -O2, POSIX Disabled, Core Only</a></li>
-<li><a href="#O2pD">Results for -O2, POSIX Disabled, Developmental</a></li>
-<li><a href="#O2Pd">Results for -O2, POSIX Enabled, Core Only</a></li>
-<li><a href="#O2PD">Results for -O2, POSIX Enabled, Developmental</a></li>
-<li><a href="#Ospd">Results for -Os, POSIX Disabled, Core Only</a></li>
-<li><a href="#OspD">Results for -Os, POSIX Disabled, Developmental</a></li>
-<li><a href="#OsPd">Results for -Os, POSIX Enabled, Core Only</a></li>
-<li><a href="#OsPD">Results for -Os, POSIX Enabled, Developmental</a></li>
+<li><a href="#O2pd">-O2, POSIX Disabled, Core Only</a></li>
+<li><a href="#O2pD">-O2, POSIX Disabled, Developmental</a></li>
+<li><a href="#O2Pd">-O2, POSIX Enabled, Core Only</a></li>
+<li><a href="#O2PD">-O2, POSIX Enabled, Developmental</a></li>
+<li><a href="#Ospd">-Os, POSIX Disabled, Core Only</a></li>
+<li><a href="#OspD">-Os, POSIX Disabled, Developmental</a></li>
+<li><a href="#OsPd">-Os, POSIX Enabled, Core Only</a></li>
+<li><a href="#OsPD">-Os, POSIX Enabled, Developmental</a></li>
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-uncovered_percent-d.png\">"
+echo "  Uncovered Percentage (Core)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-uncovered_percent-D.png\">"
+echo "  Uncovered Percentage (Developmental)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-uncovered_bytes-d.png\">"
+echo "  Uncovered Bytes (Core)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-total_bytes-D.png\">"
+echo "  Total Bytes Analyzed (Developmental)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-total_bytes-d.png\">"
+echo "  Total Bytes Analyzed (Core)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-total_bytes-D.png\">"
+echo "  Total Bytes Analyzed (Developmental)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-uncovered_bytes-D.png\">"
+echo "  Uncovered Bytes (Developmental)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-uncovered_bytes-d.png\">"
+echo "  Uncovered Bytes (Core)</a></li>"
+echo "<li><a href=\"graphs/${BSP}-uncovered_bytes-D.png\">"
+echo "  Uncovered Bytes (Developmental)</a></li>"
+cat <<EOF
@@ -254,7 +293,8 @@
-  find * -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq | grep -v rtems | \
+  find * -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq | \
+    sed -e '/rtems/d' -e '/plot_data/d' -e '/graphs/d' | \
     while read bsp
       cpu=`grep ^Target ${bsp}-*/configuration.txt | tail -1 | \
@@ -282,6 +322,132 @@
+# round up
+  num=$1
+  round=$2
+  echo ${num} ${num} ${round} + ${round} % - ${round} + p | dc
+# round down
+  num=$1
+  round=$2
+  echo ${num} ${num} ${round} - ${round} % - ${round} - p| dc
+# Generate the GNU Plot script
+  # Now merge the data
+  datfiles=`ls -1 ${OUT}/${bsp}-*${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat`
+  first=`cat ${datfiles} | sort -t' ' -k1.3 -n | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1`
+  last=`cat ${datfiles} | sort -t' ' -k1.3 -n | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1`
+  min=`cat ${datfiles} | sort -k2 -n | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2`
+  max=`cat ${datfiles} | sort -k2 -n | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2`
+  round=
+  case ${FIELD} in
+    covered_percent)
+      max=100.0
+      YLABEL=Covered
+      ;;
+    uncovered_percent)
+      min=0
+      YLABEL=Uncovered
+      ;;
+    uncovered_bytes)
+      round=1000
+      min=`round_down ${min} 1000 0`
+      max=`round_up   ${max} 1000 1000000`
+      YLABEL=Uncovered
+      ;;
+    total_bytes)
+      round=5000
+      min=`round_down ${min} 5000 0`
+      max=`round_up   ${max} 5000 1000000`
+      YLABEL=Total
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "ERROR unknown FIELD ${FIELD}"
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  # No negative numbers. :=D
+  if [ ${min} -lt 0 ]  ; then
+    min=0
+  fi
+  if [ "X${round}" != "X" ] ; then   # definitely integer
+    if [ ${min} -eq ${max} ] ; then
+      max=`expr ${min} + ${round}`
+    fi
+  fi
+  # Is this graph using data for developmental or core configurations?
