[rtems-central commit] spec: Specify memory allocation directives

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Fri May 7 06:00:30 UTC 2021

Module:    rtems-central
Branch:    master
Commit:    8d06b93a6c4e22a3dfde0c70fb9140f67bf153a0
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-central/commit/?id=8d06b93a6c4e22a3dfde0c70fb9140f67bf153a0

Author:    Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Tue Apr 20 14:55:58 2021 +0200

spec: Specify memory allocation directives


 spec/c/if/einval.yml             |  12 ++
 spec/c/if/enomem.yml             |  12 ++
 spec/c/if/posix-memalign.yml     |  12 ++
 spec/c/req/posix-memalign.yml    | 301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 spec/rtems/malloc/if/calloc.yml  |  12 ++
 spec/rtems/malloc/if/header.yml  |  13 ++
 spec/rtems/malloc/if/malloc.yml  |  12 ++
 spec/rtems/malloc/req/calloc.yml | 200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 spec/rtems/malloc/req/malloc.yml | 144 +++++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 718 insertions(+)

diff --git a/spec/c/if/einval.yml b/spec/c/if/einval.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1466ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/c/if/einval.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+index-entries: []
+interface-type: unspecified-define
+- role: interface-placement
+  uid: errno-header
+name: EINVAL
+references: {}
+type: interface
diff --git a/spec/c/if/enomem.yml b/spec/c/if/enomem.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38eb725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/c/if/enomem.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+index-entries: []
+interface-type: unspecified-define
+- role: interface-placement
+  uid: errno-header
+name: ENOMEM
+references: {}
+type: interface
diff --git a/spec/c/if/posix-memalign.yml b/spec/c/if/posix-memalign.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a45994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/c/if/posix-memalign.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+index-entries: []
+interface-type: unspecified-function
+- role: interface-placement
+  uid: stdlib
+name: posix_memalign
+references: {}
+type: interface
diff --git a/spec/c/req/posix-memalign.yml b/spec/c/req/posix-memalign.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7698f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/c/req/posix-memalign.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/posix-memalign
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Zero
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_int( ctx->status, 0 );
+    text: |
+      The return value of ${../if/posix-memalign:/name} shall be equal to zero.
+  - name: EINVAL
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_int( ctx->status, EINVAL );
+    text: |
+      The return value of ${../if/posix-memalign:/name} shall be equal to
+      ${../if/einval:/name}.
+  - name: ENOMEM
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_int( ctx->status, ENOMEM );
+    text: |
+      The return value of ${../if/posix-memalign:/name} shall be equal to
+      ${../if/enomem:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: MemptrVar
+  states:
+  - name: AreaBegin
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_ptr( ctx->memptr, &ctx->memptr_obj );
+      T_not_null( ctx->memptr_obj );
+    text: |
+      The value of the object referenced by the memptr parameter shall be set
+      to the begin address of the allocated memory area after the return of the
+      ${../if/posix-memalign:/name} call.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_ptr( ctx->memptr, &ctx->memptr_obj );
+      T_null( ctx->memptr_obj );
+    text: |
+      The value of the object referenced by the memptr parameter shall be set
+      to ${../if/null:/name} after the return of the
+      ${../if/posix-memalign:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_uptr( (uintptr_t) ctx->memptr_obj, 1 );
+    text: |
+      Objects referenced by the memptr parameter in past calls to
+      ${../if/posix-memalign:/name} shall not be accessed by the
+      ${../if/posix-memalign:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Alignment
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_uptr( (uintptr_t) ctx->memptr_obj % 128, 0 );
+    text: |
+      The begin address of the allocated memory area shall be an integral
+      multiple of the alignment parameter.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Size
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      /* Assume that the next allocation is done from adjacent memory */
+      ptr = ctx->memptr_obj;
+      eno = posix_memalign( &ptr, ctx->alignment, ctx->size );
+      T_eq_int( eno, 0 );
+      T_not_null( ptr );
+      a = (uintptr_t) ptr;
+      b = (uintptr_t) ctx->memptr_obj;
+      size = a < b ? b - a : a - b;
+      T_ge_uptr( size, ctx->size );
+    text: |
+      The size of the allocated memory area shall greater than or equal to the
+      size parameter.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: |
+    void     *ptr;
+    int       eno;
+    uintptr_t a;
+    uintptr_t b;
+    uintptr_t size;
+- name: Memptr
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->memptr = &ctx->memptr_obj;
+    text: |
+      While the memptr parameter references an object of type
+      ``void *``.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->memptr = NULL;
+    text: |
+      While the memptr parameter is equal to ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Alignment
+  states:
+  - name: Tiny
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->alignment = sizeof( void * ) - 1;
+    text: |
+      While the alignment parameter is less than sizeof( void * ).
+  - name: NotPower2
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->alignment = sizeof( void * ) + 1;
+    text: |
+      While the alignment parameter is greater than or equal to
+      sizeof( void * ), while the alignment parameter is not a power of two.
+  - name: Huge
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->alignment = SIZE_MAX / 2 + 1;
+    text: |
+      While the alignment parameter is greater than or equal to
+      sizeof( void * ), while the alignment parameter is a power of two, while
+      the alignment parameter is too large to allocate a memory area with the
+      specified alignment.
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->alignment = 128;
+    text: |
+      While the alignment parameter is greater than or equal to
+      sizeof( void * ), while the alignment parameter is a power of two, while
+      the alignment parameter is small enough to allocate a memory area with
+      the specified alignment.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Size
+  states:
+  - name: Huge
