[rtems commit] libbsp/xilinx-zynq: Share handling for ARM cache controller L2C-310

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Thu Mar 13 15:15:49 UTC 2014

Module:    rtems
Branch:    master
Commit:    bbc5527010bfd0e6f5c7468ac4de259ecba859d5
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=bbc5527010bfd0e6f5c7468ac4de259ecba859d5

Author:    Ralf Kirchner <ralf.kirchner at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Mon Feb 17 10:24:24 2014 +0100

libbsp/xilinx-zynq: Share handling for ARM cache controller L2C-310


 c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/Makefile.am      |    4 +-
 c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/bsp.h    |    2 +
 c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/cache_.h |  986 ---------------------
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 988 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/Makefile.am b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/Makefile.am
index 8eaf98a..808d220 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/Makefile.am
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/Makefile.am
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ libbsp_a_SOURCES += ../shared/arm-a9mpcore-clock-config.c
 # Cache
 libbsp_a_SOURCES += ../../../libcpu/shared/src/cache_manager.c
-libbsp_a_SOURCES += include/cache_.h
-libbsp_a_CPPFLAGS += -I$(srcdir)/include
+libbsp_a_SOURCES += ../shared/arm-l2c-310/cache_.h
+libbsp_a_CPPFLAGS += -I$(srcdir)/../shared/arm-l2c-310
 # Start hooks
 libbsp_a_SOURCES += startup/bspstarthooks.c startup/bspstartmmu.c
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/bsp.h b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/bsp.h
index c837d0d..635c505 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/bsp.h
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/bsp.h
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ extern "C" {
 #define BSP_ARM_GIC_DIST_BASE 0xf8f01000
+#define BSP_ARM_L2CC_BASE 0xF8F02000U
  * @brief Zynq specific set up of the MMU.
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/cache_.h b/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/cache_.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8015136..0000000
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/xilinx-zynq/include/cache_.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * @ingroup zynq_cache
- * @brief Cache definitions and functions.
- */
- * Authorship
- * ----------
- * This software was created by
- *     R. Claus <claus at slac.stanford.edu>, 2013,
- *       Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University.
- *
- * Acknowledgement of sponsorship
- * ------------------------------
- * This software was produced by
- *     the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University,
- *     under Contract DE-AC03-76SFO0515 with the Department of Energy.
- *
- * Government disclaimer of liability
- * ----------------------------------
- * Neither the United States nor the United States Department of Energy,
- * nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or
- * assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
- * completeness, or usefulness of any data, apparatus, product, or process
- * disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned
- * rights.
- *
- * Stanford disclaimer of liability
- * --------------------------------
- * Stanford University makes no representations or warranties, express or
- * implied, nor assumes any liability for the use of this software.
- *
- * Stanford disclaimer of copyright
- * --------------------------------
- * Stanford University, owner of the copyright, hereby disclaims its
- * copyright and all other rights in this software.  Hence, anyone may
- * freely use it for any purpose without restriction.
- *
- * Maintenance of notices
- * ----------------------
- * In the interest of clarity regarding the origin and status of this
- * SLAC software, this and all the preceding Stanford University notices
- * are to remain affixed to any copy or derivative of this software made
- * or distributed by the recipient and are to be affixed to any copy of
- * software made or distributed by the recipient that contains a copy or
- * derivative of this software.
