[rtems-central commit] spec: Document all create directives

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Wed Feb 3 05:28:01 UTC 2021

Module:    rtems-central
Branch:    master
Commit:    45b6997194fb578d0330bb232040a0d05c9676a4
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-central/commit/?id=45b6997194fb578d0330bb232040a0d05c9676a4

Author:    Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Wed Jan 13 14:05:42 2021 +0100

spec: Document all create directives


 spec-glossary/glossary/bcb.yml        |  12 ++
 spec-glossary/glossary/dpcb.yml       |  12 ++
 spec-glossary/glossary/escb.yml       |  12 ++
 spec-glossary/glossary/pcb.yml        |  12 ++
 spec/rtems/barrier/constraint/max.yml |  11 ++
 spec/rtems/barrier/if/create.yml      |  89 +++++++++++--
 spec/rtems/dpmem/constraint/max.yml   |  11 ++
 spec/rtems/dpmem/if/create.yml        |  73 +++++++++--
 spec/rtems/message/constraint/max.yml |  12 ++
 spec/rtems/message/if/construct.yml   |   4 +-
 spec/rtems/message/if/create.yml      | 138 ++++++++++++++++++--
 spec/rtems/part/constraint/max.yml    |  11 ++
 spec/rtems/part/if/create.yml         |  66 ++++++----
 spec/rtems/ratemon/constraint/max.yml |  11 ++
 spec/rtems/ratemon/if/create.yml      |  55 ++++++--
 spec/rtems/region/constraint/max.yml  |  11 ++
 spec/rtems/region/if/create.yml       | 105 ++++++++++++++--
 spec/rtems/sem/if/create.yml          | 226 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 spec/rtems/task/constraint/max.yml    |  11 ++
 spec/rtems/task/if/construct.yml      |   4 +-
 spec/rtems/task/if/create.yml         | 231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 spec/rtems/timer/constraint/max.yml   |  11 ++
 spec/rtems/timer/if/create.yml        |  42 ++++---
 spec/rtems/userext/constraint/max.yml |  12 ++
 spec/rtems/userext/if/create.yml      |  72 +++++++++--
 25 files changed, 1009 insertions(+), 245 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spec-glossary/glossary/bcb.yml b/spec-glossary/glossary/bcb.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..379fa66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec-glossary/glossary/bcb.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+glossary-type: term
+- role: glossary-member
+  uid: ../glossary-general
+term: BCB
+text: |
+  This term is an acronym for Barrier Control Block.
+type: glossary
diff --git a/spec-glossary/glossary/dpcb.yml b/spec-glossary/glossary/dpcb.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a2efb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec-glossary/glossary/dpcb.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+glossary-type: term
+- role: glossary-member
+  uid: ../glossary-general
+term: DPCB
+text: |
+  This term is an acronym for Dual-Ported Memory Control Block.
+type: glossary
diff --git a/spec-glossary/glossary/escb.yml b/spec-glossary/glossary/escb.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3ff4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec-glossary/glossary/escb.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+glossary-type: term
+- role: glossary-member
+  uid: ../glossary-general
+term: ESCB
+text: |
+  This term is an acronym for Extension Set Control Block.
+type: glossary
diff --git a/spec-glossary/glossary/pcb.yml b/spec-glossary/glossary/pcb.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4fadfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec-glossary/glossary/pcb.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+glossary-type: term
+- role: glossary-member
+  uid: ../glossary-general
+term: PCB
+text: |
+  This term is an acronym for Period Control Block.
+type: glossary
diff --git a/spec/rtems/barrier/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/barrier/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd39c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/barrier/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of barriers available to the application is configured through
+  the ${/acfg/if/max-barriers:/name} application configuration option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/barrier/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/barrier/if/create.yml
index 3aff39e..74deb81 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/barrier/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/barrier/if/create.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
-brief: '%'
+brief: |
+  Creates a barrier.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -14,31 +15,99 @@ definition:
     - ${../../type/if/id:/name} *${.:/params[3]/name}
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
-description: null
+description: |
+  This directive creates a barrier which resides on the local node.  The
+  barrier has the user-defined object name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name}
+  and the initial count specified in ${.:/params[1]/name}.  The assigned object
+  identifier is returned in ${.:/params[3]/name}.  This identifier is used to
+  access the barrier with other barrier related directives.
+  The **attribute set** specified in ${.:/params[1]/name} is built through a
+  *bitwise or* of the attribute constants described below.  Not all
+  combinations of attributes are allowed.  Some attributes are mutually
+  exclusive.  If mutually exclusive attributes are combined, the behaviour is
+  undefined.  Attributes not mentioned below are not evaluated by this
+  directive and have no effect.  Default attributes can be selected by using
+  the ${../../attr/if/default:/name} constant.
+  The **barrier class** is selected by the mutually exclusive
+  ${../../attr/if/barrier-manual-release:/name} and
+  ${../../attr/if/barrier-automatic-release:/name} attributes.
+  * The **manual release class** is the default and can be emphasized through
+    use of the ${../../attr/if/barrier-manual-release:/name} attribute.  For
+    this class, there is no limit on the number of tasks that will block at the
+    barrier. Only when the ${release:/name} directive is invoked, are the tasks
+    waiting at the barrier unblocked.
+  * The **automatic release class** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/barrier-automatic-release:/name} attribute.  For this
+    class, tasks calling the ${wait:/name} directive will block until there are
+    ${.:/params[2]/name} minus one tasks waiting at the barrier.  When the
+    ${.:/params[2]/name} task invokes the ${wait:/name} directive, the previous
+    ${.:/params[2]/name} - 1 tasks are automatically released and the caller
+    returns.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create a barrier
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
 name: rtems_barrier_create
-notes: null
+notes: |
+  For control and maintenance of the barrier, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/bcb:/term} from the local BCB free pool and initializes it.
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the barrier.
   dir: null
   name: name
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the attribute set of the barrier.
   dir: null
   name: attribute_set
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the maximum count of waiters on an automatic release barrier.
   dir: null
   name: maximum_waiters
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created barrier will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    operation.
   dir: null
   name: id
   return: null
-  return-values: []
+  return-values:
+  - description: |
+      The requested operation was successful.
