[rtems-central commit] spec: Add unit tests for red-black trees

Sebastian Huber sebh at rtems.org
Wed Oct 6 06:54:59 UTC 2021

Module:    rtems-central
Branch:    master
Commit:    bc4d8f592af5f9e18231051e4baafe722ce5d461
Changeset: http://git.rtems.org/rtems-central/commit/?id=bc4d8f592af5f9e18231051e4baafe722ce5d461

Author:    Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
Date:      Wed Oct  6 07:49:11 2021 +0200

spec: Add unit tests for red-black trees


 spec/score/rbtree/unit/rbtree.yml | 1148 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1148 insertions(+)

diff --git a/spec/score/rbtree/unit/rbtree.yml b/spec/score/rbtree/unit/rbtree.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c7f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/score/rbtree/unit/rbtree.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause
+- Copyright (C) 2021 embedded brains GmbH (http://www.embedded-brains.de)
+- Copyright (C) 2010 Gedare Bloom
+enabled-by: true
+links: []
+- action-brief: |
+    Call _RBTree_Initialize_one() and check the tree properties.
+  action-code: |
+    RBTree_Control tree;
+    RBTree_Node    node;
+    _RBTree_Initialize_node( &node );
+    _RBTree_Initialize_one( &tree, &node );
+  checks:
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the tree is not emtpy.
+    code: |
+      T_false( _RBTree_Is_empty( &tree ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Is_empty
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the tree root is is the only node.
+    code: |
+      T_true( _RBTree_Is_root( &node ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Is_root
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the node is not off the tree.
+    code: |
+      T_false( _RBTree_Is_node_off_tree( &node ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Is_node_off_tree
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the node has no left child.
+    code: |
+      T_null( _RBTree_Left( &node ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Left
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the node has no right child.
+    code: |
+      T_null( _RBTree_Right( &node ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Right
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the node has no parent.
+    code: |
+      T_null( _RBTree_Parent( &node ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Parent
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the node has no successor.
+    code: |
+      T_null( _RBTree_Successor( &node ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Successor
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the node has no predecessor.
+    code: |
+      T_null( _RBTree_Predecessor( &node ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Predecessor
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the minimum node is the node.
+    code: |
+      T_eq_ptr( _RBTree_Minimum( &tree ), &node );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Minimum
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the maximum node is the node.
+    code: |
+      T_eq_ptr( _RBTree_Maximum( &tree ), &node );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Maximum
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Check that the tree is emtpy after extraction of the node.
+    code: |
+      _RBTree_Extract( &tree, &node );
+      T_true( _RBTree_Is_empty( &tree ) );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Extract
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  links:
+  - name: _RBTree_Extract
+    role: unit-test
+    uid: ../../if/domain
+- action-brief: |
+    Call _RBTree_Insert_inline() and check the return status for a sample set
+    of nodes.
+  action-code: |
+    RBTree_Control tree;
+    TestNode       a;
+    TestNode       b;
+    TestNode       c;
+    bool           is_new_minimum;
+    _RBTree_Initialize_empty( &tree );
+  checks:
+  - brief: |
+      Insert the first node.  Check that it is the new minimum node.
+    code: |
+      _RBTree_Initialize_node( &b.Node );
+      b.key = 2;
+      is_new_minimum = _RBTree_Insert_inline( &tree, &b.Node, &b.key, Less );
+      T_true( is_new_minimum );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Insert_inline
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Insert the second node.  Check that it is not the new minimum node.
+    code: |
+      _RBTree_Initialize_node( &c.Node );
+      c.key = 3;
+      is_new_minimum = _RBTree_Insert_inline( &tree, &c.Node, &c.key, Less );
+      T_false( is_new_minimum );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Insert_inline
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  - brief: |
+      Insert the third node.  Check that it is the new minimum node.
+    code: |
+      _RBTree_Initialize_node( &a.Node );
+      a.key = 1;
+      is_new_minimum = _RBTree_Insert_inline( &tree, &a.Node, &a.key, Less );
+      T_true( is_new_minimum );
+    links:
+    - name: _RBTree_Insert_inline
+      role: unit-test
+      uid: ../../if/domain
+  links:
+  - name: _RBTree_Initialize_empty
+    role: unit-test
+    uid: ../../if/domain
+- action-brief: |
+    Call _RBTree_Insert_inline() and _RBTree_Extract() for a sample set of
+    trees.
