[rtems-tools commit] bsp-builder: Add ARM bsps.

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Thu Aug 18 23:55:12 UTC 2016

Module:    rtems-tools
Branch:    master
Commit:    3a92a544aa7dd43f1fda03ac4b9645240de79e16
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-tools/commit/?id=3a92a544aa7dd43f1fda03ac4b9645240de79e16

Author:    Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>
Date:      Thu Aug 18 21:00:50 2016 +1000

bsp-builder: Add ARM bsps.


 tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini b/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini
index f196988..4455197 100644
--- a/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini
+++ b/tester/rtems/rtems-bsps.ini
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ profiles = tier-1, tier-2, tier-3, tier-4
 # Tier 1: no build errors and no unexpected tests failures on hardware.
-archs      = arm, i386, sparc
-bsps_arm   = xilinx_zynq_zc706
-bsps_i386  = pc686
+archs = arm, i386, sparc
+bsps_arm = altcycv_devkit,
+    altcycv_devkit_smp,
+    xilinx_zynq_zc702, xilinx_zynq_zc706, xilinx_zynq_zedboard
+bsps_i386 = pc686
 bsps_sparc = erc32
@@ -34,16 +36,39 @@ bsps_sparc = erc32
 #         simulators.
-archs      = arm, sparc
-bsps_arm   = xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu
+archs = arm, sparc
+bsps_arm = lm3s6965_qemu,
+    realview_pbx_a9_qemu, realview_pbx_a9_qemu_smp,
+    xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu
 bsps_sparc = sis
 # Tier 3: no build errors, no tests run.
-archs      = arm, moxie
-bsps_arm   = lpc1768_mbed
+archs = arm, moxie
+bsps_arm = arm1136jfs,
+    arm1136js, arm7tdmi, arm920, armcortexa9, atsamv,
+    beagleboardorig, beagleboardxm, beagleboneblack, beaglebonewhite,
+    csb336, csb337, csb637,
+    edb7312,
+    kit637_v6,
+    gumstix,
+    lm3s3749, lm3s6965, lm3s6965_qemu, lm4f120,
+    lpc1768_mbed, lpc1768_mbed_ahb_ram, lpc1768_mbed_ahb_ram_eth,
+    lpc17xx_ea_ram, lpc17xx_ea_rom_int, lpc17xx_plx800_ram,
+    lpc17xx_plx800_rom_int, lpc2362, lpc23xx_tli800, lpc24xx_ea,
+    lpc24xx_ncs_ram, lpc24xx_ncs_rom_ext, lpc24xx_ncs_rom_int,
+    lpc24xx_plx800_ram, lpc24xx_plx800_rom_int, lpc40xx_ea_ram,
+    lpc40xx_ea_rom_int, lpc32xx_mzx, lpc32xx_mzx_stage_1,
+    lpc32xx_mzx_stage_2, lpc32xx_phycore,
+    raspberrypi, raspberrypi2,
+    rtl22xx, rtl22xx_t,
+    smdk2410,
+    stm32f105rc, stm32f4,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk, tms570ls3137_hdk_intram,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk_sdram,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk_with_loader
 bsps_moxie = moxiesim
@@ -57,13 +82,66 @@ bsps_epiphany = epiphany_sim
 # Architectures
-bsps = xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu, xilinx_zynq_zc706
+bsps = altcycv_devkit,
+    altcycv_devkit_smp,
+    arm1136jfs, arm1136js, arm7tdmi, arm920, armcortexa9, atsamv,
+    beagleboardorig, beagleboardxm, beagleboneblack, beaglebonewhite,
+    csb336, csb337, csb637,
+    edb7312,
+    kit637_v6,
+    gumstix,
+    lm3s3749, lm3s6965, lm4f120,
+    lpc1768_mbed, lpc1768_mbed_ahb_ram, lpc1768_mbed_ahb_ram_eth,
+    lpc17xx_ea_ram, lpc17xx_ea_rom_int, lpc17xx_plx800_ram,
+    lpc17xx_plx800_rom_int, lpc2362, lpc23xx_tli800, lpc24xx_ea,
+    lpc24xx_ncs_ram, lpc24xx_ncs_rom_ext, lpc24xx_ncs_rom_int,
+    lpc24xx_plx800_ram, lpc24xx_plx800_rom_int, lpc40xx_ea_ram,
+    lpc40xx_ea_rom_int, lpc32xx_mzx, lpc32xx_mzx_stage_1,
+    lpc32xx_mzx_stage_2, lpc32xx_phycore,
+    raspberrypi, raspberrypi2,
+    realview_pbx_a9_qemu, realview_pbx_a9_qemu_smp,
+    rtl22xx, rtl22xx_t,
+    smdk2410,
+    stm32f105rc, stm32f4,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk, tms570ls3137_hdk_intram,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk_sdram,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk_with_loader,
+    xilinx_zynq_zc702, xilinx_zynq_zc706, xilinx_zynq_zedboard,
+    xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu
+exclude_smp = arm1136jfs,
+    arm1136js, arm7tdmi, arm920, armcortexa9, atsamv,
+    beagleboardorig, beagleboardxm, beagleboneblack, beaglebonewhite,
+    csb336, csb337, csb637,
+    edb7312,
+    kit637_v6,
+    gumstix,
+    lm3s3749, lm3s6965, lm4f120,
+    lpc1768_mbed, lpc1768_mbed_ahb_ram, lpc1768_mbed_ahb_ram_eth,
+    lpc17xx_ea_ram, lpc17xx_ea_rom_int, lpc17xx_plx800_ram,
+    lpc17xx_plx800_rom_int, lpc2362, lpc23xx_tli800, lpc24xx_ea,
+    lpc24xx_ncs_ram, lpc24xx_ncs_rom_ext, lpc24xx_ncs_rom_int,
+    lpc24xx_plx800_ram, lpc24xx_plx800_rom_int, lpc40xx_ea_ram,
+    lpc40xx_ea_rom_int, lpc32xx_mzx, lpc32xx_mzx_stage_1,
+    lpc32xx_mzx_stage_2, lpc32xx_phycore,
+    raspberrypi, raspberrypi2,
+    rtl22xx, rtl22xx_t,
+    smdk2410,
+    stm32f105rc, stm32f4,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk, tms570ls3137_hdk_intram,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk_sdram,
+    tms570ls3137_hdk_with_loader
+exclude_network =
+    altcycv_devkit, altcycv_devkit_smp,
+    realview_pbx_a9_qemu, realview_pbx_a9_qemu_smp,
 bsps = pc686
-excludes = smp
+exclude = smp
+bsps = moxiesim
 bsps = erc32, sis
@@ -80,7 +158,7 @@ bsps = epiphany-sim
 # The variations, default is Yes and can be overriden in an architecture.
-variations = debug, profiling, smp,
+variations = debug, profiling, smp, smp-debug,
 	     posix, no-posix, posix-debug, posix-profiling, posix-smp,
 	     network, no-network, network-debug, smp-network, smp-network-debug
@@ -97,6 +175,7 @@ default = --target=@ARCH at -rtems@RTEMS_VERSION@
 debug             = --enable-debug
 profiling         = --enable-profiling
 smp               = --enable-smp
+smp-debug         = --enable-smp --enable-debug
 posix             = --enable-posix
 no-posix          = --disable-posix
 posix-debug       = --enable-posix --enable-debug

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