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->size = SIZE_MAX;
+    text: |
+      While the size parameter is not equal to zero, while the size parameter
+      is too large to allocate a memory area with the specified size.
+  - name: Zero
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->size = 0;
+    text: |
+      While the size parameter is equal to zero.
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->size = sizeof( uint64_t );
+    text: |
+      While the size parameter is not equal to zero, while the size parameter
+      is small enough to allocate a memory area with the specified size.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  ctx->status = posix_memalign( ctx->memptr, ctx->alignment, ctx->size );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member provides a memory support context.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    MemoryContext mem_ctx;
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the object referenced by the memptr parameter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    void *memptr_obj
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the directive call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    int status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the memptr parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    void **memptr
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the alignment parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    size_t alignment
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the size parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    size_t size
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- stdlib.h
+- errno.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: |
+  ctx->memptr_obj = (void *)(uintptr_t) 1;
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    MemorySave( &ctx->mem_ctx );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-mem-posix-memalign.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    MemoryRestore( &ctx->mem_ctx );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: EINVAL
+    MemptrVar: 'Null'
+    Alignment: N/A
+    Size: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    Memptr:
+    - Valid
+    Alignment:
+    - Tiny
+    - NotPower2
+    Size: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: EINVAL
+    MemptrVar: Nop
+    Alignment: N/A
+    Size: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    Memptr:
+    - 'Null'
+    Alignment: all
+    Size: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: ENOMEM
+    MemptrVar: 'Null'
+    Alignment: N/A
+    Size: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    Memptr:
+    - Valid
+    Alignment:
+    - Huge
+    Size:
+    - Huge
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: ENOMEM
+    MemptrVar: 'Null'
+    Alignment: N/A
+    Size: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    Memptr:
+    - Valid
+    Alignment:
+    - Valid
+    Size:
+    - Huge
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Zero
+    MemptrVar: AreaBegin
+    Alignment: Valid
+    Size: Valid
+  pre-conditions:
+    Memptr:
+    - Valid
+    Alignment:
+    - Valid
+    Size:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Zero
+    MemptrVar: 'Null'
+    Alignment: Valid
+    Size: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    Memptr:
+    - Valid
+    Alignment:
+    - Valid
+    - Huge
+    Size:
+    - Zero
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/malloc/if/calloc.yml b/spec/rtems/malloc/if/calloc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f902d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/malloc/if/calloc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+index-entries: []
+interface-type: unspecified-function
+- role: interface-placement
+  uid: header
+name: rtems_calloc
+references: {}
+type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/malloc/if/header.yml b/spec/rtems/malloc/if/header.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5e0448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/malloc/if/header.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+brief: This header file defines the Memory Allocation API.
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+index-entries: []
+interface-type: container
+- role: interface-placement
+  uid: /if/domain
+path: rtems/malloc.h
+prefix: cpukit/include
+type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/malloc/if/malloc.yml b/spec/rtems/malloc/if/malloc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeb8e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/malloc/if/malloc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+index-entries: []
+interface-type: unspecified-function
+- role: interface-placement
+  uid: header
+name: rtems_malloc
+references: {}
+type: interface
diff --git a/spec/rtems/malloc/req/calloc.yml b/spec/rtems/malloc/req/calloc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e5b259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/malloc/req/calloc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/calloc
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      T_null( ctx->ptr );
+    text: |
+      The return value of ${../if/calloc:/name} shall be equal to
+      ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  - name: AreaBegin
+    test-code: |
+      T_not_null( ctx->ptr );
+    text: |
+      The return value of ${../if/calloc:/name} shall be equal to the begin
+      address of the allocated memory area.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Alignment
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_uptr( (uintptr_t) ctx->ptr % CPU_HEAP_ALIGNMENT, 0 );
+    text: |
+      The begin address of the allocated memory area shall be an integral
+      multiple of the heap alignment of the ${/glossary/target-arch:/term}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Size
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      /* Assume that the next allocation is done from adjacent memory */
+      ptr = ctx->ptr;
+      ctx->ptr = rtems_calloc( ctx->nelem, ctx->elsize );
+      T_not_null( ptr );
+      a = (uintptr_t) ptr;
+      b = (uintptr_t) ctx->ptr;
+      size = a < b ? b - a : a - b;
+      T_ge_uptr( size, ctx->nelem * ctx->elsize );
+    text: |
+      The size of the allocated memory area shall greater than or equal to the
+      product of the ``nelem`` and ``elsize`` parameters.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: |
+    void     *ptr;
+    uintptr_t a;
+    uintptr_t b;
+    uintptr_t size;
+- name: Content
+  states:
+  - name: Zero
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u64( *(uint64_t *) ctx->ptr, 0 );
+    text: |
+      The content of the allocated memory area shall be cleared to zero.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: ElementCount
