change log for rtems-testing (2011-01-26)

rtems-vc at rtems-vc at
Wed Jan 26 19:10:03 UTC 2011

2011-01-26	Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrilL at>

	* do_coverage, generate_coverage_html, run_coverage: Contents of
	coverage data is now split into a collection of BSP specific
	directories. There were over 2000 entries in the main directory of
	the site before doing this. Also reworked the timeplot page to
	include the legend before each graph.

M  1.298  rtems-coverage/ChangeLog
M   1.73  rtems-coverage/do_coverage
M   1.29  rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html
M   1.14  rtems-coverage/run_coverage

diff -u rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog:1.297 rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog:1.298
--- rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog:1.297	Fri Jan 21 12:52:35 2011
+++ rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/ChangeLog	Wed Jan 26 12:25:59 2011
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2011-01-26	Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrilL at>
+	* do_coverage, generate_coverage_html, run_coverage: Contents of
+	coverage data is now split into a collection of BSP specific
+	directories. There were over 2000 entries in the main directory of
+	the site before doing this. Also reworked the timeplot page to
+	include the legend before each graph.
 2011-01-21	Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrilL at>
 	* run_coverage: Parse command arguments better.

diff -u rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/do_coverage:1.72 rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/do_coverage:1.73
--- rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/do_coverage:1.72	Wed Aug  4 08:35:20 2010
+++ rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/do_coverage	Wed Jan 26 12:25:59 2011
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
-    generate_symbols | remove_unwanted_symbols \
+    generate_symbols | sort -u | remove_unwanted_symbols \
     syms=`cat ${BASEDIR}/${BSP}-tests/rtems.syms | wc -l`
     if [ ${syms} -eq 0 ] ; then

