[rtems commit] leon, grspw_router: Allow thread safe per-bit managing of pctrl regs

Daniel Hellstrom danielh at rtems.org
Tue Nov 14 09:28:06 UTC 2017

Module:    rtems
Branch:    master
Commit:    56cf340f104a60e929ed786736f8e71bca3c4161
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=56cf340f104a60e929ed786736f8e71bca3c4161

Author:    Javier Jalle <javier.jalle at gaisler.com>
Date:      Tue Oct 10 17:24:42 2017 +0200

leon, grspw_router: Allow thread safe per-bit managing of pctrl regs


 .../lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/grspw_router.h |   8 +-
 c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/spw/grspw_router.c   | 155 +++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/grspw_router.h b/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/grspw_router.h
index c1345b1..94e13b1 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/grspw_router.h
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/include/grspw_router.h
@@ -218,14 +218,18 @@ extern int router_routing_table_get(void *d,
 /* Router Set/Get Port configuration */
 extern int router_port_ioc(void *d, int port, struct router_port *cfg);
+/* Read-modify-write Port Control register */
+extern int router_port_ctrl_rmw(void *d, int port, uint32_t *oldvalue, uint32_t bitmask, uint32_t value);
+/* Read-modify-write Port Control2 register */
+extern int router_port_ctrl2_rmw(void *d, int port, uint32_t *oldvalue, uint32_t bitmask, uint32_t value);
 /* Read Port Control register */
 extern int router_port_ctrl_get(void *d, int port, uint32_t *ctrl);
 /* Read Port Control2 register */
 extern int router_port_ctrl2_get(void *d, int port, uint32_t *ctrl2);
 /* Write Port Control Register */
-extern int router_port_ctrl_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t ctrl);
+extern int router_port_ctrl_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t mask, uint32_t ctrl);
 /* Write Port Control2 Register */
-extern int router_port_ctrl2_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t ctrl2);
+extern int router_port_ctrl2_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t mask, uint32_t ctrl2);
 /* Set Timer Reload Value for a specific port */
 extern int router_port_treload_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t reload);
 /* Get Timer Reload Value for a specific port */
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/spw/grspw_router.c b/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/spw/grspw_router.c
index dc787b4..c65a2fb 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/spw/grspw_router.c
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/spw/grspw_router.c
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ int router_init2(struct drvmgr_dev *dev)
 	tmp = REG_READ(&priv->regs->cfgsts);
 	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->cfgsts, tmp | RTRCFG_WCLEAR);
 	tmp = REG_READ(&priv->regs->psts[0]);
-	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->psts[0], tmp & PSTSCFG_WCLEAR);
+	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->psts[0], (tmp & PSTSCFG_WCLEAR) | PSTSCFG_WCLEAR2);
 	for (i=1; i<priv->nports; i++) {
 		tmp = REG_READ(&priv->regs->psts[i]);
 		REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->psts[i], tmp & PSTS_WCLEAR);
@@ -1262,6 +1262,56 @@ int router_port_ioc(void *d, int port, struct router_port *cfg)
 	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+int router_port_ctrl_rmw(void *d, int port, uint32_t *oldvalue, uint32_t bitmask, uint32_t value)
+	struct router_priv *priv = d;
+	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
+	unsigned int oldctrl, ctrl;
+	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
+	if (error)
+		return error;
+	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
+	oldctrl = REG_READ(&priv->regs->pctrl[port]);
+	ctrl = ((oldctrl & ~(bitmask)) | (value & bitmask));
+	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl[port], ctrl);
+	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
+	if (oldvalue != NULL) {
+		*oldvalue = oldctrl;
+	}
+	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+int router_port_ctrl2_rmw(void *d, int port, uint32_t *oldvalue, uint32_t bitmask, uint32_t value)
+	struct router_priv *priv = d;
+	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
+	unsigned int oldctrl, ctrl;
+	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
+	if (error)
+		return error;
+	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
+	oldctrl = REG_READ(&priv->regs->pctrl2[port]);
+	ctrl = ((oldctrl & ~(bitmask)) | (value & bitmask));
