[rtems-central commit] spec: Specify task manager directives

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Mon May 17 06:10:56 UTC 2021

Module:    rtems-central
Branch:    master
Commit:    a55de0c4d32bfc161802bb4f16c6abd48c993bbe
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-central/commit/?id=a55de0c4d32bfc161802bb4f16c6abd48c993bbe

Author:    Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Mon May 10 07:51:52 2021 +0200

spec: Specify task manager directives


 spec/rtems/task/req/get-affinity.yml      | 236 +++++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/get-priority.yml      | 338 ++++++++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/get-scheduler.yml     | 161 +++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/is-suspended.yml      | 158 +++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-done.yml      |  16 +
 spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-start.yml     |  15 +
 spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-stop.yml      |  18 +
 spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-visit.yml     |  20 +
 spec/rtems/task/req/restart.yml           | 361 +++++++++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/resume.yml            | 158 +++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/self.yml              |  16 +
 spec/rtems/task/req/set-affinity.yml      | 277 +++++++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/set-priority.yml      | 278 +++++++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/set-scheduler.yml     | 983 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/start.yml             | 422 +++++++++++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/storage-alignment.yml |  16 +
 spec/rtems/task/req/storage-size.yml      | 158 +++++
 spec/rtems/task/req/suspend.yml           | 158 +++++
 spec/rtems/task/val/task.yml              | 133 ++++
 19 files changed, 3922 insertions(+)

diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/get-affinity.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/get-affinity.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9327fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/get-affinity.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/get-affinity
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvAddr
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: InvSize
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-size:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: CPUSetObj
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      CPU_ZERO( &set );
+      cpu_max = rtems_scheduler_get_processor_maximum();
+      /* We need the online processors */
+      if ( cpu_max > 4 ) {
+        cpu_max = 4;
+      }
+      for ( cpu_index = 0; cpu_index < cpu_max; ++cpu_index ) {
+        CPU_SET( (int) cpu_index, &set );
+      }
+      T_eq_int( CPU_CMP( &ctx->cpuset_obj, &set ), 0 );
+    text: |
+      The value of the object referenced by the
+      ${../if/get-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter shall be set to the
+      processor affinity set of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/get-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter at some point during the
+      call after the return of the ${../if/get-affinity:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      CPU_ZERO( &set );
+      T_eq_int( CPU_CMP( &ctx->cpuset_obj, &set ), 0 );
+    text: |
+      Objects referenced by the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[2]/name}
+      parameter in past calls to ${../if/get-affinity:/name} shall
+      not be accessed by the ${../if/get-affinity:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: |
+    cpu_set_t set;
+    uint32_t  cpu_index;
+    uint32_t  cpu_max;
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = RTEMS_SELF;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: CPUSetSize
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpusetsize = sizeof( ctx->cpuset_obj );
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter is an integral
+      multiple of the size of long, while the
+      ${../if/get-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter specifies a processor set
+      which is large enough to contain the processor affinity set of the task.
+  - name: TooSmall
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpusetsize = 0;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter is an integral
+      multiple of the size of long, while the
+      ${../if/get-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter specifies a processor set
+      which is not large enough to contain the processor affinity set of the
+      task.
+  - name: Askew
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpusetsize = SIZE_MAX;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter is not an
+      integral multiple of the size of long.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: CPUSet
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpuset = &ctx->cpuset_obj;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter references an
+      object of type ${/c/if/cpu_set_t:/name}.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpuset = NULL;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter is equal to
+      ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_get_affinity(
+    ctx->id,
+    ctx->cpusetsize,
+    ctx->cpuset
+  );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the object referenced by the
+    ${../if/get-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    cpu_set_t cpuset_obj
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/get-affinity:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    size_t cpusetsize
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-affinity:/params[2]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    cpu_set_t *cpuset
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: |
+  CPU_ZERO( &ctx->cpuset_obj );
+test-setup: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-get-affinity.c
+test-teardown: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    CPUSetObj: Set
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    CPUSetSize:
+    - Valid
+    CPUSet:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    CPUSetObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id: all
+    CPUSetSize: all
+    CPUSet:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    CPUSetObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    CPUSetSize: all
+    CPUSet:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvSize
+    CPUSetObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    CPUSetSize:
+    - TooSmall
+    - Askew
+    CPUSet:
+    - Valid
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/get-priority.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/get-priority.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..445662a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/get-priority.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/get-priority
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvAddr
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: NotDef
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/not-defined:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: PriorityObj
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->priority_obj, PRIO_DEFAULT );
+    text: |
+      The value of the object referenced by the
+      ${../if/get-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter shall be set to the
+      object identifier of the ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task
+      specified by the ${../if/get-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter at some
+      point during the call after the return of the
+      ${../if/get-priority:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->priority_obj, PRIO_INVALID );
+    text: |
+      Objects referenced by the ${../if/get-priority:/params[1]/name}
+      parameter in past calls to ${../if/get-priority:/name} shall
+      not be accessed by the ${../if/get-priority:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: TaskId
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->task_id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->task_id = RTEMS_SELF;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: SchedulerId
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a scheduler.
+  - name: Scheduler
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = ctx->scheduler_a_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is associated
+      with a scheduler.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Scheduler
+  states:
+  - name: Eligible
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = ctx->scheduler_a_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is associated
+      with an ${/glossary/scheduler-eligible:/term} of the task specified by
+      ${../if/get-priority:/params[0]/name}.
+  - name: Ineligible
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = ctx->scheduler_b_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is associated
+      with an ${/glossary/scheduler-ineligible:/term} of the task specified by
+      ${../if/get-priority:/params[0]/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Priority
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->priority = &ctx->priority_obj;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[2]/name} parameter references an
+      object of type ${../../type/if/priority:/name}.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->priority = NULL;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-priority:/params[2]/name} parameter is equal to
+      ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+  NoOtherScheduler: |
+    Where the system was built with SMP support disabled, exactly one scheduler
+    is present in an application.