diff -u rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html:1.28 rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html:1.29
--- rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html:1.28	Wed Jan  5 15:21:35 2011
+++ rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/generate_coverage_html	Wed Jan 26 12:26:00 2011
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@
 for bsp in $BSPs
-  cpu=`grep "^Target" ${bsp}-*/configuration.txt | \
+  cpu=`grep "^Target" ${bsp}/${bsp}-*/configuration.txt | \
 	sed -e 's/^.*Target: *//' | cut -d'-' -f1 | sort -u`
-  echo "<li><a href=\"${bsp}.html\">${cpu}/${bsp}</li>"
+  echo "<li><a href=\"${bsp}/${bsp}.html\">${cpu}/${bsp}</li>"
 cat <<EOF
@@ -314,33 +314,14 @@
-cd $1
-if [ `ls -1 *.tar.bz2 2>/dev/null | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
-  echo "No tarballs.  Is $1 really a coverage publishing directory?"
-  exit 1
-for d in `ls -1 *.tar.bz2 | sed -e 's/.tar.bz2$//'`
-  if [ ! -d ${d} ] ; then
-    tar xjf ${d}.tar.bz2
-  fi
-if [ ! -d rtems ] ; then
-  mkdir rtems
-cp ${COVBASE}/style.css rtems/style.css
-  find * -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq | \
-    sed -e '/rtems/d' -e '/plot_data/d' -e '/graphs/d' | \
-    while read bsp
+  find * -type d -name "*-O[s2][pP][dD]-2???[012]???-????" | \
+    cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq | \
+    while read dir
-      cpu=`grep ^Target ${bsp}-*/configuration.txt | tail -1 | \
+      bsp=`echo ${dir} | sed -e 's/.*\/.*-//'`
+      cpu=`grep ^Target ${dir}-*/configuration.txt | tail -1 | \
         sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/^.*: *\([a-z]*\)-rtems.*$/\1/'`
       echo ${cpu}/${bsp}
     done | sort -t / -k 1 -k 2 | cut -d'/' -f2
@@ -385,7 +366,7 @@
   # Now merge the data
-  datfiles=`ls -1 ${OUT}/${bsp}-*${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat`
+  datfiles=`ls -1 ${OUTDAT}/${bsp}-*${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat`
   first=`cat ${datfiles} | sort -t' ' -k1.3 -n | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1`
   last=`cat ${datfiles} | sort -t' ' -k1.3 -n | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1`
@@ -469,19 +450,19 @@
   echo "set title \"${TITLE}\""
   echo "set key left box"
-  echo "plot \"${OUT}/${bsp}-Osp${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "plot \"${OUTDAT}/${bsp}-Osp${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
   echo "  title \"Osp${DEV}\" with lines lw 2, \\"
-  echo "     \"${OUT}/${bsp}-OsP${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "     \"${OUTDAT}/${bsp}-OsP${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
   echo "  title \"OsP${DEV}\" with lines lw 2, \\"
-  echo "     \"${OUT}/${bsp}-O2p${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "     \"${OUTDAT}/${bsp}-O2p${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
   echo "  title \"O2p${DEV}\" with lines lw 2, \\"
-  echo "     \"${OUT}/${bsp}-O2P${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
+  echo "     \"${OUTDAT}/${bsp}-O2P${DEV}-${FIELD}.dat\" using 1:2 index 0 \\"
   echo "  title \"O2P${DEV}\" with lines lw 2"
-  for s in `ls -1 ${bsp}-${CONF}-*/summary.txt | sort `
+  for s in `ls -1 ${bsp}/${bsp}-${CONF}-*/summary.txt | sort `
     timestamp=`echo $s | cut -d'-' -f3-4 | cut -d'/' -f1`
     case ${FIELD} in
@@ -507,6 +488,20 @@
+  <td style="color:#ff0000">O2pd</td>\
+  <td style="color:#D0A825">O2pD</td>\
+  <td style="color:#336699">O2Pd</td>\
+  <td style="color:#99FF00">O2PD</td>\
+  <td style="color:#336666">Ospd</td>\
+  <td style="color:#33CC33">OspD</td>\
+  <td style="color:#990099">OsPd</td>\
+  <td style="color:#ff0099">OsPD</td>\
 cat <<EOF
@@ -578,67 +573,92 @@
   <body onload="onLoad();" onresize="onResize();">
+    <h1>${BSP} Timeplot Graphs</h1>
     <li><a href="#uncovered_percent">Uncovered Percentage Graph</a></li>
     <li><a href="#total_bytes">Total Bytes Analyzed Graph</a></li>
     <li><a href="#ranges">Uncovered Ranges Graph</a></li>
     <li><a href="#uncovered_bytes">Uncovered Bytes Graph</a></li>
-    <ul id="legend">
-      <li style="color:#ff0000">O2pd</li>
