[rtems-central commit] validation: Use dictionary to gather items

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Thu Aug 20 14:13:13 UTC 2020

Module:    rtems-central
Branch:    master
Commit:    09213e2f216bd0628be14b77cd736dbd6b34c61a
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-central/commit/?id=09213e2f216bd0628be14b77cd736dbd6b34c61a

Author:    Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Fri Aug 14 07:19:01 2020 +0200

validation: Use dictionary to gather items


 rtemsspec/validation.py | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtemsspec/validation.py b/rtemsspec/validation.py
index 5313902..e37d5a5 100644
--- a/rtemsspec/validation.py
+++ b/rtemsspec/validation.py
@@ -737,21 +737,40 @@ def _get_source_file(filename: str,
     return source_files.setdefault(filename, _SourceFile(filename))
-def _gather_items(item: Item, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile],
-                  test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None:
-    if item["type"] == "test-suite":
-        src = _get_source_file(item["target"], source_files)
-        src.add_test_suite(item)
-    elif item["type"] == "test-case":
-        src = _get_source_file(item["target"], source_files)
-        src.add_test_case(item)
-    elif item["type"] == "requirement" and item[
-            "requirement-type"] == "functional" and item[
-                "functional-type"] == "action":
-        src = _get_source_file(item["test-target"], source_files)
-        src.add_test_directive(item)
-    elif item["type"] == "build" and item["build-type"] == "test-program":
-        test_programs.append(_TestProgram(item))
+def _gather_action(item: Item, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile],
+                   _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None:
+    src = _get_source_file(item["test-target"], source_files)
+    src.add_test_directive(item)
+def _gather_test_case(item: Item, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile],
+                      _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None:
+    src = _get_source_file(item["target"], source_files)
+    src.add_test_case(item)
+def _gather_test_program(item: Item, _source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile],
+                         test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None:
+    test_programs.append(_TestProgram(item))
+def _gather_test_suite(item: Item, source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile],
+                       _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None:
+    src = _get_source_file(item["target"], source_files)
+    src.add_test_suite(item)
+def _gather_default(_item: Item, _source_files: Dict[str, _SourceFile],
+                    _test_programs: List[_TestProgram]) -> None:
+    pass
+_GATHER = {
+    "requirement/functional/action": _gather_action,
+    "test-case": _gather_test_case,
+    "build/test-program": _gather_test_program,
+    "test-suite": _gather_test_suite,
 def generate(config: dict, item_cache: ItemCache) -> None:
@@ -766,7 +785,8 @@ def generate(config: dict, item_cache: ItemCache) -> None:
     source_files = {}  # type: Dict[str, _SourceFile]
     test_programs = []  # type: List[_TestProgram]
     for item in item_cache.all.values():
-        _gather_items(item, source_files, test_programs)
+        _GATHER.get(item.type, _gather_default)(item, source_files,
+                                                test_programs)
     test_case_to_suites = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[_TestItem]]
     for test_program in test_programs:

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