- *
- * ------------------ SLAC Software Notices, Set 4 OTT.002a, 2004 FEB 03
- */
-#include <libcpu/arm-cp15.h>
-/* These two defines also ensure that the rtems_cache_* functions have bodies */
-#define L2CC_BASE_ADDR 0xF8F02000U
- * @defgroup zynq_cache Cache Support
- * @ingroup arm_zynq
- * @brief Cache Functions and Defitions
- * @{
- */
- * @brief L2CC Register Offsets
- */
-typedef struct {
-  uint32_t cache_id;                                    /* Cache ID */
-  uint32_t cache_type;                                  /* Cache type */
-  uint8_t  reserved_8[0x100 - 8];
-  uint32_t ctrl;                                        /* Control */
-/** @brief Enables the L2CC */
-#define L2CC_ENABLE_MASK                 0x00000001
-  /** @brief Auxiliary control */
-  uint32_t aux_ctrl;
-/** @brief Early BRESP Enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_EBRESPE_MASK            0x40000000
-/** @brief Instruction Prefetch Enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_IPFE_MASK               0x20000000
-/** @brief Data Prefetch Enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_DPFE_MASK               0x10000000
-/** @brief Non-secure interrupt access control */
-#define L2CC_AUX_NSIC_MASK               0x08000000
-/** @brief Non-secure lockdown enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_NSLE_MASK               0x04000000
-/** @brief Cache replacement policy */
-#define L2CC_AUX_CRP_MASK                0x02000000
-/** @brief Force write allocate */
-#define L2CC_AUX_FWE_MASK                0x01800000
-/** @breif Shared attribute override enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_SAOE_MASK               0x00400000
-/** @brief Parity enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_PE_MASK                 0x00200000
-/** @brief Event monitor bus enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_EMBE_MASK               0x00100000
-/** @brief Way-size */
-#define L2CC_AUX_WAY_SIZE_MASK           0x000E0000
-/** @brief Way-size */
-#define L2CC_AUX_ASSOC_MASK              0x00010000
-/** @brief Shared attribute invalidate enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_SAIE_MASK               0x00002000
-/** @brief Exclusive cache configuration */
-#define L2CC_AUX_EXCL_CACHE_MASK         0x00001000
-/** @brief Store buffer device limitation Enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_SBDLE_MASK              0x00000800
-/** @brief High Priority for SO and Dev Reads Enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_HPSODRE_MASK            0x00000400
-/** @brief Full line of zero enable */
-#define L2CC_AUX_FLZE_MASK               0x00000001
-/** @brief Enable all prefetching, */
-#define L2CC_AUX_REG_DEFAULT_MASK        0x72360000
-#define L2CC_AUX_REG_ZERO_MASK           0xFFF1FFFF
-   /** @brief Latency for tag RAM */
-   uint32_t tag_ram_ctrl;
-#define L2CC_TAG_RAM_DEFAULT_MASK        0x00000111
-   /** @brief Latency for data RAM */
-   uint32_t data_ram_ctrl;
-#define L2CC_DATA_RAM_DEFAULT_MASK       0x00000121
-  uint8_t  reserved_110[0x200 - 0x110];
-  /** @brief Event counter control */
-  uint32_t ev_ctrl;
-  /** @brief Event counter 1 configuration */
-  uint32_t ev_cnt1_cfg;
-  /** @brief Event counter 0 configuration */
-  uint32_t ev_cnt0_cfg;
-  /** @brief Event counter 1 value */
-  uint32_t ev_cnt1;
-  /** @brief Event counter 0 value */
-  uint32_t ev_cnt0;
-  /** @brief Interrupt enable mask */
-  uint32_t int_mask;
-  /** @brief Masked   interrupt status (read-only)*/
-  uint32_t int_mask_status;
-  /** @brief Unmasked interrupt status */
-  uint32_t int_raw_status;
-  /** @brief Interrupt clear */
-  uint32_t int_clr;
- * @name Interrupt bit masks
- *
- * @{
- */
-/** @brief DECERR from L3 */
-#define L2CC_INT_DECERR_MASK             0x00000100
-/** @brief SLVERR from L3 */
-#define L2CC_INT_SLVERR_MASK             0x00000080
-/** @brief Error on L2 data RAM (Read) */
-#define L2CC_INT_ERRRD_MASK              0x00000040
-/** @brief Error on L2 tag RAM (Read) */
-#define L2CC_INT_ERRRT_MASK              0x00000020
-/** @brief Error on L2 data RAM (Write) */
-#define L2CC_INT_ERRWD_MASK              0x00000010
-/** @brief Error on L2 tag RAM (Write) */
-#define L2CC_INT_ERRWT_MASK              0x00000008
-/** @brief Parity Error on L2 data RAM (Read) */
-#define L2CC_INT_PARRD_MASK              0x00000004
-/** @brief Parity Error on L2 tag RAM (Read) */
-#define L2CC_INT_PARRT_MASK              0x00000002
-/** @brief Event Counter1/0 Overflow Increment */
-#define L2CC_INT_ECNTR_MASK              0x00000001
-/** @} */
-  uint8_t  reserved_224[0x730 - 0x224];
-  /** @brief Drain the STB */
-  uint32_t cache_sync;
-  uint8_t  reserved_734[0x770 - 0x734];
-  /** @brief Invalidate line by PA */
