[rtems commit] arm_rtl22xx: added new doxygen

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Sun Dec 22 20:33:09 UTC 2013

Module:    rtems
Branch:    master
Commit:    78e529a660ad86c9eb2fac552fbc29c92ce09b58
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=78e529a660ad86c9eb2fac552fbc29c92ce09b58

Author:    Daniel Ramirez <javamonn at gmail.com>
Date:      Sun Dec 22 13:49:52 2013 -0600

arm_rtl22xx: added new doxygen


 .../lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/console/lpc22xx_uart.h  |  194 +++++++++++++-----
 c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h         |  150 ++++++++++---
 c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h~        |  218 ++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 479 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/console/lpc22xx_uart.h b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/console/lpc22xx_uart.h
index 440a318..f6ae249 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/console/lpc22xx_uart.h
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/console/lpc22xx_uart.h
@@ -1,89 +1,187 @@
- *  Definitions for LPC22xx/LPC21xx
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup rtl22xx_uart
+ * @brief UART support.
 #ifndef LPC22XX_UART_H
 #define LPC22XX_UART_H
+ * @defgroup rtl22xx_uart UART Support
+ * @ingroup arm_rtl22xx
+ * @brief UART (Universal Asynchronous Reciever/Transmitter) Support
+ * @{
+ */
 #define FIFODEEP    16
 #define BD115200    115200
 #define BD38400     38400
 #define BD9600      9600
-#define U0_PINSEL       (0x00000005)    /* PINSEL0 Value for UART0 */
-#define U0_PINMASK      (0x0000000F)    /* PINSEL0 Mask for UART0 */
-#define U1_PINSEL       (0x00050000)    /* PINSEL0 Value for UART1 */
-#define U1_PINMASK      (0x000F0000)    /* PINSEL0 Mask for UART1 */
+/** @brief PINSEL0 Value for UART0 */
+#define U0_PINSEL       (0x00000005)
+/** @brief PINSEL0 Mask for UART0 */
+#define U0_PINMASK      (0x0000000F)
+/** @brief PINSEL0 Value for UART1 */
+#define U1_PINSEL       (0x00050000)
+/** @brief PINSEL0 Mask for UART1 */
+#define U1_PINMASK      (0x000F0000)
+ * @name Uart line control register bit descriptions
+ * @{
+ */
-/* Uart line control register bit descriptions */
 #define LCR_WORDLENTH_BIT         0
 #define LCR_STOPBITSEL_BIT        2
 #define LCR_PARITYENBALE_BIT      3
 #define LCR_PARITYSEL_BIT         4
 #define LCR_BREAKCONTROL_BIT      6
 #define LCR_DLAB_BIT              7
-// Line Control Register bit definitions
-#define ULCR_CHAR_5         (0 << 0)    // 5-bit character length
-#define ULCR_CHAR_6         (1 << 0)    // 6-bit character length
-#define ULCR_CHAR_7         (2 << 0)    // 7-bit character length
-#define ULCR_CHAR_8         (3 << 0)    // 8-bit character length
-#define ULCR_STOP_0         (0 << 2)    // no stop bits
-#define ULCR_STOP_1         (1 << 2)    // 1 stop bit
-#define ULCR_PAR_NO         (0 << 3)    // No Parity
-#define ULCR_PAR_ODD        (1 << 3)    // Odd Parity
-#define ULCR_PAR_EVEN       (3 << 3)    // Even Parity
-#define ULCR_PAR_MARK       (5 << 3)    // MARK "1" Parity
-#define ULCR_PAR_SPACE      (7 << 3)    // SPACE "0" Paruty
-#define ULCR_BREAK_ENABLE   (1 << 6)    // Output BREAK line condition
-#define ULCR_DLAB_ENABLE    (1 << 7)    // Enable Divisor Latch Access
-// Modem Control Register bit definitions
-#define UMCR_DTR            (1 << 0)    // Data Terminal Ready
-#define UMCR_RTS            (1 << 1)    // Request To Send
-#define UMCR_LB             (1 << 4)    // Loopback
-// Line Status Register bit definitions
-#define ULSR_RDR            (1 << 0)    // Receive Data Ready
-#define ULSR_OE             (1 << 1)    // Overrun Error
-#define ULSR_PE             (1 << 2)    // Parity Error
-#define ULSR_FE             (1 << 3)    // Framing Error
-#define ULSR_BI             (1 << 4)    // Break Interrupt
-#define ULSR_THRE           (1 << 5)    // Transmit Holding Register Empty
-#define ULSR_TEMT           (1 << 6)    // Transmitter Empty
-#define ULSR_RXFE           (1 << 7)    // Error in Receive FIFO
+/** @} */
+ * @name Line Control Register bit definitions
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @brief 5-bit character length */
