[rtems commit] sptests: refactored sp09/screen14.c into two new tests

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Thu Dec 12 01:08:14 UTC 2013

Module:    rtems
Branch:    master
Commit:    07f4edc14b283486c9493b8e8083967c6ddeb47e
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=07f4edc14b283486c9493b8e8083967c6ddeb47e

Author:    Daniel Ramirez <javamonn at gmail.com>
Date:      Wed Dec 11 17:10:34 2013 -0600

sptests: refactored sp09/screen14.c into two new tests


 testsuites/sptests/Makefile.am                     |    1 +
 testsuites/sptests/configure.ac                    |    2 +
 testsuites/sptests/sp09/Makefile.am                |    4 +-
 testsuites/sptests/sp09/init.c                     |    2 -
 testsuites/sptests/sp09/screen14.c                 |  368 --------------------
 testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.doc                   |    6 +-
 testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.scn                   |   35 --
 testsuites/sptests/sp09/system.h                   |    5 -
 testsuites/sptests/sp09/task1.c                    |    3 -
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/Makefile.am       |   22 ++
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/init.c            |  254 ++++++++++++++
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.doc |   22 ++
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.scn |   23 ++
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/Makefile.am       |   22 ++
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/init.c            |  228 ++++++++++++
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.doc |   22 ++
 testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.scn |   18 +
 17 files changed, 618 insertions(+), 419 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/Makefile.am b/testsuites/sptests/Makefile.am
index f440b0f..118395b 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/Makefile.am
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/Makefile.am
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ SUBDIRS += speventtransient01
 SUBDIRS += speventsystem01
 SUBDIRS += spinternalerror01
 SUBDIRS += spinternalerror02
+SUBDIRS += sptimer_err01 sptimer_err02
 include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/subdirs.am
 include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/local.am
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/configure.ac b/testsuites/sptests/configure.ac
index 69c999a..520be88 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/configure.ac
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/configure.ac
@@ -197,5 +197,7 @@ spthreadq01/Makefile
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/Makefile.am b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/Makefile.am
index db5c355..7af9aea 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/Makefile.am
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/Makefile.am
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 rtems_tests_PROGRAMS = sp09
 sp09_SOURCES = init.c delay.c isr.c screen01.c screen02.c screen03.c screen04.c \
     screen05.c screen06.c screen07.c screen08.c screen09.c screen10.c \
-    screen11.c screen12.c screen13.c screen14.c task1.c task2.c task3.c \
-    task4.c system.h
+    screen11.c screen12.c screen13.c task1.c task2.c task3.c task4.c \
+    system.h
 dist_rtems_tests_DATA = sp09.scn
 dist_rtems_tests_DATA += sp09.doc
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/init.c b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/init.c
index c35949e..6adcac5 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/init.c
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/init.c
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ rtems_task Init(
   Task_name[ 9 ]       =  rtems_build_name( 'T', 'A', '9', ' ' );
   Task_name[ 10 ]      =  rtems_build_name( 'T', 'A', 'A', ' ' );
-  Timer_name[ 1 ]      =  rtems_build_name( 'T', 'M', '1', ' ' );
   Semaphore_name[ 1 ]  =  rtems_build_name( 'S', 'M', '1', ' ' );
   Semaphore_name[ 2 ]  =  rtems_build_name( 'S', 'M', '2', ' ' );
   Semaphore_name[ 3 ]  =  rtems_build_name( 'S', 'M', '3', ' ' );
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/screen14.c b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/screen14.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 106c30a..0000000
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/screen14.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-/*  Screen14
- *
- *  This routine generates error screen 14 for test 9.
- *
- *  Input parameters:  NONE
- *
- *  Output parameters:  NONE
- *
- *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2009.