-  uint32_t inv_pa;
-  uint8_t  reserved_774[0x77c - 0x774];
-  /** @brief Invalidate by Way */
-  uint32_t inv_way;
-  uint8_t  reserved_780[0x7b0 - 0x780];
-  /** @brief Clean Line by PA */
-  uint32_t clean_pa;
-  uint8_t  reserved_7b4[0x7b8 - 0x7b4];
-  /** @brief Clean Line by Set/Way */
-  uint32_t clean_index;
-  /** @brief Clean by Way */
-  uint32_t clean_way;
-  uint8_t  reserved_7c0[0x7f0 - 0x7c0];
-  /** @brief Clean and Invalidate Line by PA */
-  uint32_t clean_inv_pa;
-  uint8_t  reserved_7f4[0x7f8 - 0x7f4];
-  /** @brief Clean and Invalidate Line by Set/Way */
-  uint32_t clean_inv_indx;
-  /** @brief Clean and Invalidate by Way */
-  uint32_t clean_inv_way;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 0 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_0;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 0 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_0;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 1 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_1;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 1 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_1;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 2 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_2;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 2 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_2;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 3 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_3;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 3 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_3;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 4 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_4;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 4 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_4;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 5 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_5;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 5 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_5;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 6 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_6;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 6 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_6;
-  /** @brief Data        lock down 7 */
-  uint32_t d_lockdown_7;
-  /** @brief Instruction lock down 7 */
-  uint32_t i_lockdown_7;
-  uint8_t  reserved_940[0x950 - 0x940];
-  /** @brief Lockdown by Line Enable */
-  uint32_t lock_line_en;
-  /** @brief Cache lockdown by way */
-  uint32_t unlock_way;
-  uint8_t  reserved_958[0xc00 - 0x958];
-  /** @brief Address range redirect, part 1 */
-  uint32_t addr_filtering_start;
-  /** @brief Address range redirect, part 2 */
-  uint32_t addr_filtering_end;
-/** @brief Address filtering valid bits*/
-#define L2CC_ADDR_FILTER_VALID_MASK      0xFFF00000
-/** @brief Address filtering enable bit*/
-#define L2CC_ADDR_FILTER_ENABLE_MASK     0x00000001
-  uint8_t  reserved_c08[0xf40 - 0xc08];
-  /** @brief Debug control */
-  uint32_t debug_ctrl;
-/** @brief Debug SPIDEN bit */
-#define L2CC_DEBUG_SPIDEN_MASK           0x00000004
-/** @brief Debug DWB bit, forces write through */
-#define L2CC_DEBUG_DWB_MASK              0x00000002
-/** @breif Debug DCL bit, disables cache line fill */
-#define L2CC_DEBUG_DCL_MASK              0x00000002
-  uint8_t  reserved_f44[0xf60 - 0xf44];
-  /** @brief Purpose prefetch enables */
-  uint32_t prefetch_ctrl;
-  uint8_t  reserved_f64[0xf80 - 0xf64];
-  /** @brief Purpose power controls */
-  uint32_t power_ctrl;
-} L2CC;
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_properties(uint32_t *l1LineSize,
-                         uint32_t *l1NumWays,
-                         uint32_t *l1NumSets)
-  uint32_t id;
-  /* Select cache level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  _ARM_Instruction_synchronization_barrier();
-  id = arm_cp15_get_cache_size_id();
-  *l1LineSize =  (id        & 0x0007U) + 2 + 2; /* Cache line size (+2 -> bytes) */
-  *l1NumWays  = ((id >>  3) & 0x03ffU) + 1;     /* Number of Ways */
-  *l1NumSets  = ((id >> 13) & 0x7fffU) + 1;     /* Number of Sets */
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_flush_1_data_line(const void *d_addr)
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  /* Flush the Data cache */
-  arm_cp15_data_cache_clean_and_invalidate_line(d_addr);
-  /* Wait for L1 flush to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_flush_data_range(const void *d_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  const void * final_address;
- /*
-  * Set d_addr to the beginning of the cache line; final_address indicates
-  * the last address_t which needs to be pushed. Increment d_addr and push
-  * the resulting line until final_address is passed.