+test-action: |
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_get_priority(
+    ctx->task_id,
+    ctx->scheduler_id,
+    ctx->priority
+  );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the scheduler A identifier.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_a_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the scheduler B identifier.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_b_id
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the object referenced by the
+    ${../if/get-priority:/params[2]/name} parameter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_priority priority_obj
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/get-priority:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-priority:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id task_id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-priority:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-priority:/params[2]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id *priority
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- ts-config.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: |
+  ctx->priority_obj = PRIO_INVALID;
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    rtems_status_code sc;
+    sc = rtems_scheduler_ident(
+      &ctx->scheduler_a_id
+    );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+    #if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
+    sc = rtems_scheduler_ident(
+      &ctx->scheduler_b_id
+    );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+    #endif
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-get-priority.c
+test-teardown: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    PriorityObj: Set
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Scheduler:
+    - Eligible
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Invalid
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Invalid
+    Scheduler: N/A
+    Priority:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Invalid
+    Scheduler: N/A
+    Priority:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Invalid
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Scheduler: N/A
+    Priority:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Scheduler:
+    - Eligible
+    Priority:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId: all
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Invalid
+    Scheduler: N/A
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Invalid
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Scheduler: N/A
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions: NoOtherScheduler
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Scheduler:
+    - Ineligible
+    Priority: all
+- enabled-by: RTEMS_SMP
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: NotDef
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Scheduler:
+    - Ineligible
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: RTEMS_SMP
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    PriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Scheduler:
+    - Ineligible
+    Priority:
+    - 'Null'
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/get-scheduler.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/get-scheduler.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a35a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/get-scheduler.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/get-scheduler
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvAddr
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/get-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: SchedulerIDObj
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->scheduler_id_obj, 0x0f010001 );
+    text: |
+      The value of the object referenced by the
+      ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter shall be set to the
+      object identifier of the ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task
+      specified by the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter at some
+      point during the call after the return of the
+      ${../if/get-scheduler:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->scheduler_id_obj, INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      Objects referenced by the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+      parameter in past calls to ${../if/get-scheduler:/name} shall
+      not be accessed by the ${../if/get-scheduler:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = RTEMS_SELF;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: SchedulerID
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = &ctx->scheduler_id_obj;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter references an
+      object of type ${../../type/if/id:/name}.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = NULL;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter is equal to
+      ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_get_scheduler( ctx->id, ctx->scheduler_id );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the object referenced by the
+    ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_id_obj
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/get-scheduler:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/get-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id *scheduler_id
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: |
+  ctx->scheduler_id_obj = INVALID_ID;
+test-setup: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-get-scheduler.c
+test-teardown: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    SchedulerIDObj: Set
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerID:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    SchedulerIDObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id: all
+    SchedulerID:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    SchedulerIDObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    SchedulerID:
+    - Valid
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/is-suspended.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/is-suspended.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ee542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/is-suspended.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/is-suspended
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/is-suspended:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/is-suspended:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: AlrdySus
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/is-suspended:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/already-suspended:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/is-suspended:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = ctx->worker_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/is-suspended:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Suspended
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/is-suspended:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is suspended.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/is-suspended:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is not suspended.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    SuspendTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_is_suspended( ctx->id );
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    ResumeTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of a task.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is suspended before the
+    ${../if/is-suspended:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool suspend
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/is-suspended:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/is-suspended:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: null
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    ctx->worker_id = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_LOW );
+    StartTask( ctx->worker_id, Worker, ctx );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  static void Worker( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    while ( true ) {
+      /* Do nothing */
+    }
+  }
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-is-suspended.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'No'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: AlrdySus
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'Yes'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    Suspended: N/A
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-done.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-done.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e3e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-done.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/iterate
+functional-type: function
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+text: |
+  While an iteration over all tasks was started by calling
+  ${../if/iterate:/name}, while no task exists which was not visited, the
+  iteration shall stop and then the object allocator lock shall be released.
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-start.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-start.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08e810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-start.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/iterate
+functional-type: function
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+text: |
+  When ${../if/iterate:/name} is called, the calling task shall obtain the
+  object allocator lock and then start an iteration over all tasks.
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-stop.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-stop.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa98263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-stop.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/iterate
+functional-type: function
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+text: |
+  While an iteration over all tasks was started by calling
+  ${../if/iterate:/name}, when the function specified by the
+  ${../if/iterate:/params[0]/name} returns ${/c/if/true:/name} during the
+  iteration, the iteration shall stop and the object allocator lock shall be
+  released.
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-visit.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-visit.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0539aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/iterate-visit.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/iterate
+functional-type: function
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+text: |
+  While an iteration over all tasks was started by calling
+  ${../if/iterate:/name}, while a task exists which was not visited, the task
+  shall be visited by calling the function specified by the
+  ${../if/iterate:/params[0]/name} parameter of the ${../if/iterate:/name} with
+  the ${/glossary/tcb:/term} of the task as the first parameter and the second
+  parameter specified by the ${../if/iterate:/params[0]/name} parameter of the
+  ${../if/iterate:/name} call.
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/restart.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/restart.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e53350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/restart.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/restart
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/restart:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/restart:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: IncStat
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/restart:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/incorrect-state:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Argument
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->actual_argument, ctx->argument );
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->counter, 2 );
+    text: |
+      The entry point argument of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter shall be set to the value
+      specified by the ${../if/restart:/params[1]/name} parameter before the task
+      is unblocked by the ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->actual_argument, 0 );
+      if ( ctx->start ) {
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->counter, 1 );
+      } else {
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->counter, 0 );
+      }
+    text: |
+      No entry point argument of a task shall be modified by the
+      ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Unblock
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+        T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 1 );
+        T_eq_int(
+          ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 0 ].operation,
+        );
+      } else {
+        T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 2 );
+        T_eq_int(
+          ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 0 ].operation,
+        );
+        T_eq_int(
+          ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 1 ].operation,
+        );
+      }
+    text: |
+      The task specified by the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter shall
+      be unblocked by the ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 0 );
+    text: |
+      No task shall be unblocked by the ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: RestartExtensions
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->restart_extension_calls, 1 );
+    text: |
+      The thread restart user extensions shall be invoked by the
+      ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->restart_extension_calls, 0 );
+    text: |
+      The thread restart user extensions shall not be invoked by the
+      ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter is not associated with
+      a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = ctx->worker_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter is associated with a
+      task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Argument
+  states:
+  - name: Pointer
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->argument = (rtems_task_argument) ctx;
+    text: |
+      While the entry point argument specified by the
+      ${../if/restart:/params[1]/name} parameter is a pointer.
