[rtems-central commit] specverify: Introduce SpecVerifier class

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Fri Oct 23 10:55:13 UTC 2020

Module:    rtems-central
Branch:    master
Commit:    4319cd1400b6942f5b18f2df64a5302a9d7ded50
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-central/commit/?id=4319cd1400b6942f5b18f2df64a5302a9d7ded50

Author:    Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Fri Oct 23 11:01:51 2020 +0200

specverify: Introduce SpecVerifier class


 rtemsspec/specverify.py | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtemsspec/specverify.py b/rtemsspec/specverify.py
index 3e6dd15..c200a06 100644
--- a/rtemsspec/specverify.py
+++ b/rtemsspec/specverify.py
@@ -449,6 +449,36 @@ def _gather_item_verifiers(item: Item, verifier_map: _VerifierMap) -> None:
             _create_verifier(link.item, verifier_map)
+class SpecVerifier:
+    """ Verifies items according to the specification of the specification. """
+    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+    def __init__(self, item_cache: ItemCache, root_uid: str):
+        verifier_map = {}  # type: _VerifierMap
+        _NameVerifier("name", verifier_map)
+        _UIDVerifier("uid", verifier_map)
+        _Verifier("bool", verifier_map)
+        _Verifier("float", verifier_map)
+        _Verifier("int", verifier_map)
+        _Verifier("none", verifier_map)
+        _Verifier("str", verifier_map)
+        try:
+            root_item = item_cache[root_uid]
+        except KeyError:
+            logging.error("root type item does not exist in item cache")
+            return
+        self._root_verifier = _create_verifier(root_item, verifier_map)
+        _gather_item_verifiers(root_item, verifier_map)
+        for name in sorted(verifier_map):
+            logging.info("type: %s", name)
+            verifier_map[name].resolve_type_refinements()
+        logging.info("start specification item verification")
+        for key in sorted(item_cache.all):
+            item = item_cache[key]
+            self._root_verifier.verify(_Path(item, f"{item.uid}:"), item.data)
+        logging.info("finished specification item verification")
 def verify(config: dict, item_cache: ItemCache) -> None:
     Verifies specification items according to the configuration.
@@ -456,31 +486,9 @@ def verify(config: dict, item_cache: ItemCache) -> None:
     :param config: A dictionary with configuration entries.
     :param item_cache: The specification item cache.
-    verifier_map = {}  # type: _VerifierMap
-    _NameVerifier("name", verifier_map)
-    _UIDVerifier("uid", verifier_map)
-    _Verifier("bool", verifier_map)
-    _Verifier("float", verifier_map)
-    _Verifier("int", verifier_map)
-    _Verifier("none", verifier_map)
-    _Verifier("str", verifier_map)
         root_uid = config["root-type"]
     except KeyError:
         logging.error("configuration has no root type")
-    try:
-        root_item = item_cache[root_uid]
-    except KeyError:
-        logging.error("root type item does not exist in item cache")
-        return
-    root_verifier = _create_verifier(root_item, verifier_map)
-    _gather_item_verifiers(root_item, verifier_map)
-    for name in sorted(verifier_map):
-        logging.info("type: %s", name)
-        verifier_map[name].resolve_type_refinements()
-    logging.info("start specification item verification")
-    for key in sorted(item_cache.all):
-        item = item_cache[key]
-        root_verifier.verify(_Path(item, f"{item.uid}:"), item.data)
-    logging.info("finished specification item verification")
+    SpecVerifier(item_cache, root_uid)

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