-  */
-  if( n_bytes == 0 )
-    /* Do nothing if number of bytes to flush is zero */
-    return;
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  final_address = (void *)((size_t)d_addr + n_bytes - 1);
-  d_addr = (void *)((size_t)d_addr & ~(CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT - 1));
-  while( d_addr <= final_address )  {
-    arm_cp15_data_cache_clean_and_invalidate_line( d_addr );
-    d_addr = (void *)((size_t)d_addr + CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 flush to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  uint32_t l1LineSize, l1NumWays, l1NumSets;
-  uint32_t sets, ways, s, w;
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  _ARM_Instruction_synchronization_barrier();
-  /* Get the L1 cache properties */
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_properties(&l1LineSize, &l1NumWays, &l1NumSets);
-  ways = l1NumWays * (1 << 30);
-  sets = l1NumSets * (1 << l1LineSize);
-  /* Invalidate all the cache lines */
-  for (w = 0; w < ways; w += (1 << 30)) {
-    for (s = 0; s < sets; s += (1 << l1LineSize)) {
-      /* Flush by Set/Way */
-      arm_cp15_data_cache_clean_and_invalidate_line_by_set_and_way(w | s);
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 flush to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_1_data_line(const void *d_addr)
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  /* Invalidate the cache line */
-  arm_cp15_data_cache_invalidate_line(d_addr);
-  /* Wait for L1 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_data_range(const void *d_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  const void * final_address;
- /*
-  * Set d_addr to the beginning of the cache line; final_address indicates
-  * the last address_t which needs to be invalidated. Increment d_addr and
-  * invalidate the resulting line until final_address is passed.
-  */
-  if( n_bytes == 0 )
-    /* Do nothing if number of bytes to invalidate is zero */
-    return;
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  final_address = (void *)((size_t)d_addr + n_bytes - 1);
-  d_addr = (void *)((size_t)d_addr & ~(CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT - 1));
-  while( final_address >= d_addr ) {
-    arm_cp15_data_cache_invalidate_line( d_addr );
-    d_addr = (void *)((size_t)d_addr + CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  uint32_t l1LineSize, l1NumWays, l1NumSets;
-  uint32_t sets, ways, s, w;
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  _ARM_Instruction_synchronization_barrier();
-  /* Get the L1 cache properties */
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_properties(&l1LineSize, &l1NumWays, &l1NumSets);
-  ways = l1NumWays * (1 << 30);
-  sets = l1NumSets * (1 << l1LineSize);
-  /* Invalidate all the cache lines */
-  for (w = 0; w < ways; w += (1 << 30)) {
-    for (s = 0; s < sets; s += (1 << l1LineSize)) {
-      /* Invalidate by Set/Way */
-      arm_cp15_data_cache_invalidate_line_by_set_and_way(w | s);
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_store_data(const void *d_addr)
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-  /* Store the Data cache line */
-  arm_cp15_data_cache_clean_line(d_addr);
-  /* Wait for L1 store to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  /* TODO */
-static inline void
-  /* TODO */
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_1_instruction_line(const void *i_addr)
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Instruction cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(1);
-  /* Invalidate the Instruction cache line */
-  arm_cp15_instruction_cache_invalidate_line(i_addr);
-  /* Wait for L1 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_instruction_range(const void *i_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  const void * final_address;
- /*
-  * Set i_addr to the beginning of the cache line; final_address indicates
-  * the last address_t which needs to be invalidated. Increment i_addr and
-  * invalidate the resulting line until final_address is passed.