- *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
- *
- *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
- *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
- *  http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "system.h"
-void Screen14()
-  rtems_status_code       status;
-  rtems_time_of_day       time;
-  rtems_timer_information timer_info;
-  bool                    skipUnsatisfied;
-  /* NULL Id */
-  status = rtems_timer_create( Timer_name[ 1 ], NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_create NULL param"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  /* bad name */
-  status = rtems_timer_create( 0, &Junk_id );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_create with illegal name"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME" );
-  /* OK */
-  status = rtems_timer_create( Timer_name[ 1 ], &Timer_id[ 1 ] );
-  directive_failed( status, "rtems_timer_create" );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 1 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL" );
-  status = rtems_timer_create( 2, &Junk_id );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_create for too many"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 2 - RTEMS_TOO_MANY" );
-  status = rtems_timer_delete( 100 );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_delete with illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - local RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  status = rtems_timer_delete( rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ) );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_delete with illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - global RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  status = rtems_timer_ident( 0, &Junk_id );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_ident with illegal name"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_ident - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME" );
-  status = rtems_timer_cancel( rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ) );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_cancel with illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_cancel - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  status = rtems_timer_reset( rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ) );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_reset with illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  status = rtems_timer_reset( Timer_id[ 1 ] );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_reset before initiated"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED" );
-  /* bad id */
-  status = rtems_timer_fire_after(
-    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
-    5 * rtems_clock_get_ticks_per_second(),
-    Delayed_routine,
-    NULL
-  );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_fire_after illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  /* bad id */
-  build_time( &time, 12, 31, 1994, 9, 0, 0, 0 );
-  status = rtems_timer_fire_when(
-    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
-    &time,
-    Delayed_routine,
-    NULL
-  );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_fire_when with illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  /* NULL routine */
-  status = rtems_timer_fire_after( Timer_id[ 1 ], 1, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_fire_after with NULL handler"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  /* 0 ticks */
-  status = rtems_timer_fire_after( Timer_id[ 1 ], 0, Delayed_routine, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_fire_after with 0 ticks"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER" );
-  /* NULL routine */
-  status = rtems_timer_fire_when( Timer_id[ 1 ], &time, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_fire_when with NULL handler"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  /* invalid time -- before RTEMS epoch */
-  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1987, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
-  status = rtems_timer_fire_when( Timer_id[ 1 ], &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_fire_when with illegal time"
-  );
-  print_time(
-    "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - ",
-    &time,
-  );
-  status = rtems_clock_get_tod( &time );
-  directive_failed( status, "rtems_clock_get_tod" );
-  print_time( "TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - ", &time, "\n" );
-  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1990, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
-  status = rtems_timer_fire_when( Timer_id[ 1 ], &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_fire_when before current time"
-  );
-  print_time(
-    "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - ",
-    &time,
-    " - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK\n"
-  );
-  /* null param */
-  status = rtems_timer_get_information( Timer_id[ 1 ], NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_get_information with NULL param"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  /* invalid id */
-  status = rtems_timer_get_information( 100, &timer_info );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_get_information with illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-/* timer server interface routines */
-  /* incorrect state */
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after( 0, 5, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after incorrect state"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE" );
-  /* incorrect state */
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when( 0, &time, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when incorrect state"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE" );
-  /* invalid priority */
-  status = rtems_timer_initiate_server( 0, 0, 0 );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_initiate_server invalid priority"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY" );
-  skipUnsatisfied = false;
-  #if defined(__m32c__)
-    skipUnsatisfied = true;
-  #endif
-  if (skipUnsatisfied) {
-    puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_UNSATISFIED -- SKIPPED" );
-  } else {
-    status = rtems_timer_initiate_server(
-      0x10000000,
-      0
-    );
-    fatal_directive_status(
-      status,
-      "rtems_timer_initiate_server too much stack "
-    );
-    puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_UNSATISFIED" );
-  }
-  status =
-    rtems_timer_initiate_server( RTEMS_TIMER_SERVER_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, 0, 0 );
-  directive_failed( status, "rtems_timer_initiate_server" );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - SUCCESSFUL" );
-  /* NULL routine */
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after( Timer_id[ 1 ], 1, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after NULL routine"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  /* bad Id */
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after(
-    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
-    5 * rtems_clock_get_ticks_per_second(),
-    Delayed_routine,
-    NULL
-  );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  /* bad id */
-  build_time( &time, 12, 31, 1994, 9, 0, 0, 0 );
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when(
-    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
-    &time,
-    Delayed_routine,
-    NULL
-  );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when with illegal id"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  /* NULL routine */