+    value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[3]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[2]/name} parameter was 0 for an automatic release
+      barrier.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-number:/name}
+  - description: |
+      There was no inactive object available to create a barrier.  The number
+      of barriers available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/max-barriers:/name} application configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/dpmem/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/dpmem/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e6c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/dpmem/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of ports available to the application is configured through
+  the ${/acfg/if/max-ports:/name} application configuration option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/dpmem/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/dpmem/if/create.yml
index 2780ade..b4c78bf 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/dpmem/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/dpmem/if/create.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
-brief: '%'
+brief: |
+  Creates a port.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -15,34 +16,82 @@ definition:
     - ${../../type/if/id:/name} *${.:/params[4]/name}
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
-description: null
+description: |
+  This directive creates a port which resides on the local node.  The port has
+  the user-defined object name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name}.  The assigned
+  object identifier is returned in ${.:/params[4]/name}.  This identifier is
+  used to access the port with other dual-ported memory port related
+  directives.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create a port
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
 name: rtems_port_create
-notes: null
+notes: |
+  The ${.:/params[1]/name} and ${.:/params[2]/name} parameters must be on a
+  boundary defined by the target processor architecture.
+  For control and maintenance of the port, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/dpcb:/term} from the local DPCB free pool and initializes it.
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the port.
   dir: null
   name: name
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the internal start address of the memory area.
   dir: null
   name: internal_start
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the external start address of the memory area.
   dir: null
   name: external_start
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the length in bytes of the memory area.
   dir: null
   name: length
-- description: '%'
-  dir: null
+- description: |
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created port will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    operation.
+  dir: out
   name: id
   return: null
-  return-values: []
+  return-values:
+  - description: |
+      The requested operation was successful.
+    value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[3]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[1]/name} parameter was not properly aligned.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[2]/name} parameter was not properly aligned.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      There was no inactive object available to create a port.  The number of
+      port available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/max-ports:/name} application configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/message/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/message/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c3f233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/message/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of message queues available to the application is configured
+  through the ${/acfg/if/max-message-queues:/name} application configuration
+  option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/message/if/construct.yml b/spec/rtems/message/if/construct.yml
index 0d936a2..c8e5275 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/message/if/construct.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/message/if/construct.yml
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ params:
   name: config
 - description: |
     is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
-    constructed message queue object will be stored in this variable, in case
-    of a successful operation.
+    constructed message queue will be stored in this variable, in case of a
+    successful operation.
   dir: out
   name: id
diff --git a/spec/rtems/message/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/message/if/create.yml
index c682258..57d804e 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/message/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/message/if/create.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
-brief: '%'
+brief: |
+  Creates a message queue.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -15,34 +16,147 @@ definition:
     - ${../../type/if/id:/name} *${.:/params[4]/name}
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
-description: null
+description: |
+  This directive creates a message queue which resides on the local node.  The
+  message queue has the user-defined object name specified in
+  ${.:/params[0]/name}.  Memory is allocated from the RTEMS Workspace for the
+  count of messages specified in ${.:/params[1]/name}, each of
+  ${.:/params[2]/name} bytes in length.  The assigned object identifier is
+  returned in ${.:/params[4]/name}.  This identifier is used to access the
+  message queue with other message queue related directives.
+  The **attribute set** specified in ${.:/params[3]/name} is built through a
+  *bitwise or* of the attribute constants described below.  Not all
+  combinations of attributes are allowed.  Some attributes are mutually
+  exclusive.  If mutually exclusive attributes are combined, the behaviour is
+  undefined.  Attributes not mentioned below are not evaluated by this
+  directive and have no effect.  Default attributes can be selected by using
+  the ${../../attr/if/default:/name} constant.  The attribute set defines
+  * the scope of the message queue: ${../../attr/if/local:/name} (default) or
+    ${../../attr/if/global:/name} and
+  * the task wait queue discipline used by the message queue:
+    ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} (default) or ${../../attr/if/priority:/name}.
+  The message queue has a local or global **scope** in a multiprocessing network
+  (this attribute does not refer to SMP systems).  The scope is selected by the
+  mutually exclusive ${../../attr/if/local:/name} and
+  ${../../attr/if/global:/name} attributes.
+  * A **local scope** is the default and can be emphasized through the use of
+    the ${../../attr/if/local:/name} attribute.  A local message queue can be
+    only used by the node which created it.
+  * A **global scope** is established if the ${../../attr/if/global:/name}
+    attribute is set.  Setting the global attribute in a single node system has
+    no effect.
+  The **task wait queue discipline** is selected by the mutually exclusive
+  ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} and ${../../attr/if/priority:/name} attributes.
+  The discipline defines the order in which tasks wait for a message to receive
+  on a currently empty message queue.
+  * The **FIFO discipline** is the default and can be emphasized
+    through use of the ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} attribute.
+  * The **priority discipline** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/priority:/name} attribute.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create a message queue
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../../constraint/mp-max-global-objects
 name: rtems_message_queue_create
-notes: null
+notes: |
+  For message queues with a global scope, the maximum message size is
+  effectively limited to the longest message which the ${/glossary/mpci:/term}
+  is capable of transmitting.
+  For control and maintenance of the message queue, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/qcb:/term} from the local QCB free pool and initializes it.
+  The QCB for a global message queue is allocated on the local node.  Message
+  queues should not be made global unless remote tasks must interact with the
+  message queue.  This is to avoid the system overhead incurred by the creation
+  of a global message queue.  When a global message queue is created, the
+  message queue's name and identifier must be transmitted to every node in the
+  system for insertion in the local copy of the global object table.
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the message queue.
   dir: null
   name: name
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the maximum count of pending messages supported by the message queue.
   dir: null
   name: count
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the maximum size in bytes of a message supported by the message queue.
   dir: null
   name: max_message_size
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the attribute set of the message queue.
   dir: null
   name: attribute_set
-- description: '%'
-  dir: null
+- description: |
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created message queue will be stored in this variable, in case of a
+    successful operation.
+  dir: out
   name: id
   return: null
-  return-values: []
+  return-values:
+  - description: |
+      The requested operation was successful.