-  */
-  if( n_bytes == 0 )
-    /* Do nothing if number of bytes to invalidate is zero */
-    return;
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Instruction cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(1);
-  final_address = (void *)((size_t)i_addr + n_bytes - 1);
-  i_addr = (void *)((size_t)i_addr & ~(CPU_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_ALIGNMENT - 1));
-  while( final_address > i_addr ) {
-    arm_cp15_instruction_cache_invalidate_line( i_addr );
-    i_addr = (void *)((size_t)i_addr + CPU_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  /* Select cache Level 1 and Instruction cache in CSSELR */
-  arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(1);
-  /* Invalidate the Instruction cache */
-  arm_cp15_instruction_cache_invalidate();
-  /* Wait for L1 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  /* TODO */
-static inline void
-  /* TODO */
-static inline void
-  rtems_interrupt_level level;
-  uint32_t ctrl;
-  rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
-  /* Enable caches only if they are disabled */
-  ctrl = arm_cp15_get_control();
-  if (!(ctrl & ARM_CP15_CTRL_C)) {
-    /* Clean and invalidate the Data cache */
-    zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_entire_data();
-    /* Enable the Data cache */
-    ctrl |= ARM_CP15_CTRL_C;
-    arm_cp15_set_control(ctrl);
-  }
-  rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
-static inline void
-  rtems_interrupt_level level;
-  rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
-  /* Clean and invalidate the Data cache */
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_flush_entire_data();
-  /* Disable the Data cache */
-  arm_cp15_set_control(arm_cp15_get_control() & ~ARM_CP15_CTRL_C);
-  rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
-static inline void
-  rtems_interrupt_level level;
-  uint32_t              ctrl;
-  rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
-  /* Enable Instruction cache only if it is disabled */
-  ctrl = arm_cp15_get_control();
-  if (!(ctrl & ARM_CP15_CTRL_I)) {
-    /* Invalidate the Instruction cache */
-    zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_entire_instruction();
-    /* Enable the Instruction cache */
-    ctrl |= ARM_CP15_CTRL_I;
-    arm_cp15_set_control(ctrl);
-  }
-  rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
-static inline void
-  rtems_interrupt_level level;
-  rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-  /* Invalidate the Instruction cache */
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_entire_instruction();
-  /* Disable the Instruction cache */
-  arm_cp15_set_control(arm_cp15_get_control() & ~ARM_CP15_CTRL_I);
-  rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l2_cache_flush_1_line(const void *d_addr)
-  volatile L2CC* l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  l2cc->clean_inv_pa = (uint32_t)d_addr;
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l2_cache_flush_range(const void *d_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  if (n_bytes != 0) {
-    uint32_t       adx = (uint32_t)d_addr;
-    const uint32_t end = adx + n_bytes;
-    /* Back starting address up to start of a line and flush until end */
-    for (adx &= ~(ZYNQ_L2_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1);
-         adx < end;
-         adx += ZYNQ_L2_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) {
-      l2cc->clean_inv_pa = adx;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wait for L2 flush to complete */
-  while (l2cc->cache_sync != 0);
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  volatile L2CC* l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  /* Flush the caches */
-  l2cc->clean_inv_way = 0x0000FFFFU;
-  /* Wait for the flush to complete */
-  while (l2cc->cache_sync != 0);
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l2_cache_invalidate_1_line(const void *d_addr)
-  volatile L2CC* l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  l2cc->inv_pa = (uint32_t)d_addr;
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l2_cache_invalidate_range(const void* d_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  volatile L2CC* l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  if (n_bytes != 0) {
-    uint32_t       adx = (uint32_t)d_addr;
-    const uint32_t end = adx + n_bytes;
-    /* Back starting address up to start of a line and invalidate until end */
-    for (adx &= ~(ZYNQ_L2_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1);
-         adx < end;
-         adx += ZYNQ_L2_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) {
-      l2cc->inv_pa = adx;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wait for L2 invalidate to complete */
-  while (l2cc->cache_sync != 0);
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  /* Invalidate the caches */
-  l2cc->inv_way = 0xFFFFU;
-  /* Wait for the invalidate to complete */
-  while (l2cc->cache_sync != 0);
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-zynq_cache_l2_cache_store(const void *d_addr)
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  l2cc->clean_pa = (uint32_t)d_addr;
-  /* Synchronize the processor */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-static inline void
-  /* TODO */
-static inline void
-  /* TODO */
-static inline void
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  /* Only enable if L2CC is currently disabled */
-  if ((l2cc->ctrl & L2CC_ENABLE_MASK) == 0) {
-    rtems_interrupt_level level;
-    uint32_t value;
-    rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
-    /* Set up the way size and latencies */
-    value               = l2cc->aux_ctrl;
-    value              &= L2CC_AUX_REG_ZERO_MASK;
-    value              |= L2CC_AUX_REG_DEFAULT_MASK;
-    l2cc->aux_ctrl      = value;
-    l2cc->tag_ram_ctrl  = L2CC_TAG_RAM_DEFAULT_MASK;
-    l2cc->data_ram_ctrl = L2CC_DATA_RAM_DEFAULT_MASK;
-    /* Clear the pending interrupts */