+  - name: Number
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->argument = UINT32_C( 0x87654321 );
+    text: |
+      While the entry point argument specified by the
+      ${../if/restart:/params[1]/name} parameter is a 32-bit number.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Dormant
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->start = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is dormant.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->start = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is not dormant.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Suspended
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is suspended.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is not suspended.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  T_scheduler_log *log;
+  if ( ctx->start ) {
+    StartTask( ctx->worker_id, Worker, 0 );
+    Yield();
+  }
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    SuspendTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+  ctx->restart_extension_calls = 0;
+  log = T_scheduler_record_2( &ctx->scheduler_log );
+  T_null( log );
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_restart( ctx->id, ctx->argument );
+  log = T_scheduler_record( NULL );
+  T_eq_ptr( &log->header, &ctx->scheduler_log.header );
+  Yield();
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: |
+  DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id );
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the scheduler operation records.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    T_scheduler_log_2 scheduler_log
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of a task.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of the test user extensions.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id extension_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the count of thread restart extension calls.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    uint32_t restart_extension_calls
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the actual argument passed to the entry point.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_argument actual_argument
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the entry point counter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    uint32_t counter
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is started before the
+    ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool start
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is suspended before the
+    ${../if/restart:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool suspend
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/restart:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/restart:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/restart:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_argument argument
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- rtems/test-scheduler.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: |
+  ctx->actual_argument = 0;
+  ctx->counter = 0;
+  ctx->worker_id = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_DEFAULT );
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    rtems_status_code sc;
+    sc = rtems_extension_create(
+      rtems_build_name( 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T' ),
+      &extensions,
+      &ctx->extension_id
+    );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  typedef RtemsTaskReqRestart_Context Context;
+  static void Worker( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    Context *ctx;
+    ctx = &RtemsTaskReqRestart_Instance;
+    while ( true ) {
+      ctx->actual_argument += arg;
+      ++ctx->counter;
+      Yield();
+    }
+  }
+  static void ThreadRestart( rtems_tcb *executing, rtems_tcb *restarted )
+  {
+    (void) executing;
+    (void) restarted;
+    ++RtemsTaskReqRestart_Instance.restart_extension_calls;
+  }
+  static const rtems_extensions_table extensions = {
+    .thread_restart = ThreadRestart
+  };
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-restart.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    rtems_status_code sc;
+    sc = rtems_extension_delete( ctx->extension_id );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    Argument: Set
+    Unblock: 'Yes'
+    RestartExtensions: 'Yes'
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Argument: all
+    Dormant:
+    - 'No'
+    Suspended: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    Argument: Nop
+    Unblock: Nop
+    RestartExtensions: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    Argument: all
+    Dormant: N/A
+    Suspended: N/A
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: IncStat
+    Argument: Nop
+    Unblock: Nop
+    RestartExtensions: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Argument: all
+    Dormant:
+    - 'Yes'
+    Suspended: all
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/resume.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/resume.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c337825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/resume.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/resume
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/resume:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/resume:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: IncStat
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/resume:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/incorrect-state:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/resume:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = ctx->worker_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/resume:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Suspended
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/resume:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is suspended.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/resume:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is not suspended.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    SuspendTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_resume( ctx->id );
+  if ( ctx->suspend && ctx->status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) {
+    ResumeTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of a task.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is suspended before the
+    ${../if/resume:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool suspend
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/resume:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/resume:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: null
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    ctx->worker_id = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_LOW );
+    StartTask( ctx->worker_id, Worker, ctx );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  static void Worker( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    while ( true ) {
+      /* Do nothing */
+    }
+  }
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-resume.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'Yes'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: IncStat
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'No'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    Suspended: N/A
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/self.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/self.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe477d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/self.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+  not: RTEMS_SMP
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/self
+functional-type: function
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+text: |
+  The ${../if/self:/name} directive call shall return the object identifier of
+  the calling task.
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/set-affinity.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/set-affinity.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570f0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/set-affinity.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/set-affinity
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvAddr
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: InvNum
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-affinity:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-number:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: SetAffinity
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      #if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
+      T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 1 );
+      T_eq_int(
+        ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 0 ].operation,
+      );
+      T_eq_int(
+        ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 0 ].set_affinity.status,
+      );
+      #else
+      T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 0 );
+      #endif
+    text: |
+      The affinity set of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter shall be set with respect
+      to the ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task at some point during
+      the ${../if/set-affinity:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      #if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
+      if ( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded == 1 ) {
+        T_eq_int(
+          ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 0 ].operation,
+        );
+        T_eq_int(
+          ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 0 ].set_affinity.status,
+        );
+      } else {
+        T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 0 );
+      }
+      #else
+      T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 0 );
+      #endif
+    text: |
+      No task affinity shall be modified by the ${../if/set-affinity:/name}
+      call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = RTEMS_SELF;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: CPUSetKind
+  states:
+  - name: Askew
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpusetsize = SIZE_MAX;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter is not an
+      integral multiple of the size of long.
+  - name: Huge
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpusetsize = sizeof( ctx->cpuset_obj );
+      CPU_ZERO( &ctx->cpuset_obj[ 0 ] );
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter is an integral
+      multiple of the size of long, while the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name} and
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter specify a processor set
+      which exceeds the implementation limits.
+  - name: Supported
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpusetsize = sizeof( ctx->cpuset_obj[ 0 ] );
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter is an integral
+      multiple of the size of long, while the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name} and
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter specify a processor set
+      which is an affinity set supported by the
+      ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter at some point during the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/name} call.
