[rtems commit] capture01: Use capture engine print methods.

Jennifer Averett jennifer at rtems.org
Mon Nov 24 20:16:54 UTC 2014

Module:    rtems
Branch:    master
Commit:    11b3ba1b02fb943bd7b7d406e8f4eb9ca047b0b9
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=11b3ba1b02fb943bd7b7d406e8f4eb9ca047b0b9

Author:    Jennifer Averett <jennifer.averett at oarcorp.com>
Date:      Fri Oct  3 08:47:14 2014 -0500

capture01: Use capture engine print methods.


 testsuites/libtests/capture01/init.c | 250 ++---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testsuites/libtests/capture01/init.c b/testsuites/libtests/capture01/init.c
index a725e26..7957742 100644
--- a/testsuites/libtests/capture01/init.c
+++ b/testsuites/libtests/capture01/init.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <rtems.h>
 #include <rtems/capture-cli.h>
+#include <rtems/captureimpl.h>
 #include <rtems/monitor.h>
 #include <rtems/shell.h>
 #include <assert.h>
@@ -33,229 +34,6 @@ rtems_task Init(rtems_task_argument argument);
 const char rtems_test_name[] = "CAPTURE 1";
-static void cwlist(void);
-static void ctrace(void);
-static void cwlist ()
-  rtems_capture_control_t* control = rtems_capture_get_control_list ();
-  rtems_task_priority      ceiling = rtems_capture_watch_get_ceiling ();
-  rtems_task_priority      floor = rtems_capture_watch_get_floor ();
-  fprintf (stdout, "watch priority ceiling is %" PRId32 "\n", ceiling);
-  fprintf (stdout, "watch priority floor is %" PRId32 "\n", floor);
-  fprintf (stdout, "global watch is %s\n",
-          rtems_capture_watch_global_on () ? "enabled" : "disabled");
-  fprintf (stdout, "total %" PRId32 "\n", rtems_capture_control_count ());
-  while (control)
-  {
-    uint32_t flags;
-    int      f;
-    int      fshowed;
-    int      lf;
-    fprintf (stdout, " ");
-    rtems_monitor_dump_id (rtems_capture_control_id (control));
-    fprintf (stdout, " ");
-    rtems_monitor_dump_name (rtems_capture_control_name (control));
-    flags = rtems_capture_control_flags (control);
-    fprintf (stdout, " %c%c ",
-             rtems_capture_watch_global_on () ? 'g' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_WATCH ? 'w' : '-');
-    flags = rtems_capture_control_to_triggers (control);
-    fprintf (stdout, " T:%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_SWITCH    ? 'S' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_CREATE ? 'C' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_START ? 'S' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_RESTART ? 'R' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_DELETE ? 'D' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_BEGIN ? 'B' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_EXITTED ? 'E' : '-');
-    flags = rtems_capture_control_from_triggers (control);
-    fprintf (stdout, " F:%c%c%c%c%c",
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_SWITCH  ? 'S' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_CREATE  ? 'C' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_START   ? 'S' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_RESTART ? 'R' : '-',
-             flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_DELETE  ? 'D' : '-');
-    for (f = 0, fshowed = 0, lf = 1; f < RTEMS_CAPTURE_TRIGGER_TASKS; f++)
-    {
-      if (rtems_capture_control_by_valid (control, f))
-      {
-        if (lf && ((fshowed % 3) == 0))
-        {
-          fprintf (stdout, "\n");
-          lf = 0;
-        }
-        fprintf (stdout, "  %2i:", f);
-        rtems_monitor_dump_name (rtems_capture_control_by_name (control, f));
-        fprintf (stdout, "/");
-        rtems_monitor_dump_id (rtems_capture_control_by_id (control, f));
-        flags = rtems_capture_control_by_triggers (control, f);
-        fprintf (stdout, ":%c%c%c%c%c",
-                 flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_SWITCH  ? 'S' : '-',
-                 flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_CREATE  ? 'C' : '-',
-                 flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_START   ? 'S' : '-',
-                 flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_RESTART ? 'R' : '-',
-                 flags & RTEMS_CAPTURE_DELETE  ? 'D' : '-');
-        fshowed++;
-        lf = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    if (lf)
-      fprintf (stdout, "\n");
-    control = rtems_capture_next_control (control);
-  }
- * rtems_catpure_cli_print_uptime
- *
- *
- *
- * This function prints the nanosecond uptime to stdout.
- */
-static void
