[rtems-docs commit] eng/coding-conventions.rst: Convert TBD to Rest Format (GCI 2018)

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Tue Dec 18 17:22:24 UTC 2018

Module:    rtems-docs
Branch:    master
Commit:    75f24638b3fc10537644ba3f88025504d298cc2a
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-docs/commit/?id=75f24638b3fc10537644ba3f88025504d298cc2a

Author:    Pritish Jain <pritishjain2001 at gmail.com>
Date:      Sun Dec  9 21:38:04 2018 +0530

eng/coding-conventions.rst: Convert TBD to Rest Format (GCI 2018)


 eng/coding-conventions.rst | 246 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 244 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eng/coding-conventions.rst b/eng/coding-conventions.rst
index df06d6f..b9ba7d2 100644
--- a/eng/coding-conventions.rst
+++ b/eng/coding-conventions.rst
@@ -3,8 +3,250 @@
 .. COMMENT: COPYRIGHT (c) 2018.
 .. COMMENT: RTEMS Foundation, The RTEMS Documentation Project
+.. COMMENT:TBD  - Convert the following to Rest and insert into this file
+.. COMMENT:TBD  - https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Conventions
 Coding Conventions
-TBD  - Convert the following to Rest and insert into this file
-TBD  - https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Conventions
+The style of RTEMS is generally consistent in the core areas.
+This page attempts to capture generally accepted practices.
+When in doubt, consult the code around you or look in cpukit/rtems.
+See the sister page `Doxygen Recommendations <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen>`_.
+for examples that illustrate style rules and Doxygen usage.
+Source Documentation
+* Use Doxygen according to our `Doxygen Recommendations <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen>`_..
+* Start each file with a brief description followed by a license.
+  See `Boilerplate File Header <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Boilerplate_File_Header>`_..
+* Use /* */ comments.
+* Use comments wisely within function bodies, to explain
+  or draw attention without being verbose.
+* Use English prose and strive for good grammar,
+  spelling, and punctuation.
+* Use TODO: with a comment to indicate code that needs improvement.
+  Make it clear what there is to do.
+* Use XXX or FIXME to indicate an error/bug/broken code.
+* The RTEMS `License <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Website/License>`_. is the typical
+  and preferred license.
+  * 2- and 3-clause BSD, MIT, and other OSI-approved non-copyleft licenses
+    that permit statically linking with the code of different licenses
+    are acceptable.
+  * GPL licensed code is NOT acceptable, neither is LGPL.
+    See `this blog post explanation <http://gedare-csphd.blogspot.com/2013/05/software-licenses-with-rtems.html>`_.
+    for more information.
+  * Advertising obligations are NOT acceptable, but restrictions are permissible.
+Language and Compiler
+* Use C99.
+* Treat warnings as errors: eliminate them.
+* Favor C, but when assembly language is required use inline
+  assembly if possible.
+* Do not use compiler extensions.
+* Use the RTEMS_macros defined in score/basedefs.h for abstracting
+  compiler-specific features.
+* Use NULL for the null pointer, and prefer to use explicit
+  checks against NULL, e.g.,
+  .. code-block:: c
+      if ( ptr != NULL )
+  instead of
+  .. code-block:: c
+      if ( !ptr )
+* Use explicit checks for bits in variables.
+   * Example 1: Use
+      .. code-block:: c
+           if ( XBITS == (var & XBITS) )
+     to check for a set of defined bits.
+   * Example 2: Use
+      .. code-block:: c
+          if ( (var & X_FLAGS) != 0) )
+     instead of
+      .. code-block:: c
+          if ( !!(var & X_FLAGS) )
+     to check for at least 1 defined bit in a set.
+* Use '(void) unused;' to mark unused parameters and set-but-unused
+  variables immediately after being set.
+* Do not put function prototypes in C source files, any global functions
+  should have a prototype in a header file and any private function
+  should be declared static.
+* Declare global variables in exactly one header file.
+  Define global variables in at most one source file.
+  Include the header file declaring the global variable as
+  the first include file if possible to make sure that the
+  compiler checks the declaration and definition and that
+  the header file is self-contained.
+* Do not cast arguments to any printf() or printk() variant.
+  Use <inttypes.h> PRI constants for the types supported there.
+  Use <rtems/inttypes.h> for the other POSIX and RTEMS types that
+  have PRI constants defined there. This increases the portability
+  of the printf() format.
+* Do not use the register keyword. It is deprecated since C++14.
+* Use spaces instead of tabs.
+* Use two spaces for indentation, four spaces for
+  hanging indentation.
+* Adhere to a limit of `80 characters per line <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/80_characters_per_line>`_..
+* Put function return types and names on one line if they fit.
+* Put function calls on one line if they fit.
+* No space between a function name or function-like macro and
+  the opening parens.
+* Put braces on the same line as and one space after the
+  conditional expression ends.
+* Put the opening brace of a function definition one line after
+  the closing parenthesis of its prototype.
+* Put a single space inside and outside of each parenthesis
+  of a conditional expression.
+  * Exception: never put a space before a closing semi-colon.
+* Put a single space before and after ternary operators.
+* Put a single space before and after binary operators.
+* Put no space between unary operators (e.g. *, &, !, ~, ++, --)
+  and their operands.
+* No spaces around dereferencing operators (-> and .).