+  - name: Unsupported
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpusetsize = sizeof( ctx->cpuset_obj[ 0 ] );
+      CPU_CLR( 0, &ctx->cpuset_obj[ 0 ] );
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name} parameter is an integral
+      multiple of the size of long, while the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name} and
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter specify a processor set
+      which is an affinity set not supported by the
+      ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/params[0]/name} parameter at some point during the
+      ${../if/set-affinity:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: CPUSet
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpuset = &ctx->cpuset_obj[ 0 ];
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter references an
+      object of type ${/c/if/cpu_set_t:/name}.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->cpuset = NULL;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter is equal to
+      ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  T_scheduler_log *log;
+  log = T_scheduler_record_2( &ctx->scheduler_log );
+  T_null( log );
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_set_affinity(
+    ctx->id,
+    ctx->cpusetsize,
+    ctx->cpuset
+  );
+  log = T_scheduler_record( NULL );
+  T_eq_ptr( &log->header, &ctx->scheduler_log.header );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the scheduler operation records.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    T_scheduler_log_2 scheduler_log;
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the object referenced by the
+    ${../if/set-affinity:/params[2]/name} parameter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    cpu_set_t cpuset_obj[ 2 ]
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/set-affinity:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    size_t cpusetsize
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-affinity:/params[2]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    cpu_set_t *cpuset
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- rtems/test-scheduler.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: |
+  CPU_FILL_S( sizeof( ctx->cpuset_obj ), &ctx->cpuset_obj[ 0 ] );
+test-setup: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-set-affinity.c
+test-teardown: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    SetAffinity: 'Yes'
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    CPUSetKind:
+    - Supported
+    CPUSet:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    SetAffinity: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id: all
+    CPUSetKind: N/A
+    CPUSet:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    SetAffinity: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    CPUSetKind: N/A
+    CPUSet:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvNum
+    SetAffinity: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    CPUSetKind:
+    - Askew
+    - Huge
+    - Unsupported
+    CPUSet:
+    - Valid
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/set-priority.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/set-priority.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9713ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/set-priority.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/set-priority
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvAddr
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: InvPrio
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-priority:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-priority:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Priority
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( GetPriority( ctx->worker_id ), PRIO_HIGH );
+    text: |
+      The ${/glossary/priority-real:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter shall be set to the value
+      specified by the ${../if/set-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter at some
+      point during the ${../if/set-priority:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( GetPriority( ctx->worker_id ), PRIO_LOW );
+    text: |
+      No ${/glossary/priority-real:/term} of a task shall be modified by the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: OldPriorityObj
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->old_priority_obj, PRIO_LOW );
+    text: |
+      The value of the object referenced by the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/params[2]/name} parameter shall be set after the
+      return of the ${../if/set-priority:/name} call to the
+      ${/glossary/priority-current:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter at some point during the
+      call and before the ${/glossary/priority-real:/term} is modified by the
+      call if it is modified by the call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->old_priority_obj, PRIO_INVALID );
+    text: |
+      Objects referenced by the ${../if/set-priority:/params[2]/name}
+      parameter in past calls to ${../if/set-priority:/name} shall
+      not be accessed by the ${../if/set-priority:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = ctx->worker_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: NewPriority
+  states:
+  - name: Current
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->new_priority = RTEMS_CURRENT_PRIORITY;
+    text: |
+      While the value of the ${../if/set-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is
+      equal to ${../if/current-priority:/name}.
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->new_priority = PRIO_HIGH;
+    text: |
+      While the value of the ${../if/set-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is
+      not equal to ${../if/current-priority:/name}, while the value of the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is a valid
+      ${/glossary/priority-task:/term} with respect to the
+      ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter at some point during the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/name} call.
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->new_priority = PRIO_INVALID;
+    text: |
+      While the value of the ${../if/set-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is
+      not equal to ${../if/current-priority:/name}, while the value of the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/params[1]/name} parameter is an invalid
+      ${/glossary/priority-task:/term} with respect to the
+      ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/params[0]/name} parameter at some point during the
+      ${../if/set-priority:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: OldPriority
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->old_priority = &ctx->old_priority_obj;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-priority:/params[2]/name} parameter references an
+      object of type ${../../type/if/priority:/name}.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->old_priority = NULL;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-priority:/params[2]/name} parameter is equal to
+      ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_set_priority(
+    ctx->id,
+    ctx->new_priority,
+    ctx->old_priority
+  );
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: |
+  DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id );
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the worker task identifier.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the object referenced by the
+    ${../if/set-priority:/params[2]/name} parameter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_priority old_priority_obj
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/set-priority:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-priority:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-priority:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_priority new_priority
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-priority:/params[2]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_priority *old_priority
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- tx-support.h
+  ctx->old_priority_obj = PRIO_INVALID;
+  ctx->worker_id = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_LOW );
+test-setup: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: null
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-set-priority.c
+test-teardown: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    Priority: Nop
+    OldPriorityObj: Set
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    NewPriority:
+    - Current
+    OldPriority:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    Priority: Set
+    OldPriorityObj: Set
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    NewPriority:
+    - Valid
+    OldPriority:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    Priority: Nop
+    OldPriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    NewPriority: all
+    OldPriority:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    Priority: Nop
+    OldPriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    NewPriority: N/A
+    OldPriority:
+    - 'Null'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    Priority: Nop
+    OldPriorityObj: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    NewPriority: all
+    OldPriority:
+    - Valid
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvPrio
+    Priority: Nop
+    OldPriorityObj: Set
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    NewPriority:
+    - Invalid
+    OldPriority:
+    - Valid
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/set-scheduler.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/set-scheduler.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e9ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/set-scheduler.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/set-scheduler
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvAddr
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: InvPrio
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-priority:/name}.
+  - name: InUse
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_RESOURCE_IN_USE );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/resource-in-use:/name}.
+  - name: Unsat
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_UNSATISFIED );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/unsatisfied:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Scheduler
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->new_scheduler, ctx->scheduler_to_set_id );
+    text: |
+      The ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter shall be set to the
+      scheduler specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+      parameter at some point during the ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->new_scheduler, ctx->scheduler_a_id );
+    text: |
+      No ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of a task shall be modified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Priority
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      if ( ctx->scheduler_to_set_id == ctx->scheduler_a_id ) {
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->new_priority[ 0 ], PRIO_VERY_LOW );
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->new_priority[ 1 ], PRIO_INVALID );
+      } else {
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->new_priority[ 0 ], PRIO_INVALID );
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->new_priority[ 1 ], PRIO_VERY_LOW );
+      }
+    text: |
+      The ${/glossary/priority-real:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter shall be set to the
+      priority specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[2]/name}
+      parameter at some point during the ${../if/set-scheduler:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      if ( ctx->blocked ) {
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->new_priority[ 0 ], PRIO_HIGH );
+      } else {
+        T_eq_u32( ctx->new_priority[ 0 ], PRIO_LOW );
+      }
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->new_priority[ 1 ], PRIO_INVALID );
+    text: |
+      No task priority shall be modified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/name}
+      call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: TaskId
+  states:
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->task_id = ctx->worker_id[ 0 ];
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->task_id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Scheduler
+  states:
+  - name: Home
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_to_set_id = ctx->scheduler_a_id;
+    text: |
+      While the scheduler specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter is the
+      ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter.
+  - name: Other
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_to_set_id = ctx->scheduler_b_id;
+    text: |
+      While the scheduler specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter is not the
+      ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: SchedulerHasCPU
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      /* Already set by Scheduler pre-condition */
+    text: |
+      While the scheduler specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter owns at least one
+      processor.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_to_set_id = ctx->scheduler_d_id;
+    text: |
+      While the scheduler specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter owns no processor.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: SchedulerId
+  states:
+  - name: Scheduler
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = ctx->scheduler_to_set_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a scheduler.
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->scheduler_id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a scheduler.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Priority
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->priority = PRIO_VERY_LOW;
+    text: |
+      While the ${/glossary/priority-task:/term} specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[2]/name} parameter is valid with respect to
+      the scheduler specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+      parameter.