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after( Timer_id[ 1 ], 1, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after NULL routine"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  /* 0 ticks */
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after(
-    Timer_id[ 1 ], 0, Delayed_routine, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after with 0 ticks"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER" );
-  /* illegal time */
-  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1987, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when(
-    Timer_id[ 1 ], &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when with illegal time"
-  );
-  print_time(
-    "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - ",
-    &time,
-  );
-  status = rtems_clock_get_tod( &time );
-  directive_failed( status, "rtems_clock_get_tod" );
-  print_time( "TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - ", &time, "\n" );
-  /* when NULL routine */
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when( Timer_id[ 1 ], &time, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when NULL routine"
-  );
-  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  /* before current time */
-  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1990, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
-  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when(
-    Timer_id[ 1 ], &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status(
-    status,
-    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when before current time"
-  );
-  print_time(
-    "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - ",
-    &time,
-    " - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK\n"
-  );
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.doc b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.doc
index 3d4b863..7b6903e 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.doc
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.doc
@@ -12,10 +12,8 @@ This file describes the directives and concepts tested by this test set.
 test set name:  test9
-  ex_init, ex_start, tm_tick, i_return,
-  t_create,t_delete, t_getreg, t_ident, t_restart, t_resume, t_setpri,
-  t_setreg, t_start, t_suspend, tm_delete, tm_get,
-  tm_set, tm_wkafter, tm_wkwhen, ev_receive, ev_send, sm_create, sm_delete,
+  ex_init, ex_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_resume, t_setpri, t_setreg, t_start,
+  t_suspend, tm_wkafter, tm_wkwhen, ev_receive, ev_send, sm_create, sm_delete,
   sm_ident, sm_p, sm_v, q_broadcast, q_create, q_delete, q_ident, q_receive,
   q_send, q_urgent, as_catch, as_send, as_return, rn_create, rn_delete,
   rn_getseg, rn_ident, rn_retseg, pt_create, pt_delete, pt_getbug, pt_ident,
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.scn b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.scn
index d1a616d..80c4598 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.scn
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/sp09.scn
@@ -295,39 +295,4 @@ TA1 - rtems_clock_set - 23:59:59   12/31/2099 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL
 TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod - 17:31:44   11/25/1963 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL
 TA1 - rtems_clock_set - 23:59:59   12/31/1991 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL
 TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod - 00:00:00   01/01/1992 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL
-<pause - screen 14>
-TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME
-TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 1 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL
-TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 2 - RTEMS_TOO_MANY
-TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - local RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - global RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_ident - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME
-TA1 - rtems_timer_cancel - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED
-TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER
-TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1987 - RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK
-TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - 00:00:00   01/01/1992
-TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1990 - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK
-TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE
-TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY
-TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_UNSATISFIED
-TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - SUCCESSFUL
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1987 - RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK
-TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - 00:00:00   01/01/1992
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1990 - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK
 *** END OF TEST 9 ***
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/system.h b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/system.h
index 97b74f1..0403482 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/system.h
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/system.h
@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ void Screen12( void );
 void Screen13( void );
-void Screen14( void );
 /* configuration information */
@@ -102,9 +100,6 @@ void Screen14( void );
 TEST_EXTERN rtems_id   Task_id[ 11 ];       /* array of task ids */
 TEST_EXTERN rtems_name Task_name[ 11 ];     /* array of task names */
-TEST_EXTERN rtems_name Timer_name[ 2 ];     /* array of timer names */
-TEST_EXTERN rtems_id   Timer_id[ 2 ];       /* array of timer ids */
 TEST_EXTERN rtems_name Semaphore_name[ 4 ]; /* array of semaphore names */
 TEST_EXTERN rtems_id   Semaphore_id[ 4 ];   /* array of semaphore ids */
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/task1.c b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/task1.c
index ad0073a..f332901 100644
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp09/task1.c
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sp09/task1.c
@@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ rtems_task Task_1(
   rtems_test_pause_and_screen_number( 13 );
-  rtems_test_pause_and_screen_number( 14 );
-  Screen14();
   puts( "*** END OF TEST 9 ***" );
   rtems_test_exit( 0 );
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/Makefile.am b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d43bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+rtems_tests_PROGRAMS = sptimer_err01
+sptimer_err01_SOURCES = init.c
+dist_rtems_tests_DATA = sptimer_err01.scn
+dist_rtems_tests_DATA += sptimer_err01.doc
+include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/make/custom/@RTEMS_BSP at .cfg
+include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/compile.am
+include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/leaf.am
+AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/../support/include
+LINK_OBJS = $(sptimer_err01_OBJECTS) $(sptimer_err01_LDADD)
+LINK_LIBS = $(sptimer_err01_LDLIBS)
+sptimer_err01$(EXEEXT): $(sptimer_err01_OBJECTS) $(sptimer_err01_DEPENDENCIES)
+	@rm -f sptimer_err01$(EXEEXT)
+	$(make-exe)
+include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/local.am
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/init.c b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1498086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ *  COPYRIGHT (c) 2013.
