[rtems-central commit] items: Add ItemCache.add_volatile_item()

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Fri Oct 23 10:55:13 UTC 2020

Module:    rtems-central
Branch:    master
Commit:    7a76faee8ce2a5a4ab34b9213201fc8f51746704
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-central/commit/?id=7a76faee8ce2a5a4ab34b9213201fc8f51746704

Author:    Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Fri Oct 23 10:41:16 2020 +0200

items: Add ItemCache.add_volatile_item()


 rtemsspec/items.py                      | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
 rtemsspec/tests/test_items_itemcache.py |  5 ++
 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtemsspec/items.py b/rtemsspec/items.py
index 9dd741f..fdd37eb 100644
--- a/rtemsspec/items.py
+++ b/rtemsspec/items.py
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class Item:
                 return item
         raise IndexError
-    def init_parents(self, item_cache: "ItemCache"):
+    def init_parents(self, item_cache: "ItemCache") -> None:
         """ Initializes the list of links to parents of this items. """
         for data in self._data["links"]:
@@ -308,6 +308,11 @@ class Item:
                        f"to non-existing item '{data['uid']}'")
                 raise KeyError(msg) from err
+    def init_children(self) -> None:
+        """ Initializes the list of links to children of this items. """
+        for link in self.links_to_parents():
+            link.item.add_link_to_child(Link.create(link, self))
     def add_link_to_child(self, link: Link):
         """ Adds a link to a child item of this items. """
@@ -482,13 +487,27 @@ def _gather_spec_refinements(item: Item) -> Optional[_SpecType]:
     return new_type
+def _load_item(path: str, uid: str) -> Any:
+    with open(path, "r") as src:
+        data = yaml.safe_load(src.read())
+        data["_file"] = os.path.abspath(path)
+        data["_uid"] = uid
+    return data
 class ItemCache:
     """ This class provides a cache of specification items. """
     def __init__(self, config: Any):
         self._items = {}  # type: ItemMap
         self._top_level = {}  # type: ItemMap
-        self._set_types(config)
+        spec_root = config["spec-type-root-uid"]
+        if spec_root:
+            self._root_type = _gather_spec_refinements(self[spec_root])
+        else:
+            self._root_type = None
+        for item in self._items.values():
+            self._set_type(item)
     def __getitem__(self, uid: str) -> Item:
         return self._items[uid]
@@ -503,6 +522,26 @@ class ItemCache:
         """ Returns the map of top-level specification items. """
         return self._top_level
+    def add_volatile_item(self, path: str, uid: str) -> Item:
+        """
+        Adds an item stored in the specified file to the cache and returns it.
+        The item is not added to the persistent cache storage.
+        """
+        data = _load_item(path, uid)
+        item = self._add_item(uid, data)
+        item.init_parents(self)
+        item.init_children()
+        self._set_type(item)
+        return item
+    def _add_item(self, uid: str, data: Any) -> Item:
+        item = Item(self, uid, data)
+        self._items[uid] = item
+        if not item["links"]:
+            self._top_level[uid] = item
+        return item
     def _load_items_in_dir(self, base: str, path: str, cache_file: str,
                            update_cache: bool) -> None:
         data_by_uid = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
@@ -512,11 +551,7 @@ class ItemCache:
                 if name.endswith(".yml") and not name.startswith("."):
                     uid = "/" + os.path.relpath(path2, base).replace(
                         ".yml", "")
-                    with open(path2, "r") as yaml_src:
-                        data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_src.read())
-                        data["_file"] = os.path.abspath(path2)
-                        data["_uid"] = uid
-                        data_by_uid[uid] = data
+                    data_by_uid[uid] = _load_item(path2, uid)
             os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_file), exist_ok=True)
             with open(cache_file, "wb") as out:
                 pickle.dump(data_by_uid, out)
@@ -524,10 +559,7 @@ class ItemCache:
             with open(cache_file, "rb") as pickle_src:
                 data_by_uid = pickle.load(pickle_src)
         for uid, data in iter(data_by_uid.items()):
-            item = Item(self, uid, data)
-            self._items[uid] = item
-            if not item["links"]:
-                self._top_level[uid] = item
+            self._add_item(uid, data)
     def _load_items_recursive(self, base: str, path: str,
                               cache_dir: str) -> None:
@@ -554,9 +586,7 @@ class ItemCache:
     def _init_children(self) -> None:
         for uid in sorted(self._items):
-            item = self._items[uid]
-            for link in item.links_to_parents():
-                link.item.add_link_to_child(Link.create(link, item))
+            self._items[uid].init_children()
     def _load_items(self, config: Any) -> None:
         cache_dir = os.path.abspath(config["cache-directory"])
@@ -565,21 +595,15 @@ class ItemCache:
-    def _set_types(self, config: Any) -> None:
-        spec_root = config["spec-type-root-uid"]
-        if spec_root:
-            root_type = _gather_spec_refinements(self[spec_root])
-        else:
-            root_type = None
-        for item in self._items.values():
-            spec_type = root_type
-            value = item.data
-            path = []  # type: List[str]
-            while spec_type is not None:
-                type_name = value[spec_type.key]
-                path.append(type_name)
-                spec_type = spec_type.refinements[type_name]
-            item["_type"] = "/".join(path)
+    def _set_type(self, item: Item) -> None:
+        spec_type = self._root_type
+        value = item.data
+        path = []  # type: List[str]
+        while spec_type is not None:
+            type_name = value[spec_type.key]
+            path.append(type_name)
+            spec_type = spec_type.refinements[type_name]
+        item["_type"] = "/".join(path)
 class EmptyItemCache(ItemCache):
diff --git a/rtemsspec/tests/test_items_itemcache.py b/rtemsspec/tests/test_items_itemcache.py
index b8507fc..b220586 100644
--- a/rtemsspec/tests/test_items_itemcache.py
+++ b/rtemsspec/tests/test_items_itemcache.py
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ def test_load(tmpdir):
         out.write("links:\n- role: null\n  uid: ../p\nv: x\n")
     item_cache_3 = ItemCache(config)
     assert item_cache_3["/d/c"]["v"] == "x"
+    item = item_cache_3.add_volatile_item(
+        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "spec/root.yml"), "/foo/bar")
+    assert item.uid == "/foo/bar"
+    assert item.type == ""
+    assert item["type"] == "spec"
 def test_load_link_error(tmpdir):

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