+#define ULCR_CHAR_5         (0 << 0)
+/** @brief 6-bit character length */
+#define ULCR_CHAR_6         (1 << 0)
+/** @brief 7-bit character length */
+#define ULCR_CHAR_7         (2 << 0)
+/** @brief 8-bit character length */
+#define ULCR_CHAR_8         (3 << 0)
+/** @brief no stop bits */
+#define ULCR_STOP_0         (0 << 2)
+/** @brief 1 stop bit */
+#define ULCR_STOP_1         (1 << 2)
+/** @brief No Parity */
+#define ULCR_PAR_NO         (0 << 3)
+/** @brief Odd Parity */
+#define ULCR_PAR_ODD        (1 << 3)
+/** @brief Even Parity */
+#define ULCR_PAR_EVEN       (3 << 3)
+/** @brief MARK "1" Parity */
+#define ULCR_PAR_MARK       (5 << 3)
+/** @brief SPACE "0" Paruty */
+#define ULCR_PAR_SPACE      (7 << 3)
+/** @brief Output BREAK line condition */
+#define ULCR_BREAK_ENABLE   (1 << 6)
+/** @brief Enable Divisor Latch Access */
+#define ULCR_DLAB_ENABLE    (1 << 7)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Modem Control Register bit definitions
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @brief Data Terminal Ready */
+#define UMCR_DTR            (1 << 0)
+/** @brief Request To Send */
+#define UMCR_RTS            (1 << 1)
+/** @brief Loopback */
+#define UMCR_LB             (1 << 4)
+/** @} */
+ * @name  Line Status Register bit definitions
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @brief Receive Data Ready */
+#define ULSR_RDR            (1 << 0)
+/** @brief Overrun Error */
+#define ULSR_OE             (1 << 1)
+/** @brief Parity Error */
+#define ULSR_PE             (1 << 2)
+/** @brief Framing Error */
+#define ULSR_FE             (1 << 3)
+/** @brief Break Interrupt */
+#define ULSR_BI             (1 << 4)
+/** @brief Transmit Holding Register Empty */
+#define ULSR_THRE           (1 << 5)
+/** @brief Transmitter Empty */
+#define ULSR_TEMT           (1 << 6)
+/** @brief Error in Receive FIFO */
+#define ULSR_RXFE           (1 << 7)
 #define ULSR_ERR_MASK       0x1E
-// Modem Status Register bit definitions
-#define UMSR_DCTS           (1 << 0)    // Delta Clear To Send
-#define UMSR_DDSR           (1 << 1)    // Delta Data Set Ready
-#define UMSR_TERI           (1 << 2)    // Trailing Edge Ring Indicator
-#define UMSR_DDCD           (1 << 3)    // Delta Data Carrier Detect
-#define UMSR_CTS            (1 << 4)    // Clear To Send
-#define UMSR_DSR            (1 << 5)    // Data Set Ready
-#define UMSR_RI             (1 << 6)    // Ring Indicator
-#define UMSR_DCD            (1 << 7)    // Data Carrier Detect
-/* Uart Interrupt Identification */
+/** @} */
+ * @name Modem Status Register bit definitions
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @brief Delta Clear To Send */
+#define UMSR_DCTS           (1 << 0)
+/** @brief Delta Data Set Ready */
+#define UMSR_DDSR           (1 << 1)
+/** @brief Trailing Edge Ring Indicator */
+#define UMSR_TERI           (1 << 2)
+/** @brief Delta Data Carrier Detect */
+#define UMSR_DDCD           (1 << 3)
+/** @brief Clear To Send */
+#define UMSR_CTS            (1 << 4)
+/** @brief Data Set Ready */
+#define UMSR_DSR            (1 << 5)
+/** @brief Ring Indicator */
+#define UMSR_RI             (1 << 6)
+/** @brief Data Carrier Detect */
+#define UMSR_DCD            (1 << 7)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Uart Interrupt Identification
+ * @{
+ */
 #define IIR_RSL                   0x3
 #define IIR_RDA                   0x2
 #define IIR_CTI                   0x6
 #define IIR_THRE                  0x1
-/* Uart Interrupt Enable Type*/
+/** @} */
+ * @name  Uart Interrupt Enable Type
+ * @{
+ */
 #define IER_RBR                   0x1
 #define IER_THRE                  0x2
 #define IER_RLS                   0x4
-/* Uart Receiver Errors*/
+/** @} */
+ * @name Uart Receiver Errors
+ * @{
+ */
 #define RC_FIFO_OVERRUN_ERR       0x1
 #define RC_OVERRUN_ERR            0x2
 #define RC_PARITY_ERR             0x4
 #define RC_FRAMING_ERR            0x8
 #define RC_BREAK_IND              0x10
+/** @} */
 typedef enum {
   UART0 = 0,
 } LPC_UartChanel_t;
+/** @} */
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h
index 936f93a..06f3e8e 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup arm_rtl22xx
+ * @brief Global BSP definitions.