+    value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[4]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[1]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-number:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[2]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-size:/name}
+  - description: |
+      There was no inactive object available to create a message queue.  The
+      number of message queue available to the application is configured
+      through the ${/acfg/if/max-message-queues:/name} application
+      configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
+  - description: |
+      In multiprocessing configurations, there was no inactive global object
+      available to create a global message queue.  The number of global objects
+      available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/mp-max-global-objects:/name} application configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The product of ${.:/params[1]/name} and ${.:/params[2]/name} is greater
+      than the maximum storage size.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-number:/name}
+  - description: |
+      There was not enough memory available in the RTEMS Workspace to allocate
+      the message buffers for the message queue.
+    value: ${../../status/if/unsatisfied:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/part/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/part/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccf39f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/part/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of partitions available to the application is configured through
+  the ${/acfg/if/max-partitions:/name} application configuration option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/part/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/part/if/create.yml
index ea8419a..88022ab 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/part/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/part/if/create.yml
@@ -21,22 +21,29 @@ description: |
   This directive creates a partition of fixed size buffers from a physically
   contiguous memory space which starts at ${.:/params[1]/name} and is
   ${.:/params[2]/name} bytes in size.  Each allocated buffer is to be of
-  ${.:/params[3]/name} in bytes.  The assigned object identifier is returned in
-  ${.:/params[5]/name}.  This identifier is used to access the partition with
-  other partition related directives.
+  ${.:/params[3]/name} in bytes.  The partition has the user-defined object
+  name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name}.  The assigned object identifier is
+  returned in ${.:/params[5]/name}.  This identifier is used to access the
+  partition with other partition related directives.
-  The **attribute set** specified in ${.:/params[4]/name} is built through
-  a *bitwise or* of the attribute constants described below.  Attributes not
-  mentioned below are not evaluated by this directive and have no effect.
+  The **attribute set** specified in ${.:/params[4]/name} is built through a
+  *bitwise or* of the attribute constants described below.  Not all
+  combinations of attributes are allowed.  Some attributes are mutually
+  exclusive.  If mutually exclusive attributes are combined, the behaviour is
+  undefined.  Attributes not mentioned below are not evaluated by this
+  directive and have no effect.  Default attributes can be selected by using
+  the ${../../attr/if/default:/name} constant.
-  The partition can have **local** or **global** scope in a multiprocessing
-  network (this attribute does not refer to SMP systems).
+  The partition has a local or global **scope** in a multiprocessing network
+  (this attribute does not refer to SMP systems).  The scope is selected by the
+  mutually exclusive ${../../attr/if/local:/name} and
+  ${../../attr/if/global:/name} attributes.
-  * A **local** scope is the default and can be emphasized through the use of
+  * A **local scope** is the default and can be emphasized through the use of
     the ${../../attr/if/local:/name} attribute.  A local partition can be only
     used by the node which created it.
-  * A **global** scope is established if the ${../../attr/if/global:/name}
+  * A **global scope** is established if the ${../../attr/if/global:/name}
     attribute is set.  The memory space used for the partition must reside in
     shared memory.  Setting the global attribute in a single node system has no
@@ -49,11 +56,20 @@ links:
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../../constraint/mp-max-global-objects
 name: rtems_partition_create
 notes: |
-  This directive may cause the calling task to be preempted due to an obtain
-  and release of the object allocator mutex.
   The partition buffer area specified by the ${.:/params[1]/name} must be
   properly aligned.  It must be possible to directly store target architecture
   pointers and also the user data.  For example, if the user data contains some
@@ -79,12 +95,8 @@ notes: |
   global partition.  When a global partition is created, the partition's name
   and identifier must be transmitted to every node in the system for insertion
   in the local copy of the global object table.
-  The total number of global objects, including partitions, is limited by the
-  value of the ${/acfg/if/mp-max-global-objects:/name} application
-  configuration option.
-- description: is the name of the partition.
+- description: is the object name of the partition.
   dir: null
   name: name
 - description: is the starting address of the buffer area used by the partition.
@@ -101,8 +113,8 @@ params:
   name: attribute_set
 - description: |
     is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
-    created partition object will be stored in this variable, in case of a
-    successful operation.
+    created partition will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    operation.
   dir: out
   name: id
@@ -112,7 +124,7 @@ return:
       The requested operation was successful.
     value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
   - description: |
-      The partition name was invalid.
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
     value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
   - description: |
       The ${.:/params[5]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
@@ -140,8 +152,14 @@ return:
     value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
   - description: |
-      There was no inactive object available to create a new partition.  The
-      number of partitions available to the application is configured through
-      the ${/acfg/if/max-partitions:/name} configuration option.
+      There was no inactive object available to create a partition.  The number
+      of partitions available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/max-partitions:/name} application configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
+  - description: |
+      In multiprocessing configurations, there was no inactive global object
+      available to create a global semaphore.  The number of global objects
+      available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/mp-max-global-objects:/name} application configuration option.
     value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/ratemon/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/ratemon/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db642e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/ratemon/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of periods available to the application is configured through the
+  ${/acfg/if/max-periods:/name} application configuration option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/ratemon/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/ratemon/if/create.yml
index f8d842a..abaf911 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/ratemon/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/ratemon/if/create.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
-brief: '%'
+brief: |
+  Creates a period.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -12,25 +13,61 @@ definition:
     - ${../../type/if/id:/name} *${.:/params[1]/name}
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
-description: null
+description: |
+  This directive creates a period which resides on the local node.  The period
+  has the user-defined object name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name} The
+  assigned object identifier is returned in ${.:/params[1]/name}.  This
+  identifier is used to access the period with other rate monotonic related
+  directives.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create a period
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
 name: rtems_rate_monotonic_create
-notes: null
+notes: |
+  The calling task is registered as the owner of the created period.  Some
+  directives can be only used by this task for the created period.
+  For control and maintenance of the period, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/pcb:/term} from the local PCB free pool and initializes it.
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the period.
   dir: null
   name: name
-- description: '%'
-  dir: null
+- description: |
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created period will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    operation.
+  dir: out
   name: id
   return: null
-  return-values: []
+  return-values:
+  - description: |
+      The requested operation was successful.
