[rtems-source-builder commit] Add options support for --with/ --without processing. Add --with-download support.

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Wed Feb 18 01:36:15 UTC 2015

Module:    rtems-source-builder
Branch:    master
Commit:    d7550652cb2b23b7105e2dabe1e13fb1b18d5215
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/commit/?id=d7550652cb2b23b7105e2dabe1e13fb1b18d5215

Author:    Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>
Date:      Wed Feb 18 10:15:31 2015 +1100

Add options support for --with/--without processing. Add --with-download support.

You can now test downloading by using --dry-run and --with-download.

Print the redirect if one is taken.


 source-builder/sb/download.py | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 source-builder/sb/options.py  |  49 ++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source-builder/sb/download.py b/source-builder/sb/download.py
index 9490aa0..17d1d7e 100644
--- a/source-builder/sb/download.py
+++ b/source-builder/sb/download.py
@@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ import log
 import path
 import sources
+def _do_download(opts):
+    download = True
+    if opts.dry_run():
+        download = False
+        wa = opts.with_arg('download')
+        if wa is not None:
+            if wa[0] == 'with_download' and wa[1] == 'yes':
+                download = True
+    return download
 def _humanize_bytes(bytes, precision = 1):
     abbrevs = (
         (1 << 50L, 'PB'),
@@ -102,7 +112,56 @@ def _hash_check(file_, absfile, macros, remove = True):
         log.warning('%s: no hash found' % (file_))
     return not failed
-def _http_parser(source, config, opts):
+def _local_path(source, pathkey, config):
+    for p in config.define(pathkey).split(':'):
+        local = path.join(path.abspath(p), source['file'])
+        if source['local'] is None:
+            source['local_prefix'] = path.abspath(p)
+            source['local'] = local
+        if path.exists(local):
+            source['local_prefix'] = path.abspath(p)
+            source['local'] = local
+            _hash_check(source['file'], local, config.macros)
+            break
+def _http_parser(source, pathkey, config, opts):
+    #
+    # Hack for gitweb.cgi patch downloads. We rewrite the various fields.
+    #
+    if 'gitweb.cgi' in source['url']:
+        url = source['url']
+        if '?' not in url:
+            raise error.general('invalid gitweb.cgi request: %s' % (url))
+        req = url.split('?')[1]
+        if len(req) == 0:
+            raise error.general('invalid gitweb.cgi request: %s' % (url))
+        #
+        # The gitweb.cgi request should have:
+        #    p=<what>
+        #    a=patch
+        #    h=<hash>
+        # so extract the p and h parts to make the local name.
+        #
+        p = None
+        a = None
+        h = None
+        for r in req.split(';'):
+            if '=' not in r:
+                raise error.general('invalid gitweb.cgi path: %s' % (url))
+            rs = r.split('=')
+            if rs[0] == 'p':
+                p = rs[1].replace('.', '-')
+            elif rs[0] == 'a':
+                a = rs[1]
+            elif rs[0] == 'h':
+                h = rs[1]
+        if p is None or h is None:
+            raise error.general('gitweb.cgi path missing p or h: %s' % (url))
+        source['file'] = '%s-%s.patch' % (p, h)
+    #
+    # Check local path
+    #
+    _local_path(source, pathkey, config)
     # Is the file compressed ?
@@ -120,10 +179,18 @@ def _http_parser(source, config, opts):
         source['compressed-type'] = 'xz'
         source['compressed'] = '%{__xz} -dc'
-def _patchworks_parser(source, config, opts):
+def _patchworks_parser(source, pathkey, config, opts):
+    #
+    # Check local path
+    #
+    _local_path(source, pathkey, config)
     source['url'] = 'http%s' % (source['path'][2:])
-def _git_parser(source, config, opts):
+def _git_parser(source, pathkey, config, opts):
+    #
+    # Check local path
+    #
+    _local_path(source, pathkey, config)
     # Symlink.
@@ -137,7 +204,11 @@ def _git_parser(source, config, opts):
         path.join(source['local_prefix'], 'git', source['file'])
     source['symlink'] = source['local']
-def _cvs_parser(source, config, opts):
+def _cvs_parser(source, pathkey, config, opts):
+    #
+    # Check local path
+    #
+    _local_path(source, pathkey, config)
     # Symlink.
@@ -185,7 +256,11 @@ def _cvs_parser(source, config, opts):
         source['symlink'] = source['local']
-def _file_parser(source, config, opts):
+def _file_parser(source, pathkey, config, opts):
+    #
+    # Check local path
+    #
+    _local_path(source, pathkey, config)
     # Symlink.
@@ -217,22 +292,12 @@ def parse_url(url, pathkey, config, opts):
     # Get the file. Checks the local source directory first.
     source['local'] = None
-    for p in config.define(pathkey).split(':'):
-        local = path.join(path.abspath(p), source['file'])
-        if source['local'] is None:
-            source['local_prefix'] = path.abspath(p)
-            source['local'] = local
-        if path.exists(local):
-            source['local_prefix'] = path.abspath(p)
-            source['local'] = local
-            _hash_check(source['file'], local, config.macros)
-            break
-    source['script'] = ''
     for p in parsers:
         if url.startswith(p):
             source['type'] = p
-            if parsers[p](source, config, opts):
+            if parsers[p](source, pathkey, config, opts):
+    source['script'] = ''
     return source
 def _http_downloader(url, local, config, opts):
@@ -246,7 +311,7 @@ def _http_downloader(url, local, config, opts):
     dst = os.path.relpath(path.host(local))
     log.notice('download: %s -> %s' % (url, dst))
     failed = False
-    if not opts.dry_run():
+    if _do_download(opts):
         _in = None
         _out = None
         _length = None
@@ -258,7 +323,10 @@ def _http_downloader(url, local, config, opts):
         _wipe_output = False
+                _in = None
                 _in = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+                if url != _in.geturl():