+* Do not use more than one blank line in a row.
+* Do not use trailing whitespace at the end of a line.
+* Understand and follow the `naming rules <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/NamingRules>`_..
+* Use typedef to remove 'struct', but do not use typedef
+  to hide pointers or arrays.
+  * Exception: typedef can be used to simplify function pointer types.
+* Do not mix variable declarations and code.
+* Declare variables at the start of a block.
+* Only use primitive initialization of variables at their declarations.
+  Avoid complex initializations or function calls in variable declarations.
+* Do not put unrelated functions or data in a single file.
+* Do not declare functions inside functions.
+* Avoid deep nesting by using early exits e.g. return, break, continue.
+  * Parameter checking should be done first with early error returns.
+  * Avoid allocation and critical sections until error checking is done.
+  * For error checks that require locking, do the checks early after acquiring locks.
+  * Use of 'goto' requires good reason and justification.
+* Test and action should stay close together.
+* Avoid complex logic in conditional and loop statements.
+* Put conditional and loop statements on the line after the expression.
+* Favor inline functions to hide
+  `compile-time feature-conditioned compilation <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Compile-time_feature-conditioned_compilation>`_..
+* Define non-inline functions in a .c source file.
+* Declare all global (non-static) functions in a .h header file.
+* Declare and define inline functions in one place. Usually, this
+  is a *impl.h header file.
+* Declare and define static functions in one place. Usually, this is
+  toward the start of a .c file. Minimize forward declarations of
+  static functions.
+* Function declarations should include variable names.
+* Avoid excess parentheses. Learn the
+  `operator precedence <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operators_in_C_and_C%2B%2B#Operator_precedence>`_. rules.
+* Always use parentheses with sizeof. This is an exception to the rule
+  about excess parentheses.
+* Check all return statuses.
+* Validate input parameters.
+* Use debug assertions (assert).
+* Use const when appropriate for read-only function parameters
+  and compile-time constant values.
+* Do not hard code limits such as maximum instances into your code.
+* Prefer to use sizeof(variable) instead of sizeof(type).
+* Favor C automatic variables over global or static variables.
+* Use global variables only when necessary and ensure
+  atomicity of operations.
+* Do not shadow variables.
+* Avoid declaring large buffers or structures on the stack.
+* Avoid using zero (0) as a valid value. Memory often
+  defaults to being zero.
+* Favor mutual exclusion primitives over disabling preemption.
+* Avoid unnecessary dependencies, such as by not calling
+  ''printf()'' on error paths.
+* Avoid inline functions and macros with complicated logic
+  and decision points.
+* Prefer inline functions, enum, and const variables instead of CPP macros.
+* CPP macros should use a leading underscore for parameter
+  names and `avoid macro pitfalls <https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Macro-Pitfalls.html#Macro-Pitfalls>`_..
+* Think portable! RTEMS supports a lot of target hardware.
+* For integer primitives, prefer to use precise-width integer
+  types from C99 stdint.h.
+* Write code that is 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit friendly.
+* Minimize modifications to `third-party code <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/ThirdPartyCode>`_..
+* Keep it simple! Simple code is easier to debug and easier to read than clever code.
+* Share code with other architectures, CPUs, and BSPs where possible.
+* Do not duplicate standard OS or C Library routines.
+* Prefer algorithms with the `lowest order of time and space <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/FAQ/AlgorithmicComplexity>`_.
+  for fast, deterministic execution times with small memory footprints.
+* Understand the constraints of `real-time programming <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Review/Real-Time_Resources>`_..
+  Limit execution times in interrupt contexts and critical sections,
+  such as Interrupt and Timer Service Routines (TSRs).
+* Functions used only through function pointers should be declared
+  'static inline' (RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE)
+* Prefer to ++preincrement instead of postincrement++.
+* Avoid using floating point except where absolutely necessary.
+* If you need to temporarily change the execution mode of a
+  task/thread, restore it.
+* If adding code to ''cpukit'' be sure the filename is unique since
+  all files under that directory get merged into a single library.
+* TBD: add something about the dependencies and header file layering.
+* Understand the `RTEMS Software Architecture <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserManual/RTEMS_Software_Architecture>'_.
+Exceptions to the Rules
+* Minimize reformatting existing code in RTEMS unless the file undergoes
+  substantial non-style changes.
+* `Third-party code <https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/ThirdPartyCode>`_.
+  should not be reformatted to fit RTEMS style.
+  Exception: unmaintained third-party code adopted and
+  maintained by RTEMS may be reformatted, subject to the
+  above rules.
+Some of the above can be assisted by tool support. Feel free to add
+more tools, configurations, etc here.
+* `Uncrustify <http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/>`_.
+  Configuration for RTEMS:
+  `rtems.uncrustify <https://devel.rtems.org/attachment/wiki/Developer/Coding/Conventions/rtems.uncrustify>`_.

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