+    value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
+  - description: |
+      There was no inactive object available to create a period.  The number of
+      periods available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/max-periods:/name} application configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/region/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/region/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61dd552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/region/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of regions available to the application is configured through
+  the ${/acfg/if/max-regions:/name} application configuration option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/region/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/region/if/create.yml
index cbe1dbc..572f3eb 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/region/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/region/if/create.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
-brief: '%'
+brief: |
+  Creates a region.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -16,37 +17,115 @@ definition:
     - ${../../type/if/id:/name} *${.:/params[5]/name}
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
-description: null
+description: |
+  This directive creates a region which resides on the local node.  The region
+  has the user-defined object name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name}.  The
+  assigned object identifier is returned in ${.:/params[5]/name}.  This
+  identifier is used to access the region with other region related directives.
+  The region manages the **contiguous memory area** which starts at
+  ${.:/params[1]/name} and is ${.:/params[2]/name} bytes long.  The memory area
+  shall be large enough to contain some internal region administration data.
+  The **starting address and length of segments** allocated from the region
+  will be an integral multiple of ${.:/params[3]/name}.  The specified page
+  size will be aligned to an implementation-dependent minimum alignment if
+  necessary.
+  The **attribute set** specified in ${.:/params[4]/name} is built through a
+  *bitwise or* of the attribute constants described below.  Not all
+  combinations of attributes are allowed.  Some attributes are mutually
+  exclusive.  If mutually exclusive attributes are combined, the behaviour is
+  undefined.  Attributes not mentioned below are not evaluated by this
+  directive and have no effect.  Default attributes can be selected by using
+  the ${../../attr/if/default:/name} constant.
+  The **task wait queue discipline** is selected by the mutually exclusive
+  ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} and ${../../attr/if/priority:/name} attributes.
+  The discipline defines the order in which tasks wait for allocatable segments
+  on a currently empty region.
+  * The **FIFO discipline** is the default and can be emphasized
+    through use of the ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} attribute.
+  * The **priority discipline** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/priority:/name} attribute.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create a region
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
 name: rtems_region_create
-notes: null
+notes: |
+  For control and maintenance of the region, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/rncb:/term} from the local RNCB free pool and initializes it.
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the region.
   dir: null
   name: name
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the starting address of the memory area managed by the region.
   dir: null
   name: starting_address
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the length in bytes of the memory area managed by the region.
   dir: null
   name: length
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the alignment of the starting address and length of each allocated
+    segment of the region.
   dir: null
   name: page_size
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the attribute set of the region.
   dir: null
   name: attribute_set
-- description: '%'
-  dir: null
+- description: |
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created region will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    operation.
+  dir: out
   name: id
   return: null
-  return-values: []
+  return-values:
+  - description: |
+      The requested operation was successful.
+    value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[5]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[1]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      There was no inactive object available to create a region.  The number
+      of regions available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/max-regions:/name} application configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[3]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-size:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The memory area specified in ${.:/params[1]/name} and
+      ${.:/params[2]/name} was too small.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-size:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/sem/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/sem/if/create.yml
index 6ccc679..d9ba239 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/sem/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/sem/if/create.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
 brief: |
-  Creates a semaphore with the specified properties and returns its identifier.
+  Creates a semaphore.
 - Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -17,141 +17,158 @@ definition:
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
 description: |
-  This directive creates a semaphore which resides on the local node.  The new
-  semaphore has the user-defined name specified in ``name`` and the initial
-  count specified in ``count``.  For control and maintenance of the semaphore,
-  RTEMS allocates and initializes a ${/glossary/smcb:/term}.  The
-  RTEMS-assigned semaphore identifier is returned in ``id``.  This semaphore
-  identifier is used with other semaphore related directives to access the
-  semaphore.
-  The attribute set specified in ``attribute_set`` defines
-  * the scope of the semaphore (local or global),
-  * the discipline of the task wait queue used by the semaphore (FIFO or
-    priority),
-  * the class of the semaphore (counting, binary, or simple binary), and
-  * the locking protocol of a binary semaphore (priority inheritance, priority
-    ceiling or MrsP).
-  The attribute set is built through a *bitwise or* of the attribute constants
-  described below.  Not all combinations of attributes are allowed.  Some
-  attributes are mutually exclusive.  If mutually exclusive attributes are
-  combined, the behaviour is undefined.
-  The *scope of a semaphore* is either the local node only (local scope) or all
-  nodes in a multiprocessing network (global scope).  The scope is selected by
-  the mutually exclusive ${../../attr/if/local:/name} and
+  This directive creates a semaphore which resides on the local node.  The
+  semaphore has the user-defined object name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name}
+  and the initial count specified in ${.:/params[1]/name}.  The assigned object
+  identifier is returned in ${.:/params[4]/name}.  This identifier is used to
+  access the semaphore with other semaphore related directives.
+  The **attribute set** specified in ${.:/params[2]/name} is built through a
+  *bitwise or* of the attribute constants described below.  Not all
+  combinations of attributes are allowed.  Some attributes are mutually
+  exclusive.  If mutually exclusive attributes are combined, the behaviour is
+  undefined.  Attributes not mentioned below are not evaluated by this
+  directive and have no effect.  Default attributes can be selected by using
+  the ${../../attr/if/default:/name} constant.  The attribute set defines
+  * the scope of the semaphore: ${../../attr/if/local:/name} (default) or
+    ${../../attr/if/global:/name},
+  * the task wait queue discipline used by the semaphore:
+    ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} (default) or ${../../attr/if/priority:/name},
+  * the class of the semaphore: ${../../attr/if/counting-semaphore:/name}
+    (default), ${../../attr/if/binary-semaphore:/name}, or
+    ${../../attr/if/simple-binary-semaphore:/name}, and
+  * the locking protocol of a binary semaphore: no locking protocol (default),
+    ${../../attr/if/inherit-priority:/name},
+    ${../../attr/if/priority-ceiling:/name}, or
+    ${../../attr/if/multiprocessor-resource-sharing:/name}.
+  The semaphore has a local or global **scope** in a multiprocessing network
+  (this attribute does not refer to SMP systems).  The scope is selected by the
+  mutually exclusive ${../../attr/if/local:/name} and
   ${../../attr/if/global:/name} attributes.