+	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl2[port], ctrl);
+	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
+	if (oldvalue != NULL) {
+		*oldvalue = oldctrl;
+	}
+	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
 /* Read Port Control register */
 int router_port_ctrl_get(void *d, int port, uint32_t *ctrl)
@@ -1285,6 +1335,7 @@ int router_port_status(void *d, int port, uint32_t *sts, uint32_t clrmsk) /* rev
 	struct router_priv *priv = d;
 	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
+	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
 	if (error)
 		return error;
@@ -1293,12 +1344,15 @@ int router_port_status(void *d, int port, uint32_t *sts, uint32_t clrmsk) /* rev
 		DBG("ROUTER Wrong sts\n");
+	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
 	*sts = REG_READ(&priv->regs->psts[port]);
 	if (port == 0) {
-		REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->psts[port], (*sts) & PSTSCFG_WCLEAR);
+		REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->psts[port], ((*sts) & (PSTSCFG_WCLEAR & clrmsk)) | (PSTSCFG_WCLEAR2 & clrmsk));
 		REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->psts[port], (*sts) & PSTS_WCLEAR);
+	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
 	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
@@ -1321,36 +1375,15 @@ int router_port_ctrl2_get(void *d, int port, uint32_t *ctrl2)
 /* Write Port Control Register */
-int router_port_ctrl_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t ctrl)
+int router_port_ctrl_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t mask, uint32_t ctrl)
-	struct router_priv *priv = d;
-	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
-	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl[port],ctrl); /* this is not SMP safe? */
-	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+	return router_port_ctrl_rmw(d, port, NULL, mask, ctrl);
 /* Write Port Control2 Register */
-int router_port_ctrl2_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t ctrl2)
+int router_port_ctrl2_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t mask, uint32_t ctrl2)
-	struct router_priv *priv = d;
-	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl2[port],ctrl2);
-	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+	return router_port_ctrl_rmw(d, port, NULL, mask, ctrl2);
 int router_port_treload_set(void *d, int port, uint32_t reload)
@@ -1429,82 +1462,22 @@ int router_port_link_status(void *d, int port)
 int router_port_disable(void *d, int port)
-	struct router_priv *priv = d;
-	unsigned int ctrl;
-	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
-	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	ctrl = REG_READ(&priv->regs->pctrl[port]);
-	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl[port], (ctrl | PCTRL_DI));
-	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+	return router_port_ctrl_rmw(d, port, NULL, PCTRL_DI, PCTRL_DI);
 int router_port_enable(void *d, int port)
-	struct router_priv *priv = d;
-	unsigned int ctrl;
-	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
-	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	ctrl = REG_READ(&priv->regs->pctrl[port]);
-	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl[port], (ctrl & ~(PCTRL_DI)));
-	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+	return router_port_ctrl_rmw(d, port, NULL, PCTRL_DI, 0);
 int router_port_link_stop(void *d, int port)
-	struct router_priv *priv = d;
-	unsigned int ctrl;
-	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
-	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	ctrl = REG_READ(&priv->regs->pctrl[port]);
-	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl[port], ((ctrl & ~(PCTRL_LS) )| (PCTRL_LD)));
-	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+	return router_port_ctrl_rmw(d, port, NULL, PCTRL_LD | PCTRL_LS, PCTRL_LD);
 int router_port_link_start(void *d, int port)
-	struct router_priv *priv = d;
-	unsigned int ctrl;
-	SPIN_IRQFLAGS(irqflags);
-	int error = router_check_port(d, port);
-	if (error)
-		return error;
-	SPIN_LOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	ctrl = REG_READ(&priv->regs->pctrl[port]);
-	REG_WRITE(&priv->regs->pctrl[port], ((ctrl & ~(PCTRL_LD) )| (PCTRL_LS)));
-	SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQ(&priv->plock[port], irqflags);
-	return ROUTER_ERR_OK;
+	return router_port_ctrl_rmw(d, port, NULL, PCTRL_LD | PCTRL_LS, PCTRL_LS);
 int router_port_link_receive_spill(void *d, int port)

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