[rtems-docs commit] waf: Check for texlive packages and report an error is not found.

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Fri Nov 4 05:23:12 UTC 2016

Module:    rtems-docs
Branch:    master
Commit:    74194f7538a4aa177a16ba75428f0a0af82502c7
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-docs/commit/?id=74194f7538a4aa177a16ba75428f0a0af82502c7

Author:    Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>
Date:      Fri Nov  4 16:22:42 2016 +1100

waf: Check for texlive packages and report an error is not found.


 README.txt    |  95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 common/waf.py | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 68f4554..bf29299 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -30,25 +30,114 @@ FreeBSD
   # pkg install py27-sphinx
   # pkg install texlive-full
 Single HTML:
   # pkg install npm
   # npm install -g inliner
+CentOS 7
+  # yum install -y texlive-*
+This does not provide all the require packages. Missing are:
+  capt-of
+  eqparbox
+  ifplatform
+  inconsolata
+  lato
+  upquote
+Latex Setup
+Latex is used to create the PDF document.  The setup of Latex varies from host
+to host operating system due to the way each host packages the texlive
+packages. There is no common naming and no real way to figure what texlive
+package is present in a host's packaging. It seems not all of texlive is
+The RTEMS Documentation waf configure phase check for each texlive package used
+in the generated output and the styles. If you complete configure with the
+--pdf option you should be able to build PDF documentation.
+The texlive package requirments come from the Latex styles we are using and
+An example of a failure is a default CentOS 7:
+  Checking for Tex package 'Bjarne'        : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'alltt'         : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'amsmath'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'amssymb'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'amstext'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'array'         : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'atbegshi'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'babel'         : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'calc'          : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'capt-of'       : not found (please install)
+  Checking for Tex package 'charter'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'cmap'          : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'color'         : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'eqparbox'      : not found (please install)
+  Checking for Tex package 'etoolbox'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'fancybox'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'fancyhdr'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'fancyvrb'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'float'         : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'fncychap'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'fontenc'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'footnote'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'framed'        : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'graphicx'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'hypcap'        : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'hyperref'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'ifplatform'    : not found (please install)
+  Checking for Tex package 'ifthen'        : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'inconsolata'   : not found (please install)
+  Checking for Tex package 'inputenc'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'keyval'        : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'kvoptions'     : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'lato'          : not found (please install)
+  Checking for Tex package 'lineno'        : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'longtable'     : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'makeidx'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'multirow'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'parskip'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'pdftexcmds'    : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'textcomp'      : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'threeparttable' : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'times'          : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'titlesec'       : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'upquote'        : not found (please install)
+  Checking for Tex package 'utf8'           : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'wrapfig'        : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'xcolor'         : ok
+  Checking for Tex package 'xstring'        : ok
+  There are 6 Tex package failures. Please fix.
+If you find there is an issue please post the developers list.
 To build enter in the top directory:
-  $ ./waf configure [--pdf] [--singlehtml] [--prefix]
+  $ ./waf configure [--pdf] [--singlehtml] [--prefix] [--sphinx-verbose]
   $ ./waf
-The '--pdf' and '--singlehtml' options can be added to build those output
+The '--pdf' and '--singlehtml' options can be added to configure to build those
+output formats.
 To build and install to a specific location:
diff --git a/common/waf.py b/common/waf.py
index 80e8b28..25f3d74 100644
--- a/common/waf.py
+++ b/common/waf.py
@@ -108,6 +108,101 @@ def html_resources(ctx, buildtype):
 #        target      = [x.srcpath().replace("../", "") for x in files]
 #    )
+def latex_configure_tests(conf):
+    #
+    # Using a hint from ita (thank you) :