-  * The local scope is the default and can be emphasized through use
-    of the ${../../attr/if/local:/name} attribute.
+  * A **local scope** is the default and can be emphasized through the use of
+    the ${../../attr/if/local:/name} attribute.  A local semaphore can be only
+    used by the node which created it.
-  * The global scope is selected by the ${../../attr/if/global:/name} attribute.  In
-    a single node system and the local and global scope are identical.
+  * A **global scope** is established if the ${../../attr/if/global:/name}
+    attribute is set.  Setting the global attribute in a single node system has
+    no effect.
-  The *task wait queue discipline* is selected by the mutually exclusive
+  The **task wait queue discipline** is selected by the mutually exclusive
   ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} and ${../../attr/if/priority:/name} attributes.
-  * The ${/glossary/fifo:/term} discipline is the default and can be emphasized
+  * The **FIFO discipline** is the default and can be emphasized
     through use of the ${../../attr/if/fifo:/name} attribute.
-  * The priority discipline is selected by the ${../../attr/if/priority:/name}
-    attribute.  Some locking protocols require the priority discipline.
+  * The **priority discipline** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/priority:/name} attribute.  The locking protocols require
+    the priority discipline.
-  The *semaphore class* is selected by the mutually exclusive
+  The **semaphore class** is selected by the mutually exclusive
   ${../../attr/if/binary-semaphore:/name}, and
   ${../../attr/if/simple-binary-semaphore:/name} attributes.
-  * Counting semaphores are the default and can be emphasized through use of
-    the ${../../attr/if/counting-semaphore:/name} attribute.
+  * The **counting semaphore class** is the default and can be emphasized
+    through use of the ${../../attr/if/counting-semaphore:/name} attribute.
-  * Binary semaphores are mutual exclusion (mutex) synchronization primitives
-    which may have an owner.  The count of a binary semaphore is restricted to
-    0 and 1.  The binary semaphore class is selected by the
-    ${../../attr/if/binary-semaphore:/name} attribute.
+  * The **binary semaphore class** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/binary-semaphore:/name} attribute.  Binary semaphores are
+    mutual exclusion (mutex) synchronization primitives which may have an
+    owner.  The count of a binary semaphore is restricted to 0 and 1 values.
-  * Simple binary semaphores have no owner.  The count of a simple binary
-    semaphore is restricted to 0 and 1.  They may be used for task and
-    interrupt synchronization.  The simple binary semaphore class is selected
-    by the ${../../attr/if/simple-binary-semaphore:/name} attribute.
+  * The **simple binary semaphore class** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/simple-binary-semaphore:/name} attribute.  Simple binary
+    semaphores have no owner.  They may be used for task and interrupt
+    synchronization.  The count of a simple binary semaphore is restricted to 0
+    and 1 values.
-  Binary semaphores may use a *locking protocol*.  If a locking protocol is
+  Binary semaphores may use a **locking protocol**.  If a locking protocol is
   selected, then the scope shall be local and the priority task wait queue
   discipline shall be selected.  The locking protocol is selected by the
   mutually exclusive ${../../attr/if/inherit-priority:/name},
   ${../../attr/if/priority-ceiling:/name}, and
   ${../../attr/if/multiprocessor-resource-sharing:/name} attributes.
-  * The default is to use no locking protocol.
-  * The ${../../attr/if/inherit-priority:/name} attribute selects the priority
-    inheritance locking protocol.
-  * The ${../../attr/if/priority-ceiling:/name} attribute selects the priority
-    ceiling locking protocol.  For this locking protocol a priority ceiling
-    shall be specified in ``priority_ceiling``.
-  * The ${../../attr/if/multiprocessor-resource-sharing:/name} attribute selects the
-    MrsP locking protocol in SMP configurations, otherwise it selects the
-    priority ceiling protocol.  For this locking protocol a priority ceiling
-    shall be specified in ``priority_ceiling``.  This priority is used to set
-    the priority ceiling in all scheduler instances.  This can be changed later
-    with the ${set-priority:/name} directive using the returned semaphore
-    identifier.
+  * The default is **no locking protocol**.  This can be emphasized
+    through use of the ${../../attr/if/no-inherit-priority:/name},
+    ${../../attr/if/no-multiprocessor-resource-sharing:/name}, and
+    ${../../attr/if/no-priority-ceiling:/name} attributes.
+  * The **priority inheritance locking protocol** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/inherit-priority:/name} attribute.
+  * The **priority ceiling locking protocol** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/priority-ceiling:/name} attribute.  For this locking protocol
+    a priority ceiling shall be specified in ${.:/params[3]/name}.
+  * The **MrsP locking protocol** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/multiprocessor-resource-sharing:/name} attribute in SMP
+    configurations, otherwise this attribute selects the **priority ceiling
+    locking protocol**.  For these locking protocols a priority ceiling shall be
+    specified in ${.:/params[3]/name}.  This priority is used to set the
+    priority ceiling for all schedulers.  This can be changed later with the
+    ${set-priority:/name} directive using the returned object identifier.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create a semaphore
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../../constraint/mp-max-global-objects
 name: rtems_semaphore_create
 notes: |
-  This directive may cause the calling task to be preempted due to an obtain
-  and release of the object allocator mutex.
-  Semaphores should not be made global unless remote tasks must interact with
-  the new semaphore.  This is to avoid the system overhead incurred by the
-  creation of a global semaphore.  When a global semaphore is created, the
-  semaphore's name and identifier must be transmitted to every node in the
-  system for insertion in the local copy of the global object table.
-  The total number of global objects, including semaphores, is limited by the
-  ${/acfg/if/mp-max-global-objects:/name} application configuration option.
-  It is not allowed to create an initially locked MrsP semaphore and the
-  ${../../status/if/invalid-number:/name} status code will be returned in SMP
-  configurations in this case.  This prevents lock order reversal problems
-  with the allocator mutex.
+  For control and maintenance of the semaphore, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/smcb:/term} from the local SMCB free pool and initializes it.