+  states:
+  - name: Huge
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->nelem = SIZE_MAX;
+    text: |
+      While the ``nelem`` parameter is not equal to zero, while the ``nelem``
+      parameter is too large to allocate a memory area with the specified size.
+  - name: Zero
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->nelem = 0;
+    text: |
+      While the ``nelem`` parameter is equal to zero.
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->nelem = 1;
+    text: |
+      While the ``nelem`` parameter is not equal to zero, while the ``nelem``
+      parameter is small enough to allocate a memory area with the specified
+      size.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: ElementSize
+  states:
+  - name: Huge
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->elsize = SIZE_MAX;
+    text: |
+      While the ``elsize`` parameter is not equal to zero, while the ``elsize``
+      parameter is too large to allocate a memory area with the specified size.
+  - name: Zero
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->elsize = 0;
+    text: |
+      While the ``elsize`` parameter is equal to zero.
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->elsize = sizeof( uint64_t );
+    text: |
+      While the ``elsize`` parameter is not equal to zero, while the ``elsize``
+      parameter is small enough to allocate a memory area with the specified
+      size.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  ctx->ptr = rtems_calloc( ctx->nelem, ctx->elsize );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member provides a memory support context.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    MemoryContext mem_ctx;
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/calloc:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    void *ptr
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ``nelem`` parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    size_t nelem
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ``elsize`` parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    size_t elsize
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems/malloc.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: null
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    MemorySave( &ctx->mem_ctx );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-mem-rtems-calloc.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    MemoryRestore( &ctx->mem_ctx );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: AreaBegin
+    Alignment: Valid
+    Size: Valid
+    Content: Zero
+  pre-conditions:
+    ElementCount:
+    - Valid
+    ElementSize:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: 'Null'
+    Alignment: Valid
+    Size: N/A
+    Content: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    ElementCount:
+    - Huge
+    - Zero
+    ElementSize:
+    - Huge
+    - Zero
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: 'Null'
+    Alignment: Valid
+    Size: N/A
+    Content: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    ElementCount:
+    - Valid
+    ElementSize:
+    - Huge
+    - Zero
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/malloc/req/malloc.yml b/spec/rtems/malloc/req/malloc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d936fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/malloc/req/malloc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/malloc
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      T_null( ctx->ptr );
+    text: |
+      The return value of ${../if/malloc:/name} shall be equal to
+      ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  - name: AreaBegin
+    test-code: |
+      T_not_null( ctx->ptr );
+    text: |
+      The return value of ${../if/malloc:/name} shall be equal to the begin
+      address of the allocated memory area.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Alignment
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_uptr( (uintptr_t) ctx->ptr % CPU_HEAP_ALIGNMENT, 0 );
+    text: |
+      The begin address of the allocated memory area shall be an integral
+      multiple of the heap alignment of the ${/glossary/target-arch:/term}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Size
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      /* Assume that the next allocation is done from adjacent memory */
+      ptr = ctx->ptr;
+      ctx->ptr = rtems_malloc( ctx->size );
+      T_not_null( ptr );
+      a = (uintptr_t) ptr;
+      b = (uintptr_t) ctx->ptr;
+      size = a < b ? b - a : a - b;
+      T_ge_uptr( size, ctx->size );
+    text: |
+      The size of the allocated memory area shall greater than or equal to the
+      ``size` parameter.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: |
+    void     *ptr;
+    uintptr_t a;
+    uintptr_t b;
+    uintptr_t size;
+- name: Size
+  states:
+  - name: Huge
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->size = SIZE_MAX;
+    text: |
+      While the ``size`` parameter is not equal to zero, while the ``size``
+      parameter is too large to allocate a memory area with the specified size.
+  - name: Zero
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->size = 0;
+    text: |
+      While the ``size`` parameter is equal to zero.
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->size = 1;
+    text: |
+      While the ``size`` parameter is not equal to zero, while the ``size``
+      parameter is small enough to allocate a memory area with the specified
+      size.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  ctx->ptr = rtems_malloc( ctx->size );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member provides a memory support context.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    MemoryContext mem_ctx;
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/malloc:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    void *ptr
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ``size`` parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    size_t size
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems/malloc.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: null
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    MemorySave( &ctx->mem_ctx );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-mem-rtems-malloc.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    MemoryRestore( &ctx->mem_ctx );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: AreaBegin
+    Alignment: Valid
+    Size: Valid
+  pre-conditions:
+    Size:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: 'Null'
+    Alignment: Valid
+    Size: N/A
+  pre-conditions:
+    Size:
+    - Huge
+    - Zero
+type: requirement

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