+  if [ ${DEV} = "D" ] ; then
+    TITLE="${PATTERN} (Developmental)"
+  else
+    TITLE="${PATTERN} (Core)"
+  fi
+  Year=`echo ${first} | cut -c1-4`
+  Month=`echo ${first} | cut -c6-7`
+  Day=`echo ${first} | cut -c9-10`
+  Hour=`echo ${first} | cut -c12-13`
+  Minute=`echo ${first} | cut -c15-16`
+  start="${Year}-${Month}-${Day}/${Hour}:${Minute}"
+  Year=`echo ${last} | cut -c1-4`
+  Month=`echo ${last} | cut -c6-7`
+  Day=`echo ${last} | cut -c9-10`
+  Hour=`echo ${last} | cut -c12-13`
+  Minute=`echo ${last} | cut -c15-16`
+  end="${Year}-${Month}-${Day}/${Hour}:${Minute}"
+  echo "set terminal png size 1200,800"
+  echo "set xdata time"
+  echo "# time range must be in same format as data file"
+  echo "set timefmt \"%Y-%m-%d/%H:%M:%S\""
+  echo "set output \"${OUTFIG}/${bsp}-${FIELD}-${DEV}.png\""
+  echo "set xrange [\""${start}"\":\""${end}"\"]"
+  echo "set yrange [${min}:${max}]"
+  echo "set grid"
+  echo "set xlabel \"Date\\nTime\""
+  echo "set ylabel \"${YLABEL}\""
+  echo "set title \"${TITLE}\""
+  echo "set key left box"
+  echo "plot \"${OUT}/${bsp}-Osp${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "  title \"Osp${DEV}\" with lines, \\"
+  echo "     \"${OUT}/${bsp}-OsP${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "  title \"OsP${DEV}\" with lines, \\"
+  echo "     \"${OUT}/${bsp}-O2p${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "  title \"O2p${DEV}\" with lines, \\"
+  echo "     \"${OUT}/${bsp}-O2P${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "  title \"O2P${DEV}\" with lines"
+  for s in `ls -1 ${bsp}-${CONF}-*/summary.txt | sort `
+  do
+    timestamp=`echo $s | cut -d'-' -f3-4 | cut -d'/' -f1`
+    num=`grep "${PATTERN}" $s | cut -d':' -f2`
+    Year=`echo ${timestamp} | cut -c1-4`
+    Month=`echo ${timestamp} | cut -c5-6`
+    Day=`echo ${timestamp} | cut -c7-8`
+    Hour=`echo ${timestamp} | cut -c10-11`
+    Minute=`echo ${timestamp} | cut -c12-13`
+    stamp="${Year}-${Month}-${Day}/${Hour}:${Minute}"
+    echo ${stamp} ${num}
+  done 
 #BSPs=`find * -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq | grep -v rtems`
@@ -294,7 +460,43 @@
 # now generate a page per BSP
 for bsp in ${BSPs} 
-  doit ${bsp} >${bsp}.html
+  do_perBSPPage ${bsp} >${bsp}.html
+# Now generate the plots
+cd $1
+rm -rf ${OUT}
+test -d ${OUT} || mkdir ${OUT}
+test -d ${OUTFIG} || mkdir ${OUTFIG}
+for bsp in ${BSPs}
+  for FIELD in total_bytes uncovered_bytes uncovered_percent #covered_percent 
+  do
+    # Pattern to find in summary.txt
+    case ${FIELD} in
+      covered_percent)   PATTERN="Percentage Executed" ;;
+      uncovered_percent) PATTERN="Percentage Not Executed" ;;
+      total_bytes)       PATTERN="Bytes Analyzed" ;;
+      uncovered_bytes)   PATTERN="Bytes Not Executed" ;;
+      *)                 echo "Unknown field (${FIELD})"; exit 1 ;;
+    esac
+    for DEV in d D
+    do
+      for CONF in Osp${DEV} OsP${DEV} O2p${DEV} O2P${DEV}
+      do
+        gen_data ${bsp} ${CONF} >${OUT}/${bsp}-${CONF}-${FIELD}.dat
+      done
+      pltfile=${OUT}/${bsp}-${FIELD}-${DEV}.plt
+      gen_plot >${pltfile}
+      #echo gnuplot ${pltfile}
+      gnuplot ${pltfile}
+    done
+  done
 exit 0


Generated by Deluxe Loginfo [] 2.122 by Bernardo Innocenti <bernie at>
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