+  The SMCB for a global semaphore is allocated on the local node.  Semaphores
+  should not be made global unless remote tasks must interact with the
+  semaphore.  This is to avoid the system overhead incurred by the creation of
+  a global semaphore.  When a global semaphore is created, the semaphore's name
+  and identifier must be transmitted to every node in the system for insertion
+  in the local copy of the global object table.
-- description: is the object name of the new semaphore.
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the semaphore.
   dir: null
   name: name
 - description: |
-    is the initial count of the new semaphore.  If the semaphore is a mutex,
-    then a count of 0 will make the calling task the owner of the new mutex and
-    a count of 1 will create a mutex without an owner.
+    is the initial count of the semaphore.  If the semaphore is a binary semaphore,
+    then a count of 0 will make the calling task the owner of the binary semaphore and
+    a count of 1 will create a binary semaphore without an owner.
   dir: null
   name: count
 - description: |
-    is the attribute set which defines the properties of the new semaphore.
+    is the attribute set of the semaphore.
   dir: null
   name: attribute_set
 - description: |
-    is the priority ceiling if the new semaphore is a binary semaphore with the
-    priority ceiling or MrsP semaphore locking protocol as defined by the
-    attribute set.
+    is the priority ceiling if the semaphore is a binary semaphore with the
+    priority ceiling or MrsP locking protocol as defined by the attribute set.
   dir: null
   name: priority_ceiling
 - description: |
-    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The object identifier of
-    the new semaphore will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created semaphore will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
   dir: out
   name: id
@@ -162,24 +179,29 @@ return:
       The requested operation was successful.
     value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
   - description: |
-      The ${.:/params[3]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
-    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
-  - description: |
-      The semaphore name was invalid.
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
     value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
   - description: |
-      The priority ceiling was invalid.
-    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-priority:/name}
+      The ${.:/params[4]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[1]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-number:/name}
   - description: |
-      The attribute set was invalid.
+      The ${.:/params[2]/name} parameter was invalid.
     value: ${../../status/if/not-defined:/name}
   - description: |
-      There was no inactive semaphore object available to create a new
-      semaphore.  The semaphore object maximum is defined by the
+      There was no inactive object available to create a semaphore.  The number
+      of semaphores available to the application is configured through the
       ${/acfg/if/max-semaphores:/name} application configuration option.
     value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
   - description: |
       In multiprocessing configurations, there was no inactive global object
-      available to create a new global semaphore.
+      available to create a global semaphore.  The number of global objects
+      available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/mp-max-global-objects:/name} application configuration option.
     value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[3]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-priority:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/task/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f072f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of tasks available to the application is configured through
+  the ${/acfg/if/max-tasks:/name} application configuration option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/if/construct.yml b/spec/rtems/task/if/construct.yml
index 661d27a..fa2ae2a 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/task/if/construct.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/if/construct.yml
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ params:
   name: config
 - description: |
     is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
-    constructed task object will be stored in this variable, in case of a
-    successful operation.
+    constructed task will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    operation.
   dir: out
   name: id
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/task/if/create.yml
index 1ff4dda..a05c765 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/task/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/if/create.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
 brief: |
-  Creates a task object.
+  Creates a task.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2017 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -18,46 +18,212 @@ definition:
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
 description: |
-  This directive creates a task which resides on the local node. It allocates
-  and initializes a TCB, a stack, and an optional floating point context area.
-  The mode parameter contains values which sets the task’s initial execution
-  mode. The RTEMS_FLOATING_POINT attribute should be specified if the created
-  task is to use a numeric coprocessor. For performance reasons, it is
-  recommended that tasks not using the numeric coprocessor should specify the
-  RTEMS_NO_FLOATING_POINT attribute. If the RTEMS_GLOBAL attribute is
-  specified, the task can be accessed from remote nodes. The task id, returned
-  in id, is used in other task related directives to access the task. When
-  created, a task is placed in the dormant state and can only be made ready to
-  execute using the directive rtems_task_start().
+  This directive creates a task which resides on the local node.  The task has
+  the user-defined object name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name}.  The assigned
+  object identifier is returned in ${.:/params[5]/name}.  This identifier is
+  used to access the task with other task related directives.
+  The **initial priority** of the task is specified in ${.:/params[1]/name}.
+  The scheduler of the created task is the scheduler of the calling task at
+  some point during the task creation.  The initial task priority specified in
+  ${.:/params[1]/name} shall be valid for this scheduler.
+  The **stack size** of the task is specified in ${.:/params[2]/name}.  If the
+  requested stack size is less than the configured minimum stack size, then
+  RTEMS will use the configured minimum as the stack size for this task.  The
+  configured minimum stack size is defined by the
+  ${/acfg/if/min-task-stack-size:/name} application configuration option.  In
+  addition to being able to specify the task stack size as a integer, there are
+  two constants which may be specified:
+  * The ${minimum-stack-size:/name} constant can be specified to use the
+    **recommended minimum stack size** for the target processor.  This value is
+    selected by the RTEMS maintainers conservatively to minimize the risk of
+    blown stacks for most user applications.  Using this constant when
+    specifying the task stack size, indicates that the stack size will be at
+    least ${minimum-stack-size:/name} bytes in size.  If the user configured
+    minimum stack size is larger than the recommended minimum, then it will be
+    used.
+  * The ${configured-minimum-stack-size:/name} constant can be specified to use
+    the minimum stack size that was configured by the application.  If not
+    explicitly configured by the application, the default configured minimum
+    stack size is the target processor dependent value
+    ${minimum-stack-size:/name}.  Since this uses the configured minimum stack
+    size value, you may get a stack size that is smaller or larger than the
+    recommended minimum.  This can be used to provide large stacks for all
+    tasks on complex applications or small stacks on applications that are
+    trying to conserve memory.
+  The **initial mode set** specified in ${.:/params[3]/name} is built through a
+  *bitwise or* of the mode constants described below.  Not all combinations of
+  modes are allowed.  Some modes are mutually exclusive.  If mutually exclusive
+  modes are combined, the behaviour is undefined.  Default task modes can be
+  selected by using the ${../../mode/if/default:/name} constant.  The task mode
+  set defines
+  * the preemption mode of the task: ${../../mode/if/preempt:/name} (default)
+    or ${../../mode/if/no-preempt:/name},
+  * the timeslicing mode of the task: ${../../mode/if/timeslice:/name} or
+    ${../../mode/if/no-timeslice:/name} (default),
+  * the ${/glossary/asr:/term} processing mode of the task:
+    ${../../mode/if/asr:/name} (default) or ${../../mode/if/no-asr:/name},
+  * the interrupt level mode of the task:
+    ${../../mode/if/interrupt-level:/name}.