+ */
  * Philips LPC22XX/LPC21xx BSP header file
@@ -17,6 +23,13 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <bspopts.h>
 #include <bsp/default-initial-extension.h>
+ * @defgroup arm_rtl22xx RTL22XX Support
+ * @ingroup bsp_arm
+ * @brief RTL22XX Support Package
+ * @{
+ */
 #include <rtems.h>
@@ -30,39 +43,67 @@ extern "C" {
 /* cclk=cco/(2*P) */
 /* cco = cclk*2*P 	*/
-/* system clk frequecy,<=60Mhz, defined in system configuration */
+/** @brief system clk frequecy,<=60Mhz, defined in system configuration */
 #define	LPC22xx_Fcclk	CONFIG_ARM_CLK
 /* Fcco 156M~320Mhz*/
-/* system clk frequecy,<=60Mhz, defined in system configuration */
+/** @brief system clk frequecy,<=60Mhz, defined in system configuration */
 #define	LPC22xx_Fcclk	CONFIG_ARM_CLK
 #define LPC22xx_Fcco	LPC22xx_Fcclk * 4
-/*VPB clk frequency,1,1/2,1/4 times of Fcclk */
+/** @brief VPB clk frequency,1,1/2,1/4 times of Fcclk */
 #define LPC22xx_Fpclk	(LPC22xx_Fcclk /4) *1
-/* Fcclk range: 10MHz ~ MCU allowed frequency */
+ * @name Fcclk range: 10MHz ~ MCU allowed frequency
+ * @{
+ */
 #define Fcclk_MIN	    10000000L
 #define Fcclk_MAX	    60000000L
-/* Fcco range: 156MHz ~ 320MHz */
+/** @} */
+ * @name Fcco range: 156MHz ~ 320MHz
+ * @{
+ */
 #define Fcco_MIN            156000000L
 #define Fcco_MAX            320000000L
+/** @} */
 #define PLLFEED_DATA1       0xAA
 #define PLLFEED_DATA2       0x55
-/* PLL PLLCON register bit descriptions */
+ * @name PLL PLLCON register bit descriptions
+ * @{
+ */
 #define PLLCON_ENABLE_BIT   0
-/* PLL PLLSTAT register bit descriptions */
+/** @} */
+ * @name PLL PLLSTAT register bit descriptions
+ * @{
+ */
 #define PLLSTAT_LOCK_BIT    10
-/* PM Peripheral Type */
+/** @} */
+ * @name PM Peripheral Type
+ * @{
+ */
 #define PC_TIMER0	    0x2
 #define PC_TIMER1	    0x4
 #define PC_UART0	    0x8
@@ -72,73 +113,112 @@ extern "C" {
 #define PC_SPI0		    0x100
 #define PC_RTC		    0x200
-// OSC [Hz]
+/** @} */
+/** @brief OSC [Hz] */
 #define FOSC 	          11059200
-// Core clk [Hz]
+/** @brief Core clk [Hz] */
 #define FCCLK	          FOSC<<2
-* help file
-/* System configure, Fosc Fcclk Fcco Fpclk must be defined*/
-#define Fosc    11059200          // osc freq,10MHz~25MHz,
-                                  //    change to real one if needed
-#define Fcclk   (Fosc << 2)       //system freq 2^n time of  Fosc(1~32) <=60MHZ
-#define Fcco    (Fcclk <<2)       //CCO freq 2,4,8,16 time of Fcclk 156MHz~320MHz
-#define Fpclk   (Fcclk >>2) * 1   //VPB freq only(Fcclk / 4) 1~4
+ * @name System Configure
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @brief osc freq,10MHz~25MHz, change to a real one if needed */
+#define Fosc    11059200
+/** @brief system freq 2^n time of  Fosc(1~32) <=60MHZ */
+#define Fcclk   (Fosc << 2)
+/** @brief CCO freq 2,4,8,16 time of Fcclk 156MHz~320MHz */
+#define Fcco    (Fcclk <<2)
+/** @brief VPB freq only(Fcclk / 4) 1~4 */
+#define Fpclk   (Fcclk >>2) * 1
 /* This was M.  That is a BAD BAD public constant.  I renamed it to
  * JOEL_M so it wouldn't conflict with user code.  If you can find
  * a better name, fix this.  But nothing I found uses it.