+  action-code: |
+    size_t n;
+    for ( n = 0; n < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( random_ops_trees ); ++n ) {
+      RandomOps( n + 1, true );
+      RandomOps( n + 1, false );
+    }
+  checks: []
+  links:
+  - name: _RBTree_Insert_inline
+    role: unit-test
+    uid: ../../if/domain
+  - name: _RBTree_Extract
+    role: unit-test
+    uid: ../../if/domain
+  - name: _RBTree_Iterate
+    role: unit-test
+    uid: ../../if/domain
+test-brief: |
+  Unit tests for the red-black tree implementation.
+test-context: []
+test-context-support: null
+test-description: |
+  The red-black trees are used by various handlers for priority queues and the
+  timers.
+test-header: null
+- rtems/score/rbtreeimpl.h
+- string.h
+test-local-includes: []
+test-setup: null
+test-stop: null
+test-support: |
+  typedef struct {
+    int         id;
+    int         key;
+    RBTree_Node Node;
+  } TestNode;
+  static TestNode node_array[ 100 ];
+  static int Color( const RBTree_Node *n )
+  {
+    return RB_COLOR( n, Node );
+  }
+  static bool Less( const void *left, const RBTree_Node *right )
+  {
+    const int       *the_left;
+    const TestNode *the_right;
+    the_left = left;
+    the_right = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( right, TestNode, Node );
+    return *the_left < the_right->key;
+  }
+  /*
+   * recursively checks tree. if the tree is built properly it should only
+   * be a depth of 7 function calls for 100 entries in the tree.
+   */
+  static int VerifyTree( RBTree_Node *root )
+  {
+    RBTree_Node *ln;
+    RBTree_Node *rn;
+    TestNode    *tn;
+    TestNode    *ltn;
+    TestNode    *rtn;
+    int          lh;
+    int          rh;
+    if ( root == NULL ) {
+      return 1;
+    }
+    ln = _RBTree_Left( root );
+    rn = _RBTree_Right( root );
+    tn = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( root, TestNode, Node );
+    ltn = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( ln, TestNode, Node );
+    rtn = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( rn, TestNode, Node );
+    /* Consecutive red links */
+    if (
+      Color( root ) == RB_RED &&
+      ( ( ln != NULL && Color( ln ) == RB_RED ) ||
+        ( rn != NULL && Color( rn ) == RB_RED ) )
+    ) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    lh = VerifyTree ( ln );
+    rh = VerifyTree ( rn );
+    if ( lh == -1 || rh == -1 ) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    /* Black height mismatch */
+    if ( lh != rh ) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    /* Invalid binary search tree */
+    if (
+      ( ln != NULL && tn->key != ltn->key && !Less( &ltn->key, root ) ) ||
+      ( rn != NULL && tn->key != rtn->key && !Less( &tn->key, rn ) )
+    ) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    /* Only count black links */
+    return Color( root ) == RB_BLACK ? lh + 1 : lh;
+  }
+  #define TN( i ) &node_array[ i ].Node
+  typedef struct {
+    int                key;
+    const RBTree_Node *parent;
+    const RBTree_Node *left;
+    const RBTree_Node *right;
+    int                color;
+  } TestNodeDescription;
+  typedef struct {
+    int                        current;
+    int                        count;
+    const TestNodeDescription *tree;
+  } VisitorContext;
+  static bool VisitNodes(
+    const RBTree_Node *node,
+    void              *visitor_arg
+  )
+  {
+    VisitorContext            *ctx;
+    const TestNodeDescription *td;
+    const TestNode            *tn;
+    ctx = visitor_arg;
+    td = &ctx->tree[ ctx->current ];
+    tn = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( node, TestNode, Node );
+    T_lt_int( ctx->current, ctx->count );
+    T_eq_int( td->key, tn->key );
+    if ( td->parent == NULL ) {
+      T_true( _RBTree_Is_root( &tn->Node ) );
+    } else {
+      T_eq_ptr( td->parent, _RBTree_Parent( &tn->Node ) );
+    }
+    T_eq_ptr( td->left, _RBTree_Left( &tn->Node ) );
+    T_eq_ptr( td->right, _RBTree_Right( &tn->Node ) );
+    T_eq_int( td->color, Color( &tn->Node ) );
+    ++ctx->current;
+    return false;
+  }
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_1[] = {
+    { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_1[] = {
+    { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_2[] = {
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_2[] = {
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_3[] = {
+    { 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_3[] = {
+    { 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_4[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, NULL, TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_4[] = {
+    { 0, NULL, NULL, TN( 3 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_5[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, NULL, TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_5[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 0, NULL, TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_6[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, NULL, TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_6[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, NULL, TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_7[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, NULL, TN( 0 ), TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 2 ), TN( 4 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_7[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, NULL, TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 2 ), TN( 5 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_8[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, NULL, TN( 0 ), TN( 6 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 1 ), TN( 5 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_8[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 5 ), NULL, TN( 0 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, NULL, TN( 1 ), TN( 6 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_9[] = {
+    { 1, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 4 ), RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 2 ), NULL, TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 6 ), NULL, TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 7 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_9[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 6 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 4 ), RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 2 ), NULL, TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 6 ), NULL, TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 7 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_10[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 2 ), TN( 3 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_10[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 6 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 2 ), TN( 3 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_11[] = {
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 6 ), TN( 7 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_11[] = {
+    { 1, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 6 ), TN( 7 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_12[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 2 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 5 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 4 ), RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 3 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 5 ), NULL, TN( 11 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_12[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 5 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 3 ), RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 1 ), NULL, TN( 2 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, NULL, TN( 1 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 5 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 11 ), RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_13[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 8 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 5 ), RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 6 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 11 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 11 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 11, TN( 8 ), TN( 10 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_13[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), TN( 1 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 6 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 11 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 11 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 6 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 11 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_14[] = {