+  The **initial preemption mode** of the task is enabled or disabled.
+  * An **enabled preemption** is the default and can be emphasized through the
+    use of the ${../../mode/if/preempt:/name} mode constant.
+  * A **disabled preemption** is set by the ${../../mode/if/no-preempt:/name}
+    mode constant.
+  The **initial timeslicing mode** of the task is enabled or disabled.
+  * A **disabled timeslicing** is the default and can be emphasized through the
+    use of the ${../../mode/if/no-timeslice:/name} mode constant.
+  * An **enabled timeslicing** is set by the ${../../mode/if/timeslice:/name}
+    mode constant.
+  The **initial ASR processing mode** of the task is enabled or disabled.
+  * An **enabled ASR processing** is the default and can be emphasized through
+    the use of the ${../../mode/if/asr:/name} mode constant.
+  * A **disabled ASR processing** is set by the ${../../mode/if/no-asr:/name}
+    mode constant.
+  The **initial interrupt level mode** of the task is defined by
+  ${../../mode/if/interrupt-level:/name}.
+  * Task execution with **interrupts enabled** the default and can be
+    emphasized through the use of the ${../../mode/if/interrupt-level:/name}
+    mode macro with a value of zero (0) for the parameter.  An interrupt level
+    of zero is associated with enabled interrupts on all target processors.
+  * Task execution at a **non-zero interrupt level** can be specified by the
+    ${../../mode/if/interrupt-level:/name} mode macro with a non-zero value for
+    the parameter.  The interrupt level portion of the task mode supports a
+    maximum of 256 interrupt levels.  These levels are mapped onto the
+    interrupt levels actually supported by the target processor in a processor
+    dependent fashion.
+  The **attribute set** specified in ${.:/params[4]/name} is built through a
+  *bitwise or* of the attribute constants described below.  Not all
+  combinations of attributes are allowed.  Some attributes are mutually
+  exclusive.  If mutually exclusive attributes are combined, the behaviour is
+  undefined.  Attributes not mentioned below are not evaluated by this
+  directive and have no effect.  Default attributes can be selected by using
+  the ${../../attr/if/default:/name} constant.  The attribute set defines
+  * the scope of the task: ${../../attr/if/local:/name} (default) or
+    ${../../attr/if/global:/name} and
+  * the floating-point unit use of the task:
+    ${../../attr/if/floating-point:/name} or
+    ${../../attr/if/no-floating-point:/name} (default).
+  The task has a local or global **scope** in a multiprocessing network
+  (this attribute does not refer to SMP systems).  The scope is selected by the
+  mutually exclusive ${../../attr/if/local:/name} and
+  ${../../attr/if/global:/name} attributes.
+  * A **local scope** is the default and can be emphasized through the use of
+    the ${../../attr/if/local:/name} attribute.  A local task can be only used
+    by the node which created it.
+  * A **global scope** is established if the ${../../attr/if/global:/name}
+    attribute is set.  Setting the global attribute in a single node system has
+    no effect.the 
+  The **use of the floating-point unit** is selected by the mutually exclusive
+  ${../../attr/if/floating-point:/name} and
+  ${../../attr/if/no-floating-point:/name} attributes.  On some target
+  processors, the use of the floating-point unit can be enabled or disabled for
+  each task.  Other target processors may have no hardware floating-point unit
+  or enable the use of the floating-point unit for all tasks.  Consult the
+  *RTEMS CPU Architecture Supplement* for the details.
+  * A **disabled floating-point unit** is the default and can be emphasized
+    through use of the ${../../attr/if/no-floating-point:/name} attribute.  For
+    performance reasons, it is recommended that tasks not using the
+    floating-point unit should specify this attribute.
+  * An **enabled floating-point unit** is selected by the
+    ${../../attr/if/floating-point:/name} attribute.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create a task
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../../constraint/mp-max-global-objects
 name: rtems_task_create
-notes: null
+notes: |
+  The task processor affinity is initialized to the set of online processors.
+  When created, a task is placed in the dormant state and can only be made
+  ready to execute using the directive ${start:/name}.
+  Application developers should consider the stack usage of the device drivers
+  when calculating the stack size required for tasks which utilize the driver.
+  The task stack size shall account for an target processor dependent interrupt
+  stack frame which may be placed on the stack of the interrupted task while
+  servicing an interrupt.  The stack checker may be used to monitor the stack
+  usage, see ${/acfg/if/stack-checker-enabled:/name}.
+  For control and maintenance of the task, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/tcb:/term} from the local TCB free pool and initializes it.
+  The TCB for a global task is allocated on the local node.  Task should not be
+  made global unless remote tasks must interact with the task.  This is to
+  avoid the system overhead incurred by the creation of a global task.  When a
+  global task is created, the task's name and identifier must be transmitted to
+  every node in the system for insertion in the local copy of the global object
+  table.
-- description: is the user-defined task name.
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the task.
   dir: null
   name: name
-- description: is the initial task priority.
+- description: |
+    is the initial task priority.
   dir: null
   name: initial_priority
-- description: is the task stack size in bytes.
+- description: |
+    is the task stack size in bytes.
   dir: null
   name: stack_size
-- description: is the initial task mode.
+- description: |
+    is the initial mode set of the task.
   dir: null
   name: initial_modes
-- description: is the task attribute set.
+- description: |
+    is the attribute set of the task.
   dir: null
   name: attribute_set
 - description: |
-    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The object identifier of
-    the new task will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created task will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
   dir: out
   name: id
@@ -68,23 +234,24 @@ return:
       The requested operation was successful.
     value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
   - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
+  - description: |
       The ${.:/params[5]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
     value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
   - description: |
-      The task name was invalid.
-    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
-  - description: |
-      The initial task priority was invalid.
+      The ${.:/params[1]/name} was invalid.
     value: ${../../status/if/invalid-priority:/name}
   - description: |
-      The multiprocessing support was not configured.