+ *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
+ *
+ *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ *  http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <tmacros.h>
+#include "test_support.h"
+/* forward declarations to avoid warnings */
+rtems_task Init(rtems_task_argument argument);
+rtems_timer_service_routine Delayed_routine(
+  rtems_id  ignored_id,
+  void     *ignored_address
+rtems_task Init(
+  rtems_task_argument argument
+  puts( "\n\n*** TEST SPTIMER_ERR01 ***" );
+  rtems_status_code        status;
+  rtems_time_of_day        time;
+  rtems_timer_information  timer_info;
+  rtems_name               timer_name;
+  rtems_id                 timer_id;
+  rtems_id                 junk_id;
+  timer_name =  rtems_build_name( 'T', 'M', '1', ' ' );
+  /* Set System time */
+  build_time( &time, 12, 31, 1992, 9, 0, 0, 0 );
+  status = rtems_clock_set( &time );
+  directive_failed( status, "rtems_clock_set" );
+  /* NULL Id */
+  status = rtems_timer_create( timer_name, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_create NULL param"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
+  /* bad name */
+  status = rtems_timer_create( 0, &junk_id );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_create with illegal name"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME" );
+  /* OK */
+  status = rtems_timer_create( timer_name, &timer_id );
+  directive_failed( status, "rtems_timer_create" );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 1 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL" );
+  status = rtems_timer_create( 2, &junk_id );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_create for too many"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 2 - RTEMS_TOO_MANY" );
+  status = rtems_timer_delete( 100 );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_delete with illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - local RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  status = rtems_timer_delete( rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ) );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_delete with illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - global RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  status = rtems_timer_ident( 0, &junk_id );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_ident with illegal name"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_ident - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME" );
+  status = rtems_timer_cancel( rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ) );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_cancel with illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_cancel - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  status = rtems_timer_reset( rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ) );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_reset with illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  status = rtems_timer_reset( timer_id );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_reset before initiated"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED" );
+  /* bad id */
+  status = rtems_timer_fire_after(
+    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
+    5 * rtems_clock_get_ticks_per_second(),
+    Delayed_routine,
+    NULL
+  );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_fire_after illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  /* bad id */
+  build_time( &time, 12, 31, 1994, 9, 0, 0, 0 );
+  status = rtems_timer_fire_when(
+    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
+    &time,
+    Delayed_routine,
+    NULL
+  );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_fire_when with illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  /* NULL routine */
+  status = rtems_timer_fire_after( timer_id, 1, NULL, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_fire_after with NULL handler"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
+  /* 0 ticks */
+  status = rtems_timer_fire_after( timer_id, 0, Delayed_routine, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_fire_after with 0 ticks"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER" );
+  /* NULL routine */
+  status = rtems_timer_fire_when( timer_id, &time, NULL, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_fire_when with NULL handler"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
+  /* invalid time -- before RTEMS epoch */
+  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1987, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
+  status = rtems_timer_fire_when( timer_id, &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_fire_when with illegal time"
+  );
+  print_time(
+    "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - ",
+    &time,
+  );
+  status = rtems_clock_get_tod( &time );
+  directive_failed( status, "rtems_clock_get_tod" );
+  print_time( "TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - ", &time, "\n" );
+  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1990, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
+  status = rtems_timer_fire_when( timer_id, &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_fire_when before current time"
+  );
+  print_time(
+    "TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - ",
+    &time,
+    " - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK\n"
+  );
+  /* null param */
+  status = rtems_timer_get_information( timer_id, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_get_information with NULL param"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
+  /* invalid id */
+  status = rtems_timer_get_information( 100, &timer_info );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_get_information with illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  puts( "*** END OF TEST SPTIMER_ERR01 ***" );
+  rtems_test_exit(0);
+rtems_timer_service_routine Delayed_routine(
+  rtems_id  ignored_id,
+  void     *ignored_address
+  /* Empty routine that gets passed to rtems_timer_fire_when */
+/* configuration information */
+#define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS             1
+#define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS              1
+#include <rtems/confdefs.h>
+/* end of file */
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.doc b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecad1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2013.
