RTEMS Source Builder | GDB builds fail on MSYS2 for RTEMS 6 (#27)

Frank Kuehndel (@frank_k) gitlab at rtems.org
Fri Jul 26 11:03:00 UTC 2024

Frank Kuehndel commented: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/27#note_109948

Hi Xiaojun Zheng,

> when fixed this, there is another error.
> no usable python found at /usr/bin/python3

This is most likely a follow up error from the `awk` command failing or not working correctly. The lines where the `awk` command fails, look like the source builder tries to figure out which Python library to use. If the `awk` command does not understand the syntax, may be you do not use GNU `awk`. If not, it may be worth trying to install GNU `awk` and make sure its the one actually used by the source builder.

My recommendation would be to first follow the instructions in the *Quick Start* section strictly and if these work, change to your needs:


On my machine (OpenSUSE 15.5), git commit 892e966e4331f977cca8c83fc3bc22c8fa9d2754 builds without trouble:

    ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=/tmp/l-arm.txt --prefix=/tmp/build-sb/rtems/6 6/rtems-arm


View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/27#note_109948
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