[rtems commit] doc: Describe new default error handler for Sparc

Daniel Hellstrom danielh at rtems.org
Wed Feb 11 15:34:28 UTC 2015

Module:    rtems
Branch:    master
Commit:    b92f737c245eb7ba41b8d13663cd4f0845e12ea6
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=b92f737c245eb7ba41b8d13663cd4f0845e12ea6

Author:    Daniel Cederman <cederman at gaisler.com>
Date:      Mon Jan 12 11:24:16 2015 +0100

doc: Describe new default error handler for Sparc


 doc/cpu_supplement/sparc.t | 16 ++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/cpu_supplement/sparc.t b/doc/cpu_supplement/sparc.t
index cd5602c..d21e9fe 100644
--- a/doc/cpu_supplement/sparc.t
+++ b/doc/cpu_supplement/sparc.t
@@ -951,10 +951,18 @@ handler.
 The default fatal error handler which is invoked by
 the fatal_error_occurred directive when there is no user handler
-configured or the user handler returns control to RTEMS.  The
-default fatal error handler disables processor interrupts to
-level 15, places the error code in g1, and goes into an infinite
-loop to simulate a halt processor instruction.
+configured or the user handler returns control to RTEMS.
+If the BSP has been configured with @code{BSP_POWER_DOWN_AT_FATAL_HALT}
+set to true, the default handler will disable interrupts
+and enter power down mode. If power down mode is not available,
+it goes into an infinite loop to simulate a halt processor instruction.
+If @code{BSP_POWER_DOWN_AT_FATAL_HALT} is set to false, the default
+handler will place the value @code{1} in register @code{g1}, the
+error source in register @code{g2}, and the error code in register
+ at code{g3}. It will then generate a system error which will
+hand over control to the debugger, simulator, etc.
 @section Thread-Local Storage

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