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->priority = PRIO_INVALID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${/glossary/priority-task:/term} specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[2]/name} parameter is invalid with respect
+      to the scheduler specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+      parameter.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: HomePriority
+  states:
+  - name: Real
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->additional_home_priority = false;
+    text: |
+      While the ${/glossary/priority-current:/term} of the task specified by
+      the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter consists only of the
+      ${/glossary/priority-real:/term}.
+  - name: More
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->additional_home_priority = true;
+    text: |
+      While the ${/glossary/priority-current:/term} of the task specified by
+      the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter consists of more
+      than the ${/glossary/priority-real:/term}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: EligiblePriorities
+  states:
+  - name: OnlyOne
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->second_eligible_scheduler = false;
+    text: |
+      While the set of ${/glossary/priority-eligible:/plural} of the task
+      specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      consists of exactly the ${/glossary/priority-current:/term}.
+  - name: More
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->second_eligible_scheduler = true;
+    text: |
+      While the set of ${/glossary/priority-eligible:/plural} of the task
+      specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      consists of more than the ${/glossary/priority-current:/term}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Pinned
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->pinned = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is pinned.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->pinned = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is not pinned.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: TaskState
+  states:
+  - name: Ready
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->blocked = false;
+      ctx->enqueued = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is ready.
+  - name: Blocked
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->blocked = true;
+      ctx->enqueued = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is blocked, while the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is not enqueued on a
+      ${/glossary/waitqueue:/term}.
+  - name: Enqueued
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->blocked = true;
+      ctx->enqueued = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is blocked, while the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is enqueued on a
+      ${/glossary/waitqueue:/term}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: AffinitySupported
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->affinity_supported = true;
+    text: |
+      While the affinity set of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is supported by the
+      scheduler specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+      parameter.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->affinity_supported = false;
+    text: |
+      While the affinity set of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name} parameter is not supported by the
+      scheduler specified by the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+      parameter.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+  OnlyOneCPU: |
+    Where the system was built with SMP support disabled, exactly one scheduler
+    is present in an application using exactly one processor.
+  HomeScheduler: |
+    The ${/glossary/scheduler-home:/term} of a task owns always at least one
+    processor and the affinity set of the task is always supported its home
+    scheduler.
+test-action: |
+  rtems_status_code sc;
+  if ( ctx->additional_home_priority || ctx->second_eligible_scheduler ) {
+    SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], EVENT_OBTAIN_MUTEX_A );
+    if ( ctx->additional_home_priority ) {
+      SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 1 ], EVENT_OBTAIN_MUTEX_A );
+    }
+    if ( ctx->second_eligible_scheduler ) {
+      SendEvents(
+        ctx->worker_id[ 2 ],
+      );
+      ReceiveAllEvents( EVENT_RUNNER_SYNC_0 );
+      WaitForExecutionStop( ctx->worker_id[ 2 ] );
+    }
+  }
+  if ( ctx->blocked && ctx->enqueued ) {
+    ObtainMutex( ctx->mutex_id[ 1 ] );
+    SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], EVENT_OBTAIN_MUTEX_B );
+  }
+  if ( !ctx->affinity_supported ) {
+    SetAffinityOne( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], 0 );
+  }
+  if ( ctx->pinned ) {
+    SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], EVENT_PIN );
+  }
+  if ( !ctx->blocked ) {
+    SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], EVENT_SET_LOW_PRIO );
+  }
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_set_scheduler(
+    ctx->task_id,
+    ctx->scheduler_id,
+    ctx->priority
+  );
+  ctx->new_scheduler = GetScheduler( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ] );
+  if ( ctx->pinned ) {
+    SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], EVENT_UNPIN );
+  }
+  if ( !ctx->affinity_supported ) {
+    SetAffinityAll( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ] );
+  }
+  if ( ctx->blocked && ctx->enqueued ) {
+    ReleaseMutex( ctx->mutex_id[ 1 ] );
+    SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], EVENT_RELEASE_MUTEX_B );
+  }
+  if ( ctx->additional_home_priority || ctx->second_eligible_scheduler ) {
+    SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], EVENT_RELEASE_MUTEX_A );
+    if ( ctx->additional_home_priority ) {
+      SendEvents( ctx->worker_id[ 1 ], EVENT_RELEASE_MUTEX_A );
+    }
+    if ( ctx->second_eligible_scheduler ) {
+      SendEvents(
+        ctx->worker_id[ 2 ],
+      );
+      ReceiveAllEvents( EVENT_RUNNER_SYNC_1 );
+    }
+  }
+  sc = rtems_task_get_priority(
+    ctx->worker_id[ 0 ],
+    ctx->scheduler_a_id,
+    &ctx->new_priority[ 0 ]
+  );
+  if ( sc == RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED ) {
+    ctx->new_priority[ 0 ] = PRIO_INVALID;
+  } else {
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+  }
+  #if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
+  sc = rtems_task_get_priority(
+    ctx->worker_id[ 0 ],
+    ctx->scheduler_b_id,
+    &ctx->new_priority[ 1 ]
+  );
+  if ( sc == RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED ) {
+    ctx->new_priority[ 1 ] = PRIO_INVALID;
+  } else {
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+  }
+  #else
+  ctx->new_priority[ 1 ] = PRIO_INVALID;
+  #endif
+  if ( ctx->status == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) {
+    SetScheduler( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], ctx->scheduler_a_id, PRIO_HIGH );
+  } else if ( !ctx->blocked ) {
+    SetPriority( ctx->worker_id[ 0 ], PRIO_HIGH );
+  }
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the runner task identifier.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id runner_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the scheduler A identifier.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_a_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the scheduler B identifier.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_b_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the scheduler D identifier.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_d_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the worker task identifiers.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id[ 3 ]
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the mutex identifiers.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id mutex_id[ 2 ]
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the task shall have an additional
+    priority for the home scheduler.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool additional_home_priority
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the task shall have a second eligible
+    scheduler.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool second_eligible_scheduler
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the task shall be pinned to a processor.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool pinned
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the task shall be blocked.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool blocked
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the task shall be enqueued on a thread queue.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool enqueued
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies the scheduler identifier to set.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_to_set_id
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the affinity of the task shall be supported by
+    the scheduler.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool affinity_supported
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/set-scheduler:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id task_id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id scheduler_id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/set-scheduler:/params[2]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_priority priority
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of the new scheduler.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id new_scheduler;
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the new priorities of the task.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_priority new_priority[ 2 ]
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- rtems/score/threadimpl.h
+- ts-config.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: null
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    rtems_status_code sc;
+    size_t            i;
+    memset( ctx, 0, sizeof( *ctx ) );
+    ctx->runner_id = rtems_task_self();
+    SetSelfPriority( PRIO_NORMAL );
+    sc = rtems_scheduler_ident(
+      &ctx->scheduler_a_id
+    );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+    for ( i = 0; i < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( ctx->mutex_id ); ++i ) {
+      ctx->mutex_id[ i ] = CreateMutex();
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( ctx->worker_id ); ++i ) {
+      ctx->worker_id[ i ] = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_HIGH - i );