-      <li style="color:#D0A825">O2pD</li>
-      <li style="color:#336699">O2Pd</li>
-      <li style="color:#99FF00">O2PD</li>
-      <li style="color:#336666">Ospd</li>
-      <li style="color:#33CC33">OspD</li>
-      <li style="color:#990099">OsPd</li>
-      <li style="color:#ff0099">OsPD</li>
-    </ul>
     <h2 id="uncovered_percent">Uncovered Percentage</h2>
-    <a href="#legend">Legend</a>
     <div id="uncovered_percent-timeplot" style="height: 500px;"></div>
     <h2 id="total_bytes">Total Bytes Analyzed</h2>
-    <a href="#legend">Legend</a>
     <div id="total_bytes-timeplot" style="height: 500px;"></div>
     <h2 id="ranges">Uncovered Ranges</h2>
-    <a href="#legend">Legend</a>
     <div id="ranges-timeplot" style="height: 500px;"></div>
     <h2 id="uncovered_bytes">Uncovered bytes</h2>
-    <a href="#legend">Legend</a>
     <div id="uncovered_bytes-timeplot" style="height: 500px;"></div>
+# Now start the non-method code
+cd $1
+for d in `ls -1 *.tar.bz2 */*.tar.bz2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/.tar.bz2$//'`
+  good_dir="yes"
+  if [ ! -d ${d} ] ; then
+    tar xjf ${d}.tar.bz2
+  fi
+if [ ${good_dir} = "no" ]; then
+  echo "No tarballs.  Is $1 really a coverage publishing directory?"
+  exit 1
+# Put the style sheets in place
+if [ ! -d rtems ] ; then
+  mkdir rtems
+cp ${COVBASE}/style.css rtems/style.css
+# Find the BSPs and make their directories
+echo "Generating BSP list"
 #BSPs=`find * -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq | grep -v rtems`
+echo BSPs=${BSPs}
+echo "Ensuring BSP specific content is in BSP subdirectory"
+for bsp in ${BSPs} 
+  test -d ${bsp}           || mkdir ${bsp}
+  test -d ${bsp}/rtems     || mkdir ${bsp}/rtems
+  test -d ${bsp}/plot_data || mkdir ${bsp}/plot_data
+  test -d ${bsp}/graphs    || mkdir ${bsp}/graphs
+  cp ${COVBASE}/style.css ${bsp}/rtems/style.css
+  mv ${bsp}-* ${bsp} 2>/dev/null
 # Let them grow for a while
 # cleanup
+echo "Generating master index.html"
 print_index >index.html
-# now generate a page per BSP
+# now generate a page per BSP with plots and graphs
 for bsp in ${BSPs}
   echo "Generating BSP Page for ${bsp}..."
+  cd $1/${bsp}
   do_perBSPPage ${bsp} >${bsp}.html
-# Now generate the plots
-cd $1
-rm -rf ${OUT}
-test -d ${OUT} || mkdir ${OUT}
-test -d ${OUTFIG} || mkdir ${OUTFIG}
-for bsp in ${BSPs}
+  cd $1
+  OUTFIG=${bsp}/graphs
+  OUTDAT=${bsp}/plot_data
   echo "Generating Static Plots for ${bsp}..."
   for FIELD in ranges total_bytes uncovered_bytes \
     uncovered_percent #covered_percent
@@ -657,12 +677,11 @@
       for CONF in Osp${DEV} OsP${DEV} O2p${DEV} O2P${DEV}
-        gen_data ${bsp} ${CONF} >${OUT}/${bsp}-${CONF}-${FIELD}.dat
+        gen_data ${bsp} ${CONF} >${OUTDAT}/${bsp}-${CONF}-${FIELD}.dat
-      pltfile=${OUT}/${bsp}-${FIELD}-${DEV}.plt
+      pltfile=${OUTDAT}/${bsp}-${FIELD}-${DEV}.plt
       gen_plot >${pltfile}
-      #echo gnuplot ${pltfile}
       gnuplot ${pltfile}

diff -u rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/run_coverage:1.13 rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/run_coverage:1.14
--- rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/run_coverage:1.13	Fri Jan 21 12:52:35 2011
+++ rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/run_coverage	Wed Jan 26 12:26:00 2011
@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
       bsp=`echo $cmd | sed -e 's/_baseline$//'`
-      # XXX development off?
-      do_one ${bsp} -S          # -Os / POSIX enabled  / regression
-      do_one ${bsp} -S -P       # -Os / POSIX disabled / regression
-      do_one ${bsp}             # -O2 / POSIX enabled  / regression
-      do_one ${bsp}    -P       # -O2 / POSIX disabled  / regression
+      # Each run does both developmental and core.  So this is 8 configurations
+      do_one ${bsp} -S          # -Os / POSIX enabled
+      do_one ${bsp} -S -P       # -Os / POSIX disabled
+      do_one ${bsp}             # -O2 / POSIX enabled
+      do_one ${bsp}    -P       # -O2 / POSIX disabled
       echo "Unknown command (${cmd})"


Generated by Deluxe Loginfo [] 2.122 by Bernardo Innocenti <bernie at>
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