RTEMS Source Builder | GDB builds fail on MSYS2 for RTEMS 6 (#27)

xiaojun zheng (@zhengxiaojun) gitlab at rtems.org
Mon Jul 29 00:49:45 UTC 2024

xiaojun zheng commented on a discussion: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/27#note_110144

Thanks, The awk is GNU awk
 ~$ awk -V
GNU Awk 5.3.0, API 4.0, PMA Avon 8-g1, (GNU MPFR 4.2.1, GNU MP 6.3.0)
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2023 Free Software Foundation.
Building in windows is not as easy as in Linux.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/27#note_110144
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