+      StartTask( ctx->worker_id[ i ], Worker, ctx );
+    }
+    #if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
+    sc = rtems_scheduler_ident( TEST_SCHEDULER_B_NAME, &ctx->scheduler_b_id );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+    sc = rtems_scheduler_ident( TEST_SCHEDULER_D_NAME, &ctx->scheduler_d_id );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+    SetScheduler( ctx->worker_id[ 2 ], ctx->scheduler_b_id, PRIO_NORMAL );
+    #else
+    ctx->scheduler_b_id = INVALID_ID;
+    #endif
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  typedef RtemsTaskReqSetScheduler_Context Context;
+  static void Worker( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    Context        *ctx;
+    Thread_Control *executing;
+    ctx = (Context *) arg;
+    executing = _Thread_Get_executing();
+    while ( true ) {
+      rtems_event_set events;
+      events = ReceiveAnyEvents();
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_RUNNER_SYNC_0 ) != 0 ) {
+        SendEvents( ctx->runner_id, EVENT_RUNNER_SYNC_0 );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_OBTAIN_MUTEX_A ) != 0 ) {
+        ObtainMutex( ctx->mutex_id[ 0 ] );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_RELEASE_MUTEX_A ) != 0 ) {
+        ReleaseMutex( ctx->mutex_id[ 0 ] );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_OBTAIN_MUTEX_B ) != 0 ) {
+        ObtainMutex( ctx->mutex_id[ 1 ] );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_RELEASE_MUTEX_B ) != 0 ) {
+        ReleaseMutex( ctx->mutex_id[ 1 ] );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_PIN ) != 0 ) {
+        _Thread_Pin( executing );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_UNPIN ) != 0 ) {
+        _Thread_Unpin( executing, _Per_CPU_Get_snapshot() );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_SET_LOW_PRIO ) != 0 ) {
+        SetSelfPriority( PRIO_LOW );
+      }
+      if ( ( events & EVENT_RUNNER_SYNC_1 ) != 0 ) {
+        SendEvents( ctx->runner_id, EVENT_RUNNER_SYNC_1 );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-set-scheduler.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    size_t i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( ctx->worker_id ); ++i ) {
+      DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id[ i ] );
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( ctx->mutex_id ); ++i ) {
+      DeleteMutex( ctx->mutex_id[ i ] );
+    }
+    RestoreRunnerPriority();
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    Scheduler: Set
+    Priority: Set
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority:
+    - Real
+    EligiblePriorities:
+    - OnlyOne
+    Pinned:
+    - 'No'
+    TaskState:
+    - Ready
+    - Blocked
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU:
+    - 'Yes'
+    AffinitySupported:
+    - 'Yes'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Invalid
+    Priority: N/A
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    Pinned: all
+    TaskState: all
+    Scheduler: N/A
+    SchedulerHasCPU: N/A
+    AffinitySupported: N/A
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Invalid
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority: N/A
+    EligiblePriorities: N/A
+    Pinned: N/A
+    TaskState: N/A
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Invalid
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Invalid
+    Priority: N/A
+    HomePriority: N/A
+    EligiblePriorities: N/A
+    Pinned: N/A
+    TaskState: N/A
+    Scheduler: N/A
+    SchedulerHasCPU: N/A
+    AffinitySupported: N/A
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvPrio
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Invalid
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Invalid
+    HomePriority: N/A
+    EligiblePriorities: N/A
+    Pinned: N/A
+    TaskState: N/A
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvPrio
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Invalid
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    TaskState: all
+    Pinned: all
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InUse
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    TaskState:
+    - Enqueued
+    Pinned: all
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InUse
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority:
+    - More
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    TaskState:
+    - Ready
+    - Blocked
+    Pinned: all
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InUse
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority:
+    - Real
+    EligiblePriorities:
+    - More
+    TaskState:
+    - Ready
+    - Blocked
+    Pinned: all
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InUse
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority:
+    - Real
+    EligiblePriorities:
+    - OnlyOne
+    Pinned:
+    - 'Yes'
+    TaskState:
+    - Ready
+    - Blocked
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Unsat
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority:
+    - Real
+    EligiblePriorities:
+    - OnlyOne
+    TaskState:
+    - Ready
+    - Blocked
+    Pinned:
+    - 'No'
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU:
+    - 'No'
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Unsat
+    Scheduler: Nop
+    Priority: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId:
+    - Task
+    SchedulerId:
+    - Scheduler
+    Priority:
+    - Valid
+    HomePriority:
+    - Real
+    EligiblePriorities:
+    - OnlyOne
+    TaskState:
+    - Ready
+    - Blocked
+    Pinned:
+    - 'No'
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU:
+    - 'Yes'
+    AffinitySupported:
+    - 'No'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions: HomeScheduler
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId: all
+    SchedulerId: all
+    Priority: all
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    Pinned: all
+    TaskState: all
+    Scheduler:
+    - Home
+    SchedulerHasCPU:
+    - 'No'
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions: HomeScheduler
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId: all
+    SchedulerId: all
+    Priority: all
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    Pinned: all
+    TaskState: all
+    Scheduler:
+    - Home
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported:
+    - 'No'
+- enabled-by: 
+    not: RTEMS_SMP
+  post-conditions: OnlyOneCPU
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId: all
+    SchedulerId: all
+    Priority: all
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities:
+    - More
+    Pinned: all
+    TaskState: all
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: 
+    not: RTEMS_SMP
+  post-conditions: OnlyOneCPU
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId: all
+    SchedulerId: all
+    Priority: all
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    Pinned: all
+    TaskState: all
+    Scheduler:
+    - Other
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+- enabled-by: 
+    not: RTEMS_SMP
+  post-conditions: OnlyOneCPU
+  pre-conditions:
+    TaskId: all
+    SchedulerId: all
+    Priority: all
+    HomePriority: all
+    EligiblePriorities: all
+    Pinned:
+    - 'Yes'
+    TaskState: all
+    Scheduler: all
+    SchedulerHasCPU: all
+    AffinitySupported: all
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/start.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/start.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74c9bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/start.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/start
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/start:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvAddr
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/start:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-address:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/start:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: IncStat
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/start:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/incorrect-state:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: EntryPoint
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->counter, 1 );
+    text: |
+      The entry point of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter shall be set to the function
+      specified by the ${../if/start:/params[1]/name} parameter before the task
+      is unblocked by the ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->counter, 0 );
+    text: |
+      No entry point of a task shall be modified by the ${../if/start:/name}
+      call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Argument
+  states:
+  - name: Set
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->actual_argument, ctx->argument );
+    text: |
+      The entry point argument of the task specified by the
+      ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter shall be set to the value
+      specified by the ${../if/start:/params[2]/name} parameter before the task
+      is unblocked by the ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->actual_argument, 0 );
+    text: |
+      No entry point argument of a task shall be modified by the
+      ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Unblock
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 1 );
+      T_eq_int(
+        ctx->scheduler_log.events[ 0 ].operation,
+      );
+    text: |
+      The task specified by the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter shall
+      be unblocked by the ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_sz( ctx->scheduler_log.header.recorded, 0 );
+    text: |
+      No task shall be unblocked by the ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: StartExtensions
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->start_extension_calls, 1 );
+    text: |
+      The thread start user extensions shall be invoked by the
+      ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  - name: Nop
+    test-code: |
+      T_eq_u32( ctx->start_extension_calls, 0 );
+    text: |
+      The thread start user extensions shall not be invoked by the
+      ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter is not associated with
+      a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = ctx->worker_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter is associated with a
+      task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: EntryPoint
+  states:
+  - name: Valid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->entry_point = WorkerA;
+    text: |
+      While the task entry point specified by the
+      ${../if/start:/params[1]/name} parameter is valid.