-    value: ${../../status/if/mp-not-configured:/name}
-  - description: |
-      There was no inactive task object available to create a new task.
+      There was no inactive object available to create a task.  The number of
+      tasks available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/max-tasks:/name} application configuration option.
     value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
   - description: |
       In multiprocessing configurations, there was no inactive global object
-      available to create a new global task.
+      available to create a global task.  The number of global objects
+      available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/mp-max-global-objects:/name} application configuration option.
     value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
   - description: |
       There was not enough memory to allocate the task storage area.  The task
@@ -92,7 +259,7 @@ return:
       floating point context.
     value: ${../../status/if/unsatisfied:/name}
   - description: |
-      One of the task create extensions failed to create the new task.
+      One of the task create extensions failed to create the task.
     value: ${../../status/if/unsatisfied:/name}
   - description: |
       In SMP configurations, the non-preemption mode was not supported.
diff --git a/spec/rtems/timer/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/timer/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0505bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/timer/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of timers available to the application is configured through
+  the ${/acfg/if/max-timers:/name} application configuration option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/timer/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/timer/if/create.yml
index 71ae5dd..ba8be42 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/timer/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/timer/if/create.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
 brief: |
   Creates a timer.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ definition:
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
 description: |
-  This directive creates a timer.  The assigned object identifier is returned
-  in ${.:/params[1]/name}.  This identifier is used to access the timer with
-  other timer related directives.
+  This directive creates a timer which resides on the local node.  The timer
+  has the user-defined object name specified in ${.:/params[0]/name}.  The
+  assigned object identifier is returned in ${.:/params[1]/name}.  This
+  identifier is used to access the timer with other timer related directives.
 enabled-by: true
 - create a timer
@@ -26,25 +27,32 @@ links:
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/obj-unlimited-alloc
 name: rtems_timer_create
 notes: |
-  This directive may cause the calling task to be preempted due to an obtain
-  and release of the object allocator mutex.
+  The processor used to maintain the timer is the processor of the calling task
+  at some point during the timer creation.
   For control and maintenance of the timer, RTEMS allocates a
   ${/glossary/tmcb:/term} from the local TMCB free pool and initializes it.
-  In SMP configurations, the processor of the currently executing thread
-  determines the processor used for the created timer.  During the life-time of
-  the timer this processor is used to manage the timer internally.
-- description: is the name of the timer.
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the timer.
   dir: null
   name: name
 - description: |
     is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
-    created timer object will be stored in this variable, in case of a
-    successful operation.
+    created timer will be stored in this variable, in case of a successful
+    operation.
   dir: out
   name: id
@@ -54,14 +62,14 @@ return:
       The requested operation was successful.
     value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
   - description: |
-      The timer name was invalid.
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
     value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
   - description: |
       The ${.:/params[1]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
     value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
   - description: |
-      There was no inactive object available to create a new timer.  The number
-      of timers available to the application is configured through the
-      ${/acfg/if/max-timers:/name} configuration option.
+      There was no inactive object available to create a timer.  The number of
+      timers available to the application is configured through the
+      ${/acfg/if/max-timers:/name} application configuration option.
     value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
 type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/userext/constraint/max.yml b/spec/rtems/userext/constraint/max.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e9294b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/userext/constraint/max.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+rationale: null
+scope: user
+text: |
+  The number of extension sets available to the application is configured
+  through the ${/acfg/if/max-user-extensions:/name} application configuration
+  option.
+type: constraint
diff --git a/spec/rtems/userext/if/create.yml b/spec/rtems/userext/if/create.yml
index 5b61f94..245fca3 100644
--- a/spec/rtems/userext/if/create.yml
+++ b/spec/rtems/userext/if/create.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
-brief: '%'
+brief: |
+  Creates an extension set.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
 - Copyright (C) 1988, 2008 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR)
@@ -13,28 +14,79 @@ definition:
     - ${../../type/if/id:/name} *${.:/params[2]/name}
     return: ${../../status/if/code:/name}
   variants: []
-description: null
+description: |
+  This directive creates an extension set which resides on the local node.  The
+  extension set has the user-defined object name specified in
+  ${.:/params[0]/name}.  The assigned object identifier is returned in
+  ${.:/params[2]/name}.  This identifier is used to access the extension set
+  with other extension set related directives.
+  The extension set is initialized using the extension table specified in
+  ${.:/params[1]/name}.
 enabled-by: true
-index-entries: []
+- create an extension set
 interface-type: function
 - role: interface-placement
   uid: header
 - role: interface-ingroup
   uid: group
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-devinit
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/directive-ctx-task
+- role: constraint
+  uid: /constraint/object-allocator
+- role: constraint
+  uid: ../constraint/max
 name: rtems_extension_create
-notes: null
+notes: |
+  The user-provided extension set table is not used after the return of the
+  directive.
+  Newly created extension sets are immediately installed and are invoked upon
+  the next system event supporting an extension.
+  An alternative to dynamically created extension sets are initial extensions,
+  see ${/acfg/if/initial-extensions:/name}.  Initial extensions are recommended
+  for extension sets which provide a fatal error extension.
+  For control and maintenance of the extension set, RTEMS allocates a
+  ${/glossary/escb:/term} from the local ESCB free pool and initializes it.
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
+    is the object name of the extension set.
   dir: null
   name: name
-- description: '%'
+- description: |
   dir: null
   name: extension_table
-- description: '%'
-  dir: null
+- description: |
+    is the pointer to an object identifier variable.  The identifier of the
+    created extension set will be stored in this variable, in case of a
+    successful operation.
+  dir: out
   name: id
   return: null
-  return-values: []
+  return-values:
+  - description: |
+      The requested operation was successful.
+    value: ${../../status/if/successful:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[0]/name} parameter was invalid.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-name:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[1]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      The ${.:/params[2]/name} parameter was ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+    value: ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}
+  - description: |
+      There was no inactive object available to create an extension set.  The
+      number of extension sets available to the application is configured
+      through the ${/acfg/if/max-user-extensions:/name} application
+      configuration option.
+    value: ${../../status/if/too-many:/name}
 type: interface

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