[rtems commit] mcf5235/start/start.S: Fix spacing from bad tab expansion

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Thu Mar 17 22:44:30 UTC 2016

Module:    rtems
Branch:    master
Commit:    bfb886d78c18208a2da1b2c4b94fb3ea7a72b003
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=bfb886d78c18208a2da1b2c4b94fb3ea7a72b003

Author:    Joel Sherrill <joel at rtems.org>
Date:      Thu Mar 17 17:43:31 2016 -0500

mcf5235/start/start.S: Fix spacing from bad tab expansion


 c/src/lib/libbsp/m68k/mcf5235/start/start.S | 43 ++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/m68k/mcf5235/start/start.S b/c/src/lib/libbsp/m68k/mcf5235/start/start.S
index 7655906..66b8f48 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/m68k/mcf5235/start/start.S
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/m68k/mcf5235/start/start.S
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ SYM(start):
      * Remainder of the startup code is handled by C code
-    jmp SYM(Init5235)       | Start C code (which never returns)
+    jmp SYM(Init5235)               | Start C code (which never returns)
    Function : CopyDataClearBSSAndStart
@@ -336,49 +336,48 @@ SYM(start):
     PUBLIC (CopyDataClearBSSAndStart)
-    lea SYM(_data_dest_start),a0        | Get start of DATA in RAM
+    lea SYM(_data_dest_start),a0    | Get start of DATA in RAM
     lea SYM(_data_src_start),a2     | Get start of DATA in ROM
     cmpl    a0,a2                   | Are they the same?
     beq.s   NODATACOPY              | Yes, no copy necessary
     lea SYM(_data_dest_end),a1      | Get end of DATA in RAM
-    bra.s   DATACOPYLOOPTEST            | Branch into copy loop
+    bra.s   DATACOPYLOOPTEST        | Branch into copy loop
     movel   a2 at +,a0 at +               | Copy word from ROM to RAM
     cmpl    a1,a0                   | Done?
-    bcs.s   DATACOPYLOOP                | No, skip
+    bcs.s   DATACOPYLOOP            | No, skip
 /* Now, clear BSS */
-        lea _clear_start,a0     | Get start of BSS
-    lea _clear_end,a1       | Get end of BSS
-    clrl    d0          | Value to set
-    bra.s   ZEROLOOPTEST        | Branch into clear loop
+    lea _clear_start,a0             | Get start of BSS
+    lea _clear_end,a1               | Get end of BSS
+    clrl    d0                      | Value to set
+    bra.s   ZEROLOOPTEST            | Branch into clear loop
-    movel   d0,a0 at +         | Clear a word
+    movel   d0,a0 at +                 | Clear a word
-    cmpl    a1,a0           | Done?
-    bcs.s   ZEROLOOP        | No, skip
+    cmpl    a1,a0                   | Done?
+    bcs.s   ZEROLOOP                | No, skip
      * Right : Now we're ready to boot RTEMS
-    clrl    d0          | Pass in null to all boot_card() params
-    movel   d0,a7 at -         | command line
-    jsr SYM(boot_card)      | Call C boot_card function to startup RTEMS
-        movel   a7 at +,d0
+    clrl    d0                      | Pass in null to all boot_card() params
+    movel   d0,a7 at -                 | command line
+    jsr SYM(boot_card)              | Call C boot_card function to startup RTEMS
+    movel   a7 at +,d0
-        nop
-        nop
-        trap    #14
-        bra     MULTI_TASK_EXIT
+    nop
+    nop
+    trap    #14
+    bra     MULTI_TASK_EXIT
+    .align 2
-        .align 2
-        .align 2
+    .align 2
     PUBLIC (_M68kSpuriousInterruptCount)
 SYM (_M68kSpuriousInterruptCount):
     .long   0

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