coverage analysis failed

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Mon Aug 13 19:57:42 UTC 2012

On 08/13/2012 02:46 PM, Krzysztof Mięsowicz wrote:
> It seemed to start working, but despite it executed all tests and 
> created *.exe.cov files, covoar failed again. This time new problem 
> apeared. This time I invoked do_coverage scripts when i was in 
> rtems-4.11-work directory (top of rtems tree).
> rtems-testing/rtems-coverage/do_coverage -A -v -u -D -P -c -b -B pc386
> (I didn't want to update, build and configure rtems as I had done it 
> earlier. I also didn't want to analyze developmental profile)
> After executing all tests (118 minutes :D ) I got this output:
> Generating reports...
> Processing coverage for core source configuration ...
> Generating symbols from score/libscore.a
> Generating symbols from sapi/libsapi.a
> Generating symbols from rtems/librtems.a
> sh: dos2unix: command not found
> ERROR: DesiredSymbols::determineSourceLines - command 
> (i386-rtems4.11-addr2line -Ce base_sp.exe <ranges1.tmp | dos2unix 
> >ranges2.tmp) failed
> FAILED:  covoar failed
Do you have dos2unix installed?

If this is the cause, then it is probably worth adding code to the 
simulator shell
script to detect a missing dos2unix just like it detects qemu is missing.

Can you run the simple "pc386 -c hello.exe" and see what the output is?

Worst case, run "sh -x pc386 -c hello.exe" and watch precisely where it 
is going astray.

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research&   Development
joel.sherrill at        On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
     Support Available             (256) 722-9985

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