+                    log.notice(' redirect: %s' % (_in.geturl()))
                 _out = open(path.host(local), 'wb')
                     _length = int(_in.info().getheader('Content-Length').strip())
@@ -300,12 +368,15 @@ def _http_downloader(url, local, config, opts):
             msg = 'download: %s: error' % (url)
+            if _in is not None:
+                _in.close()
             if _out is not None:
         if _out is not None:
         if _in is not None:
+            _in.close()
             del _in
         if not failed:
             if not path.isfile(local):
@@ -338,7 +409,7 @@ def _git_downloader(url, local, config, opts):
                 us[0] = _as[1] + url_base
     if not repo.valid():
         log.notice('git: clone: %s -> %s' % (us[0], rlp))
-        if not opts.dry_run():
+        if _do_download(opts):
             repo.clone(us[0], local)
         repo.clean(['-f', '-d'])
@@ -350,28 +421,28 @@ def _git_downloader(url, local, config, opts):
             if len(_as) != 2:
                 raise error.general('invalid git branch/checkout: %s' % (_as))
             log.notice('git: checkout: %s => %s' % (us[0], _as[1]))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
         elif _as[0] == 'pull':
             log.notice('git: pull: %s' % (us[0]))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
         elif _as[0] == 'submodule':
             if len(_as) != 2:
                 raise error.general('invalid git submodule: %s' % (_as))
             log.notice('git: submodule: %s <= %s' % (us[0], _as[1]))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
         elif _as[0] == 'fetch':
             log.notice('git: fetch: %s -> %s' % (us[0], rlp))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
         elif _as[0] == 'reset':
             arg = []
             if len(_as) > 1:
                 arg = ['--%s' % (_as[1])]
             log.notice('git: reset: %s' % (us[0]))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
         elif _as[0] == 'protocol':
@@ -409,20 +480,20 @@ def _cvs_downloader(url, local, config, opts):
         if not path.isdir(local):
             log.notice('Creating source directory: %s' % \
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
             log.notice('cvs: checkout: %s -> %s' % (us[0], rlp))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
                 repo.checkout(':%s' % (us[0][6:]), module, tag, date)
     for a in us[1:]:
         _as = a.split('=')
         if _as[0] == 'update':
             log.notice('cvs: update: %s' % (us[0]))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
         elif _as[0] == 'reset':
             log.notice('cvs: reset: %s' % (us[0]))
-            if not opts.dry_run():
+            if _do_download(opts):
     return True
@@ -445,7 +516,7 @@ def get_file(url, local, opts, config):
         log.notice('Creating source directory: %s' % \
     log.output('making dir: %s' % (path.host(path.dirname(local))))
-    if not opts.dry_run():
+    if _do_download(opts):
     if not path.exists(local) and opts.download_disabled():
         raise error.general('source not found: %s' % (path.host(local)))
@@ -472,5 +543,5 @@ def get_file(url, local, opts, config):
             if url.startswith(dl):
                 if downloaders[dl](url, local, config, opts):
-    if not opts.dry_run():
+    if _do_download(opts):
         raise error.general('downloading %s: all paths have failed, giving up' % (url))
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/options.py b/source-builder/sb/options.py
index a468694..663c7f0 100644
--- a/source-builder/sb/options.py
+++ b/source-builder/sb/options.py
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class command_line:
     def help(self):
         print '%s: [options] [args]' % (self.command_name)
-        print 'RTEMS Source Builder, an RTEMS Tools Project (c) 2012-2013 Chris Johns'
+        print 'RTEMS Source Builder, an RTEMS Tools Project (c) 2012-2015 Chris Johns'
         print 'Options and arguments:'
         print '--force                : Force the build to proceed'
         print '--quiet                : Quiet output (not used)'
@@ -427,14 +427,49 @@ class command_line:
     def params(self):
         return self.opts['params']
+    def parse_args(self, arg, error = True):
+        for a in range(0, len(self.args)):
+            if self.args[a].startswith(arg):
+                lhs = None
+                rhs = None
+                if '=' in self.args[a]:
+                    eqs = self.args[a].split('=')
+                    lhs = eqs[0]
+                    if len(eqs) > 2:
+                        rhs = '='.join(eqs[1:])
+                    else:
+                        rhs = eqs[1]
+                else:
+                    lhs = self.args[a]
+                    a += 1
+                    if a >= len(self.args):
+                        return [arg, None]
+                    rhs = self.args[a]
+                return [lhs, rhs]
+            a += 1
+        return None
     def get_arg(self, arg):
         if self.optargs is None or arg not in self.optargs:
             raise error.internal('bad arg: %s' % (arg))
-        for a in self.args:
-            sa = a.split('=')
-            if sa[0].startswith(arg):
-                return sa
-        return None
+        return self.parse_args(arg)
+    def with_arg(self, label):
+        for pre in ['with', 'without']:
+            arg_str = '--%s-%s' % (pre, label)
+            arg_label = '%s_%s' % (pre, label)
+            arg = self.parse_args(arg_str, error = False)
+            if arg is not None:
+                if arg[1] is  None:
+                    result = 'yes'
+                else:
+                    result = arg[1]
+                break
+            if pre == 'with':
+                result = 'yes'
+            else:
+                result = 'no'
+        return [arg_label, result]
     def get_config_files(self, config):
@@ -570,6 +605,8 @@ def run(args):
+        log.notice('with-opt1: %r' % (_opts.with_arg('opt1')))
+        log.notice('without-opt2: %r' % (_opts.with_arg('opt2')))
     except error.general, gerr:
         print gerr

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