RTEMS | psxenosys calls lio_listio() even if it's implemented. (#5125)

Sebastian Huber (@sebhub) gitlab at rtems.org
Fri Sep 6 00:33:20 UTC 2024

Sebastian Huber commented on a discussion: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5125#note_111832

I had a brief look at the new code. It seems large parts of it don't depend on the signal support. The RTEMS_POSIX_API is actually an option to enable the POSIX signal support and the sporadic server. Everything else of the POSIX support is available by default. So, for example in rtems_aio_notify() you would only need to disable a small part of the function:
  switch ( sigp->sigev_notify ) {
    case SIGEV_SIGNAL:
      result = sigqueue(
      _Assert( result == 0 );

For the assert you can use `_Assert_Unused_variable_equals()` to simplify the code a bit.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5125#note_111832
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