+    #  https://github.com/waf-project/waf/blob/master/demos/tex/wscript
+    #
+    latex_test_preamble = ['\\newif\\ifsphinxKeepOldNames \\sphinxKeepOldNamestrue',
+                           '\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,english]{report}']
+    latex_test_postamble = ['\\begin{document} test \\end{document}']
+    latex_tests = {
+        'Bjarne'         : ['\\usepackage[Bjarne]{fncychap}'],
+        'alltt'          : ['\\usepackage{alltt}'],
+        'amsmath'        : ['\\usepackage{amsmath}'],
+        'amssymb'        : ['\\usepackage{amssymb}'],
+        'amstext'        : ['\\usepackage{amstext}'],
+        'array'          : ['\\usepackage{array}'],
+        'atbegshi'       : ['\\usepackage{atbegshi}'],
+        'babel'          : ['\\usepackage{babel}'],
+        'babel'          : ['\\usepackage{babel}'],
+        'calc'           : ['\\usepackage{calc}'],
+        'capt-of'        : ['\\usepackage{capt-of}'],
+        'charter'        : ['\\usepackage{charter}'],
+        'cmap'           : ['\\usepackage{cmap}'],
+        'color'          : ['\\usepackage{color}'],
+        'eqparbox'       : ['\\usepackage{eqparbox}'],
+        'etoolbox'       : ['\\usepackage{etoolbox}'],
+        'fancybox'       : ['\\usepackage{fancybox}'],
+        'fancyhdr'       : ['\\usepackage{fancyhdr}'],
+        'fancyvrb'       : ['\\usepackage{fancyvrb}'],
+        'float'          : ['\\usepackage{float}'],
+        'fncychap'       : ['\\usepackage{fncychap}'],
+        'fontenc'        : ['\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}'],
+        'footnote'       : ['\\usepackage{footnote}'],
+        'framed'         : ['\\usepackage{framed}'],
+        'graphicx'       : ['\\usepackage{graphicx}'],
+        'hypcap'         : ['\\usepackage{hyperref}',
+                            '\\usepackage{hypcap}'],
+        'hyperref'       : ['\\usepackage{hyperref}'],
+        'ifplatform'     : ['\\usepackage{ifplatform}'],
+        'ifthen'         : ['\\usepackage{ifthen}'],
+        'inconsolata'    : ['\\usepackage{inconsolata}'],
+        'inputenc'       : ['\\usepackage{inputenc}'],
+        'keyval'         : ['\\usepackage{keyval}'],
+        'kvoptions'      : ['\\usepackage{kvoptions}'],
+        'lato'           : ['\\usepackage{lato}'],
+        'lineno'         : ['\\usepackage{lineno}'],
+        'longtable'      : ['\\usepackage{longtable}'],
+        'makeidx'        : ['\\usepackage{makeidx}'],
+        'multirow'       : ['\\usepackage{multirow}'],
+        'parskip'        : ['\\usepackage{parskip}'],
+        'pdftexcmds'     : ['\\usepackage{pdftexcmds}'],
+        'textcomp'       : ['\\usepackage{textcomp}'],
+        'threeparttable' : ['\\usepackage{threeparttable}'],
+        'times'          : ['\\usepackage{times}'],
+        'titlesec'       : ['\\usepackage{titlesec}'],
+        'upquote'        : ['\\usepackage{upquote}'],
+        'utf8'           : ['\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}'],
+        'wrapfig'        : ['\\usepackage{wrapfig}'],
+        'xcolor'         : ['\\usepackage{xcolor}'],
+        'xstring'        : ['\\usepackage{xstring}'],
+    }
+    def build_latex_test(bld):
+        def create_tex(test_data):
+            return os.linesep.join(latex_test_preamble +
+                                   test_data +
+                                   latex_test_postamble)
+        def write_tex_test(tsk):
+            tex = create_tex(tsk.env.TEST_DATA)
+            tsk.outputs[0].write(tex)
+        test = bld.kw['tex_test']
+        bld.env.TEST = test
+        bld.env.TEST_DATA = latex_tests[test]
+        bld.to_log('%s.tex %s' % (test, '=' * (40 - len(test) + 5)))
+        bld.to_log(create_tex(latex_tests[test]))
+        bld.to_log('=' * 40)
+        bld(rule = write_tex_test, target = 'main.tex')
+        bld(features = 'tex', type = 'pdflatex', source = 'main.tex', prompt = 0)
+    fails = 0
+    for t in sorted(latex_tests.keys()):
+        r = conf.test(build_fun = build_latex_test,
+                      msg = "Checking for Tex package '%s'" % (t),
+                      tex_test = t,
+                      okmsg = 'ok',
+                      errmsg = 'not found (please install)',
+                      mandatory = False)
+        if r is None:
+            fails += 1
+    if fails > 0:
+        conf.fatal('There are %d Tex package failures. Please fix.' % (fails))
 def cmd_configure(ctx):
     ctx.find_program("sphinx-build", var="BIN_SPHINX_BUILD", mandatory = True)
     ctx.find_program("aspell", var = "BIN_ASPELL", mandatory = False)
@@ -129,13 +224,18 @@ def cmd_configure(ctx):
     ctx.env.BUILD_PDF = 'no'
     if ctx.options.pdf:
+        check_tex = not ctx.env.PDFLATEX
+        if check_tex:
+            ctx.load('tex')
+            if not ctx.env.PDFLATEX or not ctx.env.MAKEINDEX:
+                ctx.fatal('The programs pdflatex and makeindex are required for PDF output')
+            if 'PDFLATEXFLAGS' not in ctx.env or \
+               '-shell-escape' not in ctx.env['PDFLATEXFLAGS']:
+                ctx.env.append_value('PDFLATEXFLAGS', '-shell-escape')
+            latex_configure_tests(ctx)
+        else:
+            ctx.msg('Check for Tex packages', 'skipping, already checked')
         ctx.env.BUILD_PDF = 'yes'
-        ctx.load('tex')
-        if not ctx.env.PDFLATEX or not ctx.env.MAKEINDEX:
-            ctx.fatal('The programs pdflatex and makeindex are required for PDF output')
-        if 'PDFLATEXFLAGS' not in ctx.env or \
-           '-shell-escape' not in ctx.env['PDFLATEXFLAGS']:
-            ctx.env.append_value('PDFLATEXFLAGS', '-shell-escape')
     ctx.envBUILD_SINGLEHTML = 'no'
     if ctx.options.singlehtml:

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