+  - name: 'Null'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->entry_point = NULL;
+    text: |
+      While the task entry point specified by the
+      ${../if/start:/params[1]/name} parameter is equal to ${/c/if/null:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Argument
+  states:
+  - name: Pointer
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->argument = (rtems_task_argument) ctx;
+    text: |
+      While the entry point argument specified by the
+      ${../if/start:/params[2]/name} parameter is a pointer.
+  - name: Number
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->argument = UINT32_C( 0x87654321 );
+    text: |
+      While the entry point argument specified by the
+      ${../if/start:/params[2]/name} parameter is a 32-bit number.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Dormant
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->start = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is dormant.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->start = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is not dormant.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Suspended
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is suspended.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name} parameter
+      is not suspended.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  T_scheduler_log *log;
+  if ( ctx->start ) {
+    StartTask( ctx->worker_id, WorkerB, 0 );
+  }
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    SuspendTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+  ctx->start_extension_calls = 0;
+  log = T_scheduler_record_2( &ctx->scheduler_log );
+  T_null( log );
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_start( ctx->id, ctx->entry_point, ctx->argument );
+  log = T_scheduler_record( NULL );
+  T_eq_ptr( &log->header, &ctx->scheduler_log.header );
+  Yield();
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: |
+  DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id );
+- brief: |
+    This member provides the scheduler operation records.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    T_scheduler_log_2 scheduler_log
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of a task.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of the test user extensions.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id extension_id
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the count of thread start extension calls.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    uint32_t start_extension_calls
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the actual argument passed to the entry point.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_argument actual_argument
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the entry point counter.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    uint32_t counter
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is started before the
+    ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool start
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is suspended before the
+    ${../if/start:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool suspend
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/start:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/start:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/start:/params[1]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_entry entry_point
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/start:/params[2]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_task_argument argument
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- rtems/test-scheduler.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: |
+  ctx->actual_argument = 0;
+  ctx->counter = 0;
+  ctx->worker_id = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_DEFAULT );
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    rtems_status_code sc;
+    sc = rtems_extension_create(
+      rtems_build_name( 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T' ),
+      &extensions,
+      &ctx->extension_id
+    );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  typedef RtemsTaskReqStart_Context Context;
+  static void WorkerA( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    Context *ctx;
+    ctx = &RtemsTaskReqStart_Instance;
+    while ( true ) {
+      ctx->actual_argument += arg;
+      ++ctx->counter;
+      Yield();
+    }
+  }
+  static void WorkerB( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    Context *ctx;
+    ctx = &RtemsTaskReqStart_Instance;
+    while ( true ) {
+      ctx->actual_argument += arg;
+      Yield();
+    }
+  }
+  static void ThreadStart( rtems_tcb *executing, rtems_tcb *started )
+  {
+    (void) executing;
+    (void) started;
+    ++RtemsTaskReqStart_Instance.start_extension_calls;
+  }
+  static const rtems_extensions_table extensions = {
+    .thread_start = ThreadStart
+  };
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-start.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    rtems_status_code sc;
+    sc = rtems_extension_delete( ctx->extension_id );
+    T_rsc_success( sc );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+    EntryPoint: Set
+    Argument: Set
+    Unblock: 'Yes'
+    StartExtensions: 'Yes'
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    EntryPoint:
+    - Valid
+    Argument: all
+    Dormant:
+    - 'Yes'
+    Suspended: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvAddr
+    EntryPoint: Nop
+    Argument: Nop
+    Unblock: Nop
+    StartExtensions: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id: all
+    EntryPoint:
+    - 'Null'
+    Argument: all
+    Dormant: all
+    Suspended: all
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+    EntryPoint: Nop
+    Argument: Nop
+    Unblock: Nop
+    StartExtensions: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    EntryPoint:
+    - Valid
+    Argument: all
+    Dormant: N/A
+    Suspended: N/A
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: IncStat
+    EntryPoint: Nop
+    Argument: Nop
+    Unblock: Nop
+    StartExtensions: Nop
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    EntryPoint:
+    - Valid
+    Argument: all
+    Dormant:
+    - 'No'
+    Suspended: all
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/storage-alignment.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/storage-alignment.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f46f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/storage-alignment.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/storage-alignment
+functional-type: function
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+text: |
+  The ${../if/storage-alignment:/name} define shall expand to a constant
+  expression which evaluates to the value of
+  ${/score/stack/if/alignment:/name}.
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/storage-size.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/storage-size.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ed1c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/storage-size.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/storage-size
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/suspend:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/suspend:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: AlrdySus
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/suspend:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/already-suspended:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = ctx->worker_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Suspended
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is suspended.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is not suspended.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    SuspendTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_suspend( ctx->id );
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    ResumeTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of a task.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is suspended before the
+    ${../if/suspend:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool suspend
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/suspend:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: null
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    ctx->worker_id = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_LOW );
+    StartTask( ctx->worker_id, Worker, ctx );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  static void Worker( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    while ( true ) {
+      /* Do nothing */
+    }
+  }
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-storage-size.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'No'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: AlrdySus
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'Yes'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    Suspended: N/A
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/req/suspend.yml b/spec/rtems/task/req/suspend.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b342d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/req/suspend.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+functional-type: action
+- role: interface-function
+  uid: ../if/suspend
+- name: Status
+  states:
+  - name: Ok
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc_success( ctx->status );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/suspend:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/successful:/name}.