+    { 3, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 6 ), TN( 3 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 6 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 13 ), RB_RED },
+    { 13, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_14[] = {
+    { 1, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), TN( 3 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 13 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 13 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 6 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 12 ), RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 13 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_15[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 8 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 12 ), NULL, TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 12, TN( 8 ), TN( 9 ), TN( 13 ), RB_RED },
+    { 13, TN( 12 ), NULL, TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 13 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_15[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 9 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 9 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 12 ), RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 10 ), TN( 13 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_16[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 5 ), NULL, TN( 3 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 10 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_16[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 5 ), NULL, TN( 3 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 10 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_17[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 7 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 5 ), RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 7 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 16 ), RB_RED },
+    { 16, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_17[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), TN( 1 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 7 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 5 ), RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 4 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 7 ), TN( 9 ), TN( 16 ), RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_18[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 4 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 3 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, NULL, TN( 2 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 8 ), TN( 5 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 12 ), TN( 6 ), TN( 10 ), RB_RED },
+    { 9, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 10, TN( 8 ), TN( 9 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 4 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 17, TN( 12 ), TN( 14 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_18[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 4 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 2 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 8 ), TN( 5 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 12 ), TN( 6 ), TN( 10 ), RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 8 ), TN( 9 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 4 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 12 ), NULL, TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 14 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_19[] = {
+    { 1, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), TN( 1 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 11 ), TN( 2 ), TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 6 ), NULL, TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 11, NULL, TN( 6 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 14 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 11 ), TN( 12 ), TN( 16 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 16, TN( 14 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_19[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 6 ), TN( 1 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 11 ), TN( 2 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 6 ), NULL, TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, NULL, TN( 6 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 14 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 11 ), TN( 12 ), TN( 16 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 14 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_20[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 9 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 7 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 9 ), TN( 10 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 17, TN( 12 ), TN( 14 ), TN( 18 ), RB_RED },
+    { 18, TN( 17 ), NULL, TN( 19 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 19, TN( 18 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_20[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 9 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 7 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 14 ), NULL, TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 9 ), TN( 10 ), TN( 18 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 18 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 9, TN( 14 ), TN( 17 ), TN( 19 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 18 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_21[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 11 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 8 ), RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 15 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 13, TN( 15 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 15, TN( 11 ), TN( 13 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 16, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 17, TN( 15 ), TN( 16 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_21[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 8 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 13 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 13 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 8 ), TN( 11 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 13 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 16 ), RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_22[] = {
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 2 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 8 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 7 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 11 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 11, TN( 14 ), TN( 10 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 8 ), TN( 11 ), TN( 18 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 15, TN( 18 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 18, TN( 14 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 21 ), RB_RED },
+    { 21, TN( 18 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_22[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 8 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 4 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 3 ), TN( 2 ), TN( 7 ), RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 14 ), NULL, TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 11 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 8 ), TN( 11 ), TN( 18 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 18 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 14 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 21 ), RB_RED },
+    { 10, TN( 18 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_23[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 8 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 12 ), TN( 2 ), TN( 11 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, NULL, TN( 8 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 13, TN( 15 ), NULL, TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 13 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 15, TN( 17 ), TN( 13 ), TN( 16 ), RB_RED },