+/** @} */
 #define JOEL_M       Fcclk / Fosc
 #define P_min   Fcco_MIN / (2*Fcclk) + 1;
 #define P_max   Fcco_MAX / (2*Fcclk);
 #define  UART_BPS	115200
-// Time Precision time [us]
+/** @brief Time Precision time [us] */
 #define TIMER_PRECISION   10
-// I2C Speed [bit/s]
+/** @brief I2C Speed [bit/s] */
 #define I2CSPEED          20000         // 20 Kbit/s
-// Uarts buffers size
+ * @name Uarts buffers size
+ * @{
+ */
 #define RXBUFSIZE         32
 #define TXBUFSIZE         32
-// SPI Speed [bit/s]
+/** @} */
+/** @brief SPI Speed [bit/s] */
 #define SPISPEED          1500000       // 1.5 Mbit/s
-// SPI EEPROM CS pin (SSEL is not suitable for CS, because is used by SPI module for multi master SPI interface)
+/** @brief SPI EEPROM CS pin
+ *
+ *  (SSEL is not suitable for CS, because is used by SPI module for multi master SPI interface)
+ */
 #define SPI_CS_PIN        P0_13
-// Flash definition
+ * @name Flash definition
+ * @{
+ */
 //#define FLASH_SIZE      (0x200000-FLASH_BOOT)   // Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit
-#define FLASH_SIZE        (0x80000-FLASH_BOOT)   // Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit
+/** @brief Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit */
+#define FLASH_SIZE        (0x80000-FLASH_BOOT)
 //#define FLASH_SIZE      (0x80000-FLASH_BOOT)      // Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit
 #define FLASH_BEGIN       0x80000000
-#define FLASH_BASE        (FLASH_BEGIN+FLASH_BOOT)   //First 0x8000 bytes reserved for boot loader etc.
+/** @brief First 0x8000 bytes reserved for boot loader etc. */
+/** @} */
+ * @name SRAM definition
+ * @{
+ */
-// SRAM definition
-#define SRAM_SIZE         0x100000                  // Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit
-#define SRAM_BASE         0x81000000                //First 0x8000 bytes reserved for boot loader etc.
+/** @brief Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit */
+#define SRAM_SIZE         0x100000
+/** @brief First 0x8000 bytes reserved for boot loader etc. */
+#define SRAM_BASE         0x81000000
-// CS8900A definition
+/** @} */
+/** @brief CS8900A definition */
 #define CS8900A_BASE      0x82000000
-// RTL8019AS definition
+/** @brief RTL8019AS definition */
 #define RTL8019AS_BASE    0x82000000
 struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig;
 int cs8900_driver_attach (struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *config,
                           int                          attaching);
- * Network driver configuration
+ * @name Network driver configuration
+ * @{
 #define RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH	cs8900_driver_attach
+/** @} */
+/** @} */
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h~ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2737be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/rtl22xx/include/bsp.h~
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup arm_rtl22xx
+ * @brief Global BSP definitions.