-rtems_capture_cli_print_timestamp (uint64_t uptime)
-  uint32_t hours;
-  uint32_t minutes;
-  uint32_t seconds;
-  uint32_t nanosecs;
-  seconds  = uptime / 1000000000LLU;
-  minutes  = seconds / 60;
-  hours    = minutes / 60;
-  minutes  = minutes % 60;
-  seconds  = seconds % 60;
-  nanosecs = uptime % 1000000000;
-  fprintf (stdout, "%5lu:%02lu:%02lu.%09lu", hours, minutes, seconds, nanosecs);
-static void
-rtems_caputre_cli_print_record_task(rtems_capture_record_t* rec)
-  rtems_capture_task_record_t* task_rec = (rtems_capture_task_record_t*) rec;
-  rtems_capture_cli_print_timestamp (rec->time);
-  fprintf (stdout, "           ");
-  rtems_monitor_dump_id (rec->task_id);
-   fprintf (stdout, " %c%c%c%c",
-            (char) (task_rec->name >> 24) & 0xff,
-            (char) (task_rec->name >> 16) & 0xff,
-            (char) (task_rec->name >> 8) & 0xff,
-            (char) (task_rec->name >> 0) & 0xff);
-   fprintf (stdout, " %3" PRId32   " %3" PRId32 "\n",
-            task_rec->start_priority,
-            task_rec->stack_size);
-static void
-rtems_caputure_cli_print_record_std(rtems_capture_record_t* rec, uint64_t diff)
-  uint32_t                     event;
-  int                          e;
-  event = rec->events >> RTEMS_CAPTURE_EVENT_START;
-  {
-    if (event & 1)
-    {
-      rtems_capture_cli_print_timestamp (rec->time);
-      fprintf (stdout, " %9" PRId64 " ", diff);
-      rtems_monitor_dump_id (rec->task_id);
-      fprintf(stdout, "      %3" PRId32 " %3" PRId32 " %s\n",
-             (rec->events >> RTEMS_CAPTURE_REAL_PRIORITY_EVENT) & 0xff,
-             (rec->events >> RTEMS_CAPTURE_CURR_PRIORITY_EVENT) & 0xff,
-             rtems_capture_event_text (e));
-    }
-    event >>= 1;
-  }
-static void ctrace()
-  rtems_status_code       sc;
-  bool                    csv = false;
-  static int              dump_total = 22;
-  int                     total;
-  int                     count;
-  uint32_t                read;
-  rtems_capture_record_t* rec;
-  uint8_t*                ptr;
-  rtems_capture_time_t    last_t = 0;
-  total = dump_total;
-  while (total)
-  {
-    sc = rtems_capture_read (0, 0, &read, &rec);
-    if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
-    {
-      fprintf (stdout, "error: trace read failed: %s\n", rtems_status_text (sc));
-      rtems_capture_flush (0);
-      return;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If we have no records then just exist. We still need to release
-     * the reader lock.
-     */
-    if (read == 0)
-    {
-      rtems_capture_release (read);
-      break;
-    }
-    count = total < read ? total : read;
-    ptr = (uint8_t *) rec;
-    while (count--)
-    {
-      rec = (rtems_capture_record_t*) ptr;
-      if (csv)
-        fprintf (stdout, "%08" PRIu32 ",%03" PRIu32
-                   ",%03" PRIu32 ",%04" PRIx32 ",%" PRId64 "\n",
-                 rec->task_id,
-                 (rec->events >> RTEMS_CAPTURE_REAL_PRIORITY_EVENT) & 0xff,
-                 (rec->events >> RTEMS_CAPTURE_CURR_PRIORITY_EVENT) & 0xff,
-                 (rec->events >> RTEMS_CAPTURE_EVENT_START),
-                 (uint64_t) rec->time);
-      else {
-        if ((rec->events >> RTEMS_CAPTURE_EVENT_START) == 0)
-          rtems_caputre_cli_print_record_task( rec );
-        else {
-          uint64_t diff = 0;
-          if (last_t)
-            diff = rec->time - last_t;
-          last_t = rec->time;
-          rtems_caputure_cli_print_record_std( rec, diff );
-        }
-      }
-      ptr += rec->size;
-    }
-    count = total < read ? total : read;
-    if (count < total)
-      total -= count;
-    else
-      total = 0;
-    rtems_capture_release (count);
-  }
 rtems_task Init(
   rtems_task_argument ignored
@@ -270,11 +48,6 @@ rtems_task Init(
-#ifdef RTEMS_SMP
-  printf("Capture Engine is broken due to recursive interrupt lock usage\n");
-  assert(0);
   rtems_task_set_priority(RTEMS_SELF, 20, &old_priority);
   rtems_task_mode(RTEMS_PREEMPT,  RTEMS_PREEMPT_MASK, &old_mode);
@@ -291,24 +64,27 @@ rtems_task Init(
   sc = rtems_capture_set_trigger (
-    0, 
-    0, 
-    to_name, 
-    0, 
-    rtems_capture_from_any, 
+    0,
+    0,
+    to_name,
+    0,
+    rtems_capture_from_any,
-  cwlist();
+  rtems_capture_print_watch_list();
   sc = rtems_capture_control (true);
-  ctrace();
-  ctrace();
+  sc = rtems_capture_control (false);
+  ASSERT_SC(sc);
+  rtems_capture_print_trace_records ( 22, false );
+  rtems_capture_print_trace_records ( 22, false );
   exit( 0 );

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