+    { 16, TN( 15 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 17, TN( 12 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 20 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 20, TN( 17 ), NULL, TN( 21 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 21, TN( 20 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_23[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 8 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 12 ), TN( 2 ), TN( 11 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, NULL, TN( 8 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 15 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 17 ), TN( 13 ), TN( 16 ), RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 15 ), TN( 14 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 12 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 20 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 17 ), NULL, TN( 21 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 20 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_24[] = {
+    { 4, TN( 6 ), NULL, TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 14 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 10, TN( 6 ), TN( 8 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, NULL, TN( 6 ), TN( 20 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 15, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 16, TN( 20 ), TN( 15 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 20, TN( 14 ), TN( 16 ), TN( 22 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 22, TN( 20 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_24[] = {
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), NULL, TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 14 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 10 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, TN( 6 ), TN( 8 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, NULL, TN( 6 ), TN( 20 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 20 ), TN( 15 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 14 ), TN( 16 ), TN( 22 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, TN( 20 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_25[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 13 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 5 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 6 ), RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 5 ), NULL, TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 13, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 19 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 15 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 15, TN( 16 ), TN( 14 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 16, TN( 19 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 17 ), RB_RED },
+    { 17, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 19, TN( 13 ), TN( 16 ), TN( 23 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 23, TN( 19 ), NULL, TN( 24 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 24, TN( 23 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_25[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 13 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 4 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 3 ), TN( 5 ), TN( 6 ), RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 4 ), NULL, TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 19 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 17 ), NULL, TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 15 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 19 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 16 ), RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 13 ), TN( 17 ), TN( 23 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, TN( 19 ), NULL, TN( 24 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 23 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_26[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 3 ), TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 11 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 9, TN( 3 ), TN( 6 ), TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 11, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 14 ), NULL, TN( 13 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 13, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 14, TN( 11 ), TN( 12 ), TN( 20 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 18, TN( 20 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 20, TN( 14 ), TN( 18 ), TN( 23 ), RB_RED },
+    { 21, TN( 23 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 23, TN( 20 ), TN( 21 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_26[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 0 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 1 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 9 ), TN( 1 ), TN( 6 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 3 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 12 ), NULL, TN( 10 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 11 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 14 ), TN( 11 ), TN( 13 ), RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 9 ), TN( 12 ), TN( 20 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 20 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 14 ), TN( 18 ), TN( 23 ), RB_RED },
+    { 10, TN( 23 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 11, TN( 20 ), TN( 21 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_27[] = {
+    { 3, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 19 ), TN( 3 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 17, TN( 8 ), TN( 12 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 19, NULL, TN( 8 ), TN( 24 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 20, TN( 21 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 21, TN( 24 ), TN( 20 ), TN( 23 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 23, TN( 21 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 24, TN( 19 ), TN( 21 ), TN( 25 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 25, TN( 24 ), NULL, TN( 26 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 26, TN( 25 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_27[] = {
+    { 1, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 19 ), TN( 3 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 8 ), TN( 12 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, NULL, TN( 8 ), TN( 25 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 21 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 10, TN( 25 ), TN( 20 ), TN( 23 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, TN( 21 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 12, TN( 19 ), TN( 21 ), TN( 24 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 25 ), NULL, TN( 26 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 13, TN( 24 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_28[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 13 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 13, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 15, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 17, TN( 13 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 26 ), RB_RED },
+    { 21, TN( 26 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 26, TN( 17 ), TN( 21 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_28[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 13 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 7 ), RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 5 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 13 ), TN( 15 ), TN( 26 ), RB_RED },