+ */
+ * Philips LPC22XX/LPC21xx BSP header file
+ *
+ * by Ray,Xu <Rayx.cn at gmail.com>
+ *
+ *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ *  http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
+#ifndef _BSP_H
+#define _BSP_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <bspopts.h>
+#include <bsp/default-initial-extension.h>
+ * @defgroup arm_rtl22xx RTL22XX Support
+ * @ingroup bsp_arm
+ * @brief RTL22XX Support Package
+ * @{
+ */
+#include <rtems.h>
+#include <rtems/iosupp.h>
+#include <rtems/console.h>
+#include <rtems/clockdrv.h>
+#define CONFIG_ARM_CLK 60000000L
+/* cclk=cco/(2*P) */
+/* cco = cclk*2*P 	*/
+/** @brief system clk frequecy,<=60Mhz, defined in system configuration */
+#define	LPC22xx_Fcclk	CONFIG_ARM_CLK
+/* Fcco 156M~320Mhz*/
+/** @brief system clk frequecy,<=60Mhz, defined in system configuration */
+#define	LPC22xx_Fcclk	CONFIG_ARM_CLK
+#define LPC22xx_Fcco	LPC22xx_Fcclk * 4
+/** @brief VPB clk frequency,1,1/2,1/4 times of Fcclk */
+#define LPC22xx_Fpclk	(LPC22xx_Fcclk /4) *1
+ * @name Fcclk range: 10MHz ~ MCU allowed frequency
+ * @{
+ */
+#define Fcclk_MIN	    10000000L
+#define Fcclk_MAX	    60000000L
+/** @} */
+ * @name Fcco range: 156MHz ~ 320MHz
+ * @{
+ */
+#define Fcco_MIN            156000000L
+#define Fcco_MAX            320000000L
+/** @} */
+#define PLLFEED_DATA1       0xAA
+#define PLLFEED_DATA2       0x55
+ * @name PLL PLLCON register bit descriptions
+ * @{
+ */
+#define PLLCON_ENABLE_BIT   0
+/** @} */
+ * @name PLL PLLSTAT register bit descriptions
+ * @{
+ */
+#define PLLSTAT_LOCK_BIT    10
+/** @} */
+ * @name PM Peripheral Type
+ * @{
+ */
+#define PC_TIMER0	    0x2
+#define PC_TIMER1	    0x4
+#define PC_UART0	    0x8
+#define PC_UART1	    0x10
+#define PC_PWM0		    0x20
+#define PC_I2C		    0x80
+#define PC_SPI0		    0x100
+#define PC_RTC		    0x200
+/** @} */
+/** @brief OSC [Hz] */
+#define FOSC 	          11059200
+/** @brief Core clk [Hz] */
+#define FCCLK	          FOSC<<2
+ * @name System Configure
+ * @{
+ */
+#define Fosc    11059200          /** @brief osc freq,10MHz~25MHz, change to a real one if needed */
+#define Fcclk   (Fosc << 2)       /** @brief system freq 2^n time of  Fosc(1~32) <=60MHZ */
+#define Fcco    (Fcclk <<2)       /** @brief CCO freq 2,4,8,16 time of Fcclk 156MHz~320MHz */
+#define Fpclk   (Fcclk >>2) * 1   /** @brief VPB freq only(Fcclk / 4) 1~4 */
+/* This was M.  That is a BAD BAD public constant.  I renamed it to
+ * JOEL_M so it wouldn't conflict with user code.  If you can find
+ * a better name, fix this.  But nothing I found uses it.
+ */
+/** @} */
+#define JOEL_M       Fcclk / Fosc
+#define P_min   Fcco_MIN / (2*Fcclk) + 1;
+#define P_max   Fcco_MAX / (2*Fcclk);
+#define  UART_BPS	115200
+/** @brief Time Precision time [us] */
+#define TIMER_PRECISION   10
+/** @brief I2C Speed [bit/s] */
+#define I2CSPEED          20000         // 20 Kbit/s
+ * @name Uarts buffers size
+ * @{
+ */
+#define RXBUFSIZE         32
+#define TXBUFSIZE         32
+/** @} */
+/** @brief SPI Speed [bit/s] */
+#define SPISPEED          1500000       // 1.5 Mbit/s
+/** @brief SPI EEPROM CS pin
+ *
+ *  (SSEL is not suitable for CS, because is used by SPI module for multi master SPI interface)
+ */
+#define SPI_CS_PIN        P0_13
+ * @name Flash definition
+ * @{
+ */
+//#define FLASH_SIZE      (0x200000-FLASH_BOOT)   // Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit
+#define FLASH_SIZE        (0x80000-FLASH_BOOT)   /** @brief Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit */
+//#define FLASH_SIZE      (0x80000-FLASH_BOOT)      // Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit
+#define FLASH_BEGIN       0x80000000
+#define FLASH_BASE        (FLASH_BEGIN+FLASH_BOOT)   /** @brief First 0x8000 bytes reserved for boot loader etc. */
+/** @} */
+ * @name SRAM definition
+ * @{
+ */
+#define SRAM_SIZE         0x100000                  /** @brief Total area of Flash region in words 8 bit */
+#define SRAM_BASE         0x81000000                /** @brief First 0x8000 bytes reserved for boot loader etc. */
+/** @} */
+/** @brief CS8900A definition */
+#define CS8900A_BASE      0x82000000
+/** @brief RTL8019AS definition */
+#define RTL8019AS_BASE    0x82000000
+struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig;
+int cs8900_driver_attach (struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *config,
+                          int                          attaching);
+ * @name Network driver configuration
+ * @{
+ */
+#define RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH	cs8900_driver_attach
+/** @} */
+/** @} */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _BSP_H */

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