-    l2cc->int_clr       = l2cc->int_raw_status;
-    /* Enable the L2CC */
-    l2cc->ctrl         |= L2CC_ENABLE_MASK;
-    /* Synchronize the processor */
-    _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-    /* Enable the Data cache */
-    arm_cp15_set_control(arm_cp15_get_control() | ARM_CP15_CTRL_C);
-    /* Synchronize the processor */
-    _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-    rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
-  }
-static inline void
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  if (l2cc->ctrl & L2CC_ENABLE_MASK) {
-    rtems_interrupt_level level;
-    uint32_t              ctrl;
-    rtems_interrupt_disable(level);
-    ctrl = arm_cp15_get_control();
-    /* Disable the L1 Data cache */
-    ctrl &= ~ARM_CP15_CTRL_C;
-    arm_cp15_set_control(ctrl);
-    /* Synchronize the processor */
-    _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-    /* Clean and Invalidate L2 Cache */
-    zynq_cache_l2_cache_flush_entire();
-    /* Disable the L2 cache */
-    l2cc->ctrl &= ~L2CC_ENABLE_MASK;
-    /* Enable the L1 Data cache */
-    ctrl |= ARM_CP15_CTRL_C;
-    arm_cp15_set_control(ctrl);
-    /* Synchronize the processor */
-    _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-    rtems_interrupt_enable(level);
-  }
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_enable_data();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_enable();
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_disable_data();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_disable();
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_enable_instruction();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_enable();
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_disable_instruction();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_disable();
-static inline void
-_CPU_cache_flush_data_range(const void *d_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  if (n_bytes != 0) {
-    uint32_t       adx = (uint32_t)d_addr;
-    const uint32_t end = adx + n_bytes;
-    /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-    arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-    /* Back starting address up to start of a line and flush until end */
-    for (adx &= ~(CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT - 1);
-         adx < end;
-         adx += CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT) {
-      /* Flush L1 Data cache line */
-      arm_cp15_data_cache_clean_and_invalidate_line( (const void*)adx );
-      /* Flush L2 cache line */
-      l2cc->clean_inv_pa = adx;
-      _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 and L2 flush to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-  while (l2cc->cache_sync != 0);
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_flush_entire_data();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_flush_entire();
-static inline void
-_CPU_cache_invalidate_data_range(const void *d_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  if (n_bytes != 0) {
-    uint32_t       adx = (uint32_t)d_addr;
-    const uint32_t end = adx + n_bytes;
-    /* Select cache Level 1 and Data cache in CSSELR */
-    arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(0);
-    /* Back starting address up to start of a line and invalidate until end */
-    for (adx &= ~(CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT - 1);
-         adx < end;
-         adx += CPU_DATA_CACHE_ALIGNMENT) {
-      /* Invalidate L2 cache line */
-      l2cc->inv_pa = adx;
-      _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-      /* Invalidate L1 Data cache line */
-      arm_cp15_data_cache_invalidate_line( (const void *)adx );
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 and L2 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-  while (l2cc->cache_sync != 0);
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_invalidate_entire();
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_entire_data();
-static inline void
-_CPU_cache_store_data_line(const void *d_addr)
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_store_data(d_addr);
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_store(d_addr);
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_freeze_data();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_freeze();
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_unfreeze_data();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_unfreeze();
-static inline void
-_CPU_cache_invalidate_instruction_range(const void *i_addr, size_t n_bytes)
-  volatile L2CC *l2cc = (volatile L2CC *)L2CC_BASE_ADDR;
-  if (n_bytes != 0) {
-    uint32_t       adx = (uint32_t)i_addr;
-    const uint32_t end = adx + n_bytes;
-    /* Select cache Level 1 and Instruction cache in CSSELR */
-    arm_cp15_set_cache_size_selection(1);
-    /* Back starting address up to start of a line and invalidate until end */
-    for (adx &= ~(CPU_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_ALIGNMENT - 1);
-         adx < end;
-      /* Invalidate L2 cache line */
-      l2cc->inv_pa = adx;
-      _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-      /* Invalidate L1 I-cache line */
-      arm_cp15_instruction_cache_invalidate_line( (const void *)adx );
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wait for L1 and L2 invalidate to complete */
-  _ARM_Data_synchronization_barrier();
-  while (l2cc->cache_sync != 0);
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_invalidate_entire();
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_invalidate_entire_instruction();
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_freeze_instruction();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_freeze();
-static inline void
-  zynq_cache_l1_cache_unfreeze_instruction();
-  zynq_cache_l2_cache_unfreeze();
-/** @} */
-#endif /* LIBBSP_ARM_ZYNQ_CACHE__H */

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