+    { 10, TN( 26 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 13, TN( 17 ), TN( 21 ), NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_29[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 1, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 12 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 6 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 8 ), RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 6 ), TN( 7 ), TN( 11 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, TN( 8 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 12, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 13, TN( 17 ), NULL, TN( 14 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 13 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 17, TN( 12 ), TN( 13 ), TN( 25 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 22, TN( 25 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 25, TN( 17 ), TN( 22 ), TN( 27 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 27, TN( 25 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_29[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 3 ), NULL, TN( 1 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 0, TN( 0 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 11 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 6 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 6 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 3 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 7 ), RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 6 ), NULL, TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 7 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 5, NULL, TN( 3 ), TN( 22 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 12 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 22 ), TN( 13 ), TN( 17 ), RB_RED },
+    { 7, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 12 ), TN( 14 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, TN( 11 ), TN( 12 ), TN( 25 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 22 ), NULL, TN( 27 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 13, TN( 25 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_30[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 6 ), TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 13 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 9 ), RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 9, TN( 6 ), TN( 8 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 12, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 13, NULL, TN( 6 ), TN( 18 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 16, TN( 18 ), TN( 14 ), TN( 17 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 17, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 18, TN( 13 ), TN( 16 ), TN( 27 ), RB_RED },
+    { 20, TN( 27 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 27, TN( 18 ), TN( 20 ), TN( 28 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 28, TN( 27 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_30[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 4 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 13 ), TN( 0 ), TN( 9 ), RB_RED },
+    { 3, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 4 ), TN( 6 ), TN( 8 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 4, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 6, TN( 14 ), TN( 4 ), TN( 12 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 6, TN( 13 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, NULL, TN( 13 ), TN( 18 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 18 ), NULL, TN( 16 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 8, TN( 17 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 9, TN( 14 ), TN( 17 ), TN( 27 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 10, TN( 27 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 13, TN( 18 ), TN( 20 ), TN( 28 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 27 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_unique_31[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 2, TN( 5 ), TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, TN( 11 ), TN( 2 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 9, TN( 5 ), TN( 7 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 11, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 21 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 14, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 16, TN( 21 ), TN( 14 ), TN( 18 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 18, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 21, TN( 11 ), TN( 16 ), TN( 30 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 30, TN( 21 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  static const TestNodeDescription random_ops_tree_multiple_31[] = {
+    { 0, TN( 2 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 1, TN( 5 ), TN( 0 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 2, TN( 11 ), TN( 2 ), TN( 9 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 3, TN( 9 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 4, TN( 5 ), TN( 7 ), NULL, RB_BLACK },
+    { 5, NULL, TN( 5 ), TN( 21 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 7, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 8, TN( 21 ), TN( 14 ), TN( 18 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 9, TN( 16 ), NULL, NULL, RB_RED },
+    { 10, TN( 11 ), TN( 16 ), TN( 30 ), RB_BLACK },
+    { 15, TN( 21 ), NULL, NULL, RB_BLACK }
+  };
+  #define RANDOM_OPS_TREE( i ) \
+    { &random_ops_tree_multiple_##i[ 0 ], &random_ops_tree_unique_##i[ 0 ] }
+  static const TestNodeDescription *const random_ops_trees[][2] = {
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 1 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 2 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 3 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 4 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 5 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 6 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 7 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 8 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 9 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 10 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 11 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 12 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 13 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 14 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 15 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 16 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 17 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 18 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 19 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 20 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 21 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 22 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 23 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 24 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 25 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 26 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 27 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 28 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 29 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 30 ),
+    RANDOM_OPS_TREE( 31 )
+  };
+  #define RANDOM_OPS_TREE_COUNT( i ) \
+    { \
+      RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( random_ops_tree_multiple_##i ), \
+      RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( random_ops_tree_unique_##i ) \
+    }
+  static const size_t random_ops_tree_counts[][2] = {
+  };
+  static uint32_t SimpleRandom( uint32_t v )
+  {
+    v *= 1664525;
+    v += 1013904223;
+    return v;
+  }
+  static void RandomOps( size_t n, bool unique )
+  {
+    VisitorContext ctx = {
+      .current = 0,
+      .count = random_ops_tree_counts[ n - 1 ][ unique ],
+      .tree = random_ops_trees[ n - 1 ][ unique ]
+    };
+    RBTree_Control tree;
+    TestNode      *nodes;
+    size_t         m;
+    size_t         s;
+    uint32_t       v;
+    size_t         i;
+    nodes = &node_array[ 0 ];
+    m = n * n * n;
+    s = unique ? 1 : 2;
+    v = 0xdeadbeef;
+    _RBTree_Initialize_empty( &tree );
+    memset( nodes, 0, n * sizeof( *nodes ) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
+      nodes[ i ].key = (int) ( i / s );
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < m; ++i ) {
+      size_t j = ( v >> 13 ) % n;
+      TestNode *tn = &nodes[ j ];
+      if ( tn->id == 0 ) {
+        tn->id = 1;
+        _RBTree_Initialize_node( &tn->Node );
+        _RBTree_Insert_inline( &tree, &tn->Node, &tn->key, Less );
+      } else {
+        tn->id = 0;
+        _RBTree_Extract( &tree, &tn->Node );
+      }
+      T_ne_int( VerifyTree( _RBTree_Root( &tree ) ), -1 );
+      v = SimpleRandom( v );
+    }
+    _RBTree_Iterate( &tree, VisitNodes, &ctx );
+    T_true( ctx.current == ctx.count );
+  }
+test-target: testsuites/unit/tc-score-rbtree.c
+test-teardown: null
+type: test-case

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