+  - name: InvId
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_INVALID_ID );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/suspend:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/invalid-id:/name}.
+  - name: AlrdySus
+    test-code: |
+      T_rsc( ctx->status, RTEMS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED );
+    text: |
+      The return status of ${../if/suspend:/name} shall be
+      ${../../status/if/already-suspended:/name}.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Id
+  states:
+  - name: Invalid
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = INVALID_ID;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name} parameter is not
+      associated with a task.
+  - name: Task
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->id = ctx->worker_id;
+    text: |
+      While the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name} parameter is
+      associated with a task.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+- name: Suspended
+  states:
+  - name: 'Yes'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = true;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is suspended.
+  - name: 'No'
+    test-code: |
+      ctx->suspend = false;
+    text: |
+      While the task specified by the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name}
+      parameter is not suspended.
+  test-epilogue: null
+  test-prologue: null
+rationale: null
+references: []
+requirement-type: functional
+skip-reasons: {}
+test-action: |
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    SuspendTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+  ctx->status = rtems_task_suspend( ctx->id );
+  if ( ctx->suspend ) {
+    ResumeTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  }
+test-brief: null
+test-cleanup: null
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the identifier of a task.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id worker_id
+- brief: |
+    If this member is true, then the worker is suspended before the
+    ${../if/suspend:/name} call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    bool suspend
+- brief: |
+    This member contains the return value of the ${../if/suspend:/name}
+    call.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_status_code status
+- brief: |
+    This member specifies if the ${../if/suspend:/params[0]/name}
+    parameter value.
+  description: null
+  member: |
+    rtems_id id
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- tx-support.h
+test-prepare: null
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    ctx->worker_id = CreateTask( "WORK", PRIO_LOW );
+    StartTask( ctx->worker_id, Worker, ctx );
+  description: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  static void Worker( rtems_task_argument arg )
+  {
+    while ( true ) {
+      /* Do nothing */
+    }
+  }
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task-suspend.c
+  brief: null
+  code: |
+    DeleteTask( ctx->worker_id );
+  description: null
+text: ${.:text-template}
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: Ok
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'No'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: AlrdySus
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Task
+    Suspended:
+    - 'Yes'
+- enabled-by: true
+  post-conditions:
+    Status: InvId
+  pre-conditions:
+    Id:
+    - Invalid
+    Suspended: N/A
+type: requirement
diff --git a/spec/rtems/task/val/task.yml b/spec/rtems/task/val/task.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01757c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rtems/task/val/task.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+- action-brief: |
+    Call ${../if/self:/name} check the returned value.
+  action-code: |
+    rtems_id id;
+    id = rtems_task_self();
+  checks:
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the returned value is equal to the object identifier of the
+      calling task.
+    code: |
+      T_step_eq_u32( ${step}, id, 0x0a010001 );
+    links: []
+  links:
+  - role: validation
+    uid: ../req/self
+- action-brief: |
+    Call ${../if/iterate:/name} with a visitor which always returns
+    ${/c/if/false:/name}.
+  action-code: |
+    TaskIterateContext ctx;
+    uint32_t           task_count;
+    task_count = rtems_scheduler_get_processor_maximum();
+    if ( task_count > 4 ) {
+      task_count = 4;
+    }
+    ++task_count;
+    memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( ctx ) );
+    ctx.owner_before = _RTEMS_Allocator_is_owner();
+    rtems_task_iterate( TaskVisitor, &ctx );
+    ctx.owner_after = _RTEMS_Allocator_is_owner();
+  checks:
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the all counter is equal to the count of tasks.  Check that
+      the calling task was visited exacly once.  Firstly, this shows that
+      ${../if/iterate:/name} used the parameters specified by
+      ${../if/iterate:/params[0]/name} and ${../if/iterate:/params[1]/name}.
+      Secondly, this shows that the iteration was done over all tasks.
+    code: |
+      T_step_eq_u32( ${step}, ctx.counter_all, task_count );
+      T_step_eq_u32( ${step}, ctx.counter_self, 1 );
+    links:
+    - role: validation
+      uid: ../req/iterate-visit
+    - role: validation
+      uid: ../req/iterate-done
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the object alloctor mutex was not owned before and after the
+      call.  Check that the object alloctor mutex was owned during the
+      iteration.
+    code: |
+      T_step_false( ${step}, ctx.owner_before );
+      T_step_true( ${step}, ctx.owner_in_visitor );
+      T_step_false( ${step}, ctx.owner_after );
+    links:
+    - role: validation
+      uid: ../req/iterate-start
+    - role: validation
+      uid: ../req/iterate-done
+  links:
+  - role: validation
+    uid: ../req/iterate-start
+- action-brief: |
+    Call ${../if/iterate:/name} with a visitor which returns
+    ${/c/if/true:/name}.
+  action-code: |
+    TaskIterateContext ctx;
+    memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( ctx ) );
+    ctx.done = true;
+    rtems_task_iterate( TaskVisitor, &ctx );
+  checks:
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the all counter is equal to one.  This shows that the
+      iteration stops when the visitor returns ${/c/if/true:/name}.
+    code: |
+      T_step_eq_u32( ${step}, ctx.counter_all, 1 );
+    links:
+    - role: validation
+      uid: ../req/iterate-stop
+  links: []
+test-brief: |
+  This test case collection provides validation test cases for requirements of
+  the ${../if/group:/name}.
+test-context: []
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: null
+test-header: null
+- rtems.h
+- string.h
+- rtems/score/apimutex.h
+test-local-includes: []
+test-setup: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  typedef struct {
+    bool     owner_before;
+    bool     owner_in_visitor;
+    bool     owner_after;
+    uint32_t counter_all;
+    uint32_t counter_self;
+    bool     done;
+  } TaskIterateContext;
+  static bool TaskVisitor( rtems_tcb *tcb, void *arg )
+  {
+    TaskIterateContext *ctx;
+    ctx = arg;
+    ++ctx->counter_all;
+    if ( rtems_task_self() == tcb->Object.id ) {
+      ++ctx->counter_self;
+    }
+    ctx->owner_in_visitor = _RTEMS_Allocator_is_owner();
+    return ctx->done;
+  }
+test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-task.c
+test-teardown: null
+type: test-case

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