+#  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
+#  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+#  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+#  http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
+This file describes the directives and concepts tested by this test set.
+test set name:  sptimer_err02
+  rtems_timer_create, rtems_timer_delete, rtems_timer_ident, rtems_timer_cancel,
+  rtems_timer_reset, rtems_timer_fire_after, rtems_timer_fire_when,
+  rtems_clock_get_tod, rtems_timer_get_information
++  Verifies error codes returned by the executive for rtems_timer functions in
+   a non server context.
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.scn b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.scn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455017e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err01/sptimer_err01.scn
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
+TA1 - rtems_timer_create - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME
+TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 1 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL
+TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 2 - RTEMS_TOO_MANY
+TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - local RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_delete - global RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_ident - RTEMS_INVALID_NAME
+TA1 - rtems_timer_cancel - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_reset - RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED
+TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
+TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER
+TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
+TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1987 - RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK
+TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - 09:00:00   12/31/1992
+TA1 - rtems_timer_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1990 - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK
+TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
+TA1 - rtems_timer_get_information - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/Makefile.am b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6fe04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+rtems_tests_PROGRAMS = sptimer_err02
+sptimer_err02_SOURCES = init.c
+dist_rtems_tests_DATA = sptimer_err02.scn
+dist_rtems_tests_DATA += sptimer_err02.doc
+include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/make/custom/@RTEMS_BSP at .cfg
+include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/compile.am
+include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/leaf.am
+AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/../support/include
+LINK_OBJS = $(sptimer_err02_OBJECTS) $(sptimer_err02_LDADD)
+LINK_LIBS = $(sptimer_err02_LDLIBS)
+sptimer_err02$(EXEEXT): $(sptimer_err02_OBJECTS) $(sptimer_err02_DEPENDENCIES)
+	@rm -f sptimer_err02$(EXEEXT)
+	$(make-exe)
+include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/local.am
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/init.c b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04d2dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2013.
+ *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
+ *
+ *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ *  http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <tmacros.h>
+#include "test_support.h"
+/* forward declarations to avoid warnings */
+rtems_task Init(rtems_task_argument argument);
+rtems_timer_service_routine Delayed_routine(
+  rtems_id  ignored_id,
+  void     *ignored_address
+rtems_task Init(
+  rtems_task_argument argument
+  puts( "\n\n*** TEST SPTIMER_ERR02 ***" );
+  rtems_status_code        status;
+  rtems_time_of_day        time;
+  rtems_id                 timer_id;
+  rtems_name               timer_name;
+  bool                     skipUnsatisfied;
+  /* Set System time */
+  build_time( &time, 12, 31, 1992, 9, 0, 0, 0 );
+  status = rtems_clock_set( &time );
+  directive_failed( status, "rtems_clock_set" );
+  timer_name =  rtems_build_name( 'T', 'M', '1', ' ' );
+  /* OK */
+  status = rtems_timer_create( timer_name, &timer_id );
+  directive_failed( status, "rtems_timer_create" );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 1 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL" );
+  /* incorrect state */
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after( 0, 5, NULL, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after incorrect state"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE" );
+  /* incorrect state */
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when( 0, &time, NULL, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when incorrect state"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE" );
+  /* invalid priority */
+  status = rtems_timer_initiate_server( 0, 0, 0 );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_initiate_server invalid priority"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY" );
+  skipUnsatisfied = false;
+  #if defined(__m32c__)
+    skipUnsatisfied = true;
+  #endif
+  if (skipUnsatisfied) {
+    puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_UNSATISFIED -- SKIPPED" );
+  } else {
+    status = rtems_timer_initiate_server(
+      0x10000000,
+      0
+    );
+    fatal_directive_status(
+      status,
+      "rtems_timer_initiate_server too much stack "
+    );
+    puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_UNSATISFIED" );
+  }
+  status =
+    rtems_timer_initiate_server( RTEMS_TIMER_SERVER_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, 0, 0 );
+  directive_failed( status, "rtems_timer_initiate_server" );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - SUCCESSFUL" );
+  /* NULL routine */
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after( timer_id, 1, NULL, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after NULL routine"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
+  /* bad Id */
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after(
+    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
+    5 * rtems_clock_get_ticks_per_second(),
+    Delayed_routine,
+    NULL
+  );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  /* bad id */
+  build_time( &time, 12, 31, 1994, 9, 0, 0, 0 );
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when(
+    rtems_build_id( 1, 1, 1, 256 ),
+    &time,
+    Delayed_routine,
+    NULL
+  );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when with illegal id"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
+  /* NULL routine */
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after( timer_id, 1, NULL, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after NULL routine"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
+  /* 0 ticks */
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_after(
+    timer_id, 0, Delayed_routine, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_after with 0 ticks"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER" );
+  /* illegal time */
+  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1987, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when(
+    timer_id, &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when with illegal time"
+  );
+  print_time(
+    "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - ",
+    &time,
+  );
+  status = rtems_clock_get_tod( &time );
+  directive_failed( status, "rtems_clock_get_tod" );
+  print_time( "TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - ", &time, "\n" );
+  /* when NULL routine */
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when( timer_id, &time, NULL, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when NULL routine"
+  );
+  puts( "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
+  /* before current time */
+  build_time( &time, 2, 5, 1990, 8, 30, 45, 0 );
+  status = rtems_timer_server_fire_when(
+    timer_id, &time, Delayed_routine, NULL );
+  fatal_directive_status(
+    status,
+    "rtems_timer_server_fire_when before current time"
+  );
+  print_time(
+    "TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - ",
+    &time,
+    " - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK\n"
+  );
+  puts( "*** END OF TEST SPTIMER_ERR02 ***" );
+  rtems_test_exit(0);
+rtems_timer_service_routine Delayed_routine(
+  rtems_id  ignored_id,
+  void     *ignored_address
+  /* Empty routine that gets passed to rtems_timer_fire_when */
+/* configuration information */
+/* Two Tasks: Init and Timer Server */
+#define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS           2
+#define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS          1
+#include <rtems/confdefs.h>
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.doc b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5068b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2013.
+#  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
+#  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+#  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+#  http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
+This file describes the directives and concepts tested by this test set.
+test set name:  sptimer_err02
+  rtems_timer_create, rtems_timer_server_fire_after,
+  rtems_timer_server_fire_when, rtems_timer_initiate_server,
++  Verifies error codes returned by the executive for rtems_timer functions in
+   a server context.
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.scn b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.scn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a7dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/sptests/sptimer_err02/sptimer_err02.scn
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+TA1 - rtems_timer_create - 1 - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE
+TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY
+TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - RTEMS_UNSATISFIED
+TA1 - rtems_timer_initiate_server - SUCCESSFUL
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_after - RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1987 - RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK
+TA1 - rtems_clock_get_tod       - 09:00:00   12/31/1992
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
+TA1 - rtems_timer_server_fire_when - 08:30